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Is this Matterport rumor true?!?!8937

Regina, Saskatchewan Canada
Queen_City_3D private msg quote post Address this user
I just read a post somewhere else that "starting this month, all large spaces will not be included in the free processing and will be charged the full $38 for Pro/Pro2 cameras.

This person was on a professional plan with 7 *free* processings/month and said: "Assuming I have 7 large spaces to process this month, I will have to pay $266 and the 7 unused free processing credits will be wasted."

I also saw someone else mention it in a different post separately.

Is this true?!?!

Apparently it was mentioned in a video that Matterport put out but I can't find the original source.

I'm on the Business Plan (11 *free* models processed) and will be incensed if I find out that my *free* credits are not applied if I have nothing but large models.

I hope this is fake news...

Can anyone confirm or deny?
Post 1 IP   flag post
Jamie private msg quote post Address this user
Yep it's true. But it may change when lots of people complain and drop their Google review again
Post 2 IP   flag post
Regina, Saskatchewan Canada
Queen_City_3D private msg quote post Address this user
How could they possibly change a billing policy without notification? That seems borderline criminal...
Post 3 IP   flag post
Jamie private msg quote post Address this user
I know. Dodgy behaviour is totally not what they do
Post 4 IP   flag post
Regina, Saskatchewan Canada
Queen_City_3D private msg quote post Address this user
Haha... yeah... right.

Do you have a link to a Matterport source mentioning this?
Post 5 IP   flag post
Jamie private msg quote post Address this user
It's in Dees video
Post 6 IP   flag post
Regina, Saskatchewan Canada
Queen_City_3D private msg quote post Address this user
UNREAL! Now I'm going to go to bed pissed off at Matterport.

I hardly ever pay attention to the number of scans. My thought is do a complete job regardless of how many scans it takes.

We all need to email to tell them this is bull$#*!
Post 7 IP   flag post
jellofan private msg quote post Address this user
On behalf of Dee @ Matterport:

Please don't worry. Matterport has heard you and we are working on a better solution.
Post 8 IP   flag post
izoneguy private msg quote post Address this user
There has to be some business reason behind the madness. Matterportā€™s behavior portends something dramatic going on behind the scenes. I am sure that last round of funding for $43 million came with lots of advice.
Post 9 IP   flag post
Jamie private msg quote post Address this user
Mp for sale!
Post 10 IP   flag post
Regina, Saskatchewan Canada
Queen_City_3D private msg quote post Address this user
@jellofan I hope that's true.

I was thinking I should ask my lawyer friends about the legality of changing billing practices without notice to the consumer...
Post 11 IP   flag post
MeshImages private msg quote post Address this user
Yes, its true. Matterport charged extra for february large scans on my latest invoice from 1st of March.

Actually this invoice was completely confusing.

- Matterport started to charge taxes now (used to be net values for the last 3 years).

- But not US taxes, Matterport charged dutch taxes (21 percent) for my German account. But there was no hint on the dutch Matterport company on this bill. In consequence the US company in beautiful California charged dutch taxes for a German account šŸ¤Ø this bill will not be accepted by our tax authorities.

- and large spaces were extra. The subscription credits from hosting were not used. I am doing mostly large spaces.

This is very unprofessional behaviour. Especially the fact, that there is no communication from Matterport. The only reference I have is minute something on a Facebook Video.
Post 12 IP   flag post
Jamie private msg quote post Address this user
Split the large scan into 2 smaller and get Dee to stitch it
Post 13 IP   flag post
MeshImages private msg quote post Address this user
I am seriously worried, because I have the impression, that the latest "billing accident" is just the top of the iceberg.

There seems to be much confusion behind the scenes at Matterport: 1) Billing is not working. 2) Communication is not working 3) Workshop is in beta for more than one year now. 4) Beta Workshop is still not working properly. 5) Strange cookies in all MP spaces, which violate EU GDPR 6) The Theta capture, which is not working properly either, but which shall make all Matterport spaces cheap 7) and now the large spaces change.

This confusion makes business difficult. What is going on at Matterport? Is there something big coming (what I am hoping for) or is the company crashing? How can you behave like this?
Post 14 IP   flag post
Club Member
Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
Look I have told you that when there is somebody new coming on board from previous eBay background they start ruining other businesses.

I still hope it is not true in case of Matterport but eBay has gone far and beyond ruining a lot of small businesses on eBay for the last four years. At least that's what happened with mine(not related to Matterport) when I went from $3000-4000 a month on ebay just 4 years ago to less than $1000 and their fees increased at the same time. A lot of sellers started leaving but I hoped it would recover. However it kept dropping further. When I closed my eBay shop there a few months ago I was barely getting $800 and that without their fees which cut it even more leaving me $650 only.
Post 15 IP   flag post
Club Member
Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Jamie
It's in Dees video

Can you please provide a link to that video as I cannot see it on the Group facebook page.
Post 16 IP   flag post
Belfast, United Kingdom
3dshowcaseuk private msg quote post Address this user
This is just becoming ridiculous.

I am seriously considering GeoCv.

Just this week there is the issue with MAtterport allegedly and illegally using cookies in Europe and now this.

If they even took 2 of our monthly credits for a large scan it would be acceptable but not this.
Post 17 IP   flag post
jfantin private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Wingman
Look I have told you that when there is somebody new coming on board from previous eBay background they start ruining other businesses.

You change a CEO when you need a new strategy. And you need a new strategy when the last one didnĀ“t work. Of course, changing strategies does not mean that the new one will be the right one.

In my view, this company has been burning OPM (other people's money)for a long time, and the last round of funding was, perhaps, the last one under the condition that someone shows something really good to the shareholders. This is why a new CEO was appointed and perhaps why a new billing policy has been implemented.

Time will tell...
Post 18 IP   flag post
Cincinnati, OH
leonherbert private msg quote post Address this user
Oh come on guys, don't you check the price page every day. I have it bookmarked so I can check to see what I am going to charge my client that day
Post 19 IP   flag post
Regina, Saskatchewan Canada
Queen_City_3D private msg quote post Address this user
Here's the response I got from Matterport Support questioning this decision:

"Thanks for contacting Matterport Support.

Currently, we are waiting for the higher management to clarify this.

As soon as we have more information, I will get back to you.

Thank you for your patience and understanding."

Please make your voice heard by also sending them a message at !
Post 20 IP   flag post
Regina, Saskatchewan Canada
Queen_City_3D private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Wingman
Originally Posted by Jamie
It's in Dees video

Can you please provide a link to that video as I cannot see it on the Group facebook page.

I believe that's the only place the video resides right now. If you request to join that page you should be able to view it once moderators grant you access.
Post 21 IP   flag post
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Thanks for reaching out to Matterport Support. Please do share the reply, once they reply again.


Post 22 IP   flag post
izoneguy private msg quote post Address this user
What pricing model do you think Matterport should go to?

I think it is ridiculous to charge you double if you go from 100 scans to 101 scans...
Really I would like to see Matterport go to a per scan fee.
Like .20 cents per scan with a $15 minimum. So that would be like 75 scans or under would be $15
100 scans would be $20 - 101 scans would be $20.20
500 scans would be $100 - this only makes sense because the more sq. footage you are shooting the higher the scan rate will be and the higher your bill will be to your clients.

So now it's $19 for under a 100 and $38 for 100-1000???

And yes the new billing....why is Matterport charging us tax? Most of us are service providers and the content that Matterport is charging us for is usually not the finished product.
Post 23 IP   flag post
RichardStanton private msg quote post Address this user
You know it's ironic, because I was going to make a suggestion that, given their change in direction re: platform, to be more inclusive rather than exclusive on partner pricing. By my reasoning if they are going for a platform play now, it only seems logical to me that they could include the partners in that play in a positive way. If the future, say, is Cortex, for voluminous low quality scans, but at a low barrier to entry, the significant CPU time required to handle the final product calculations are heavily leaning on their platform's ability and learned history. A 360 picture can not, and will not ever, be able to provide as much telemetry about a space as a device like the Pro II can with IR or any other laser technology. Because on this, partners out there scanning with Pro II devices are contributing far more data to the system, and thus increasing their capacity and capability to handle the limitless scenarios that exist out there. In my mind it sounded like a reasonable idea to USE the partners (whom have invested in, and are capable of using, the IR cameras), to scan more prolifically. Working with the partners in this way would push their learning to the limit and help them build a more intelligent platform based on quality data, thus increasing their ability to support the unwashed masses who may choose to use pocket sized 3d cameras to do their scanning. In my, seemingly fantasy world that model down the road could even turn into a credit program for partners whom scan *quality* data for the system... incensing partners to scan often and scan well as the people with the higher quality, bulkier devices that a layman could not and would not employ to do their scans. (a scan quality algorithm would have to be worked out to form a learning quotient, based on uniqueness but I do not believe that would be as difficult as it seems) Google understands this, they understand the value of quality 3d data, which is why they behave the way that they do for ingesting it. This, of course, would be a long term play, and as others have suggested they may not be able to sustain that kind of forward thinking and be forced to squeeze the proverbial rock today to survive. I still fundamentally believe that TRULY embracing the partner program and leveraging the vast experience out there is a winning combination for everyone, so I will hold on to my fantasy world a while longer and hope.
Post 24 IP   flag post
Club Member
Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Queen_City_3D

I believe that's the only place the video resides right now. If you request to join that page you should be able to view it once moderators grant you access.

You were right, only members of that group can seen it. I joined and watched it.

At first and coming to this video with some impressions from this thread I thought what the heck, how they can charge that much per a space and why so there is so little amount of free spaces included in their new plans.
However it was my memory that somehow made me thinking there was much more free spaces included into their old plans. When I started digging and found some screenshot of their old plans I can see now that this part has not been changed. So the only changes we are discussing here is a large space with over 100 scans and taxes.

I agree it is strange that they want to double charge us and not including big spaces into free spaces limit under plan subscription. And they have not even let MSPs know about it. However I can still see a value in their plans as a space with 100 or more scans will be quite a big space that MSP would probably charge a lot to worry about extra $38. It is still an extra and an unexpected charge but it is not like it would make me to want to leave.

As for Taxes, I do not know about tax structure & laws in USA but in Australia the government recently made a new law that even digital goods and services coming from overseas must attract GST. Also they removed $1000 threshold when it was applied before. So we are paying it now even on $1 product/service coming from overseas.

I am already paying GST on accounting cloud software coming from UK(we did not pay any before the law started) and I am paying GST to eBay as Import Charges if I buy something from overseas buyers. Also a lot of sellers have to pay GST on ebay fees. So I am kind of expecting Matterport doing the same, however they have never charged me any tax at all.
Post 25 IP   flag post
WGAN Standard
Las Vegas
VTLV private msg quote post Address this user
Using the term "Free" in place of credits we pay for is making my temples bleed with itchiness.

The language in all this needs to be cleaned up

Perhaps they can start out with...
"Our new billing platform didn't transition well, please be patient."


We didn't bitch at you when you learned how to upload 99 scans and then re-upload another 20 scans to only get billed one credit."

Does someone have a link or have the math on hand to breakdown the difference of having the $499 annual 100 credit plan vs the 200 credit and 300 credit? I don't see a reason to pay $38 for a project out of my pocket while having 2 credits sitting in my Matterport account I cannot use.

My brain is too fried shooting Zillow 3D and photos more than Matterport these days to figure it out. Perhaps a bunch of us requesting to downsize our plans to multiple small plans may scare the bejeebers out of their already messed up billing department.
Post 26 IP   flag post
MeshImages private msg quote post Address this user
Good news!

Matterport refunds the extra 38 USD large scans.

Post 27 IP   flag post
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