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Sensor Error - scan unable to complete due to sensor error.8253

Jerry_D private msg quote post Address this user
I am having issues with the sensor error again (see attached). I experienced this issue back in July. I did all the suggested ideas that tech support recommended and it seemed to correct the issues until the last couple of days. I did a scan yesterday and received a couple of the sensor errors but was able to get thru the scan. Today I did a scan and received multiple sensor errors and multiple Camera warming up errors (Unable to complete capture - an unexpected error occurred (502) then the camera and iPad would start refreshing. Tech support is saying since we're out of warranty, I need to send in for repair ($400). Has anyone experienced this??? Thanks.

Post 1 IP   flag post
Bon Secour, Alabama
Chemistrydoc private msg quote post Address this user
Yes, repeatedly. It seems to come and go. To this point, it's been inconvenient. It hasn't gotten so serious that it shuts me down. It's not fun, but on the list of things that I deal with daily, it doesn't rise high enough for me to deal with it.

Best Luck with It!

Post 2 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Anything here helpful on this Emergency check list for Matterport Service Providers?

Good luck!

Post 3 IP   flag post
Jerry_D private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Chemistrydoc
Yes, repeatedly. It seems to come and go. To this point, it's been inconvenient. It hasn't gotten so serious that it shuts me down. It's not fun, but on the list of things that I deal with daily, it doesn't rise high enough for me to deal with it.

Best Luck with It!


Thanks Keith. Same here, however, seems like it's occurring more recently.
Post 4 IP   flag post
Gerhard private msg quote post Address this user
Its been happening since the last 4 updates. WHY??? This is getting very annoying now. Jobs that must take one hour turns into three. Misaligned scans , models that does not want to upload , models where floor plan is broken up. It carries on and on. No not an ipad issue. Matterport issue.

It feels like they are forcing us with the software to buy the new camera, it is not a fact just a theory so dont get all excited now.

I have large jobs in Asia that I have to go and do, and cannot afford one day of this camera doing all these crazy Bs@#$t. Will just send all the travel bills to Matterport if this is going to happen again and also an invoice for loss of income. And will make sure the snowflakes on the MOUG forum knows about this. And have to start giving them one star reviews on Facebook again, but they will just remove it as they like to play Animal Farm.

But soon this all will be over ..... stay tuned folks...
Post 5 IP   flag post
Gerhard private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Jerry_D
I am having issues with the sensor error again (see attached). I experienced this issue back in July. I did all the suggested ideas that tech support recommended and it seemed to correct the issues until the last couple of days. I did a scan yesterday and received a couple of the sensor errors but was able to get thru the scan. Today I did a scan and received multiple sensor errors and multiple Camera warming up errors (Unable to complete capture - an unexpected error occurred (502) then the camera and iPad would start refreshing. Tech support is saying since we're out of warranty, I need to send in for repair ($400). Has anyone experienced this??? Thanks.

This is not accepatable at all.
Post 6 IP   flag post
Jerry_D private msg quote post Address this user
Only response I'm getting back from support is to send camera to them, Matterport charges a minimum amount of $400 to diagnose and estimate the full repair costs. The $400 is charged regardless of whether you decide to repair the camera or not. If you decide to proceed with the camera repair, the $400 amount will be applied to the repair.

Has anyone sent their camera to Matterport for repair??
Post 7 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Are any of these WGAN Forum discussions helpful that are tagged: Urgent | Bug

Originally Posted by @Jerry_D
Only response I'm getting back from support is to send camera to them, Matterport charges a minimum amount of $400 to diagnose and estimate the full repair costs. The $400 is charged regardless of whether you decide to repair the camera or not. If you decide to proceed with the camera repair, the $400 amount will be applied to the repair.

Has anyone sent their camera to Matterport for repair??

I could imagine that potential Matterport Camera buyers will think twice when they see this. Seems like $99 might be a reasonable offer to check out a failed Matterport Camera.

Seems like Matterport would want to know what's failing.

Happy Holidays,

Post 8 IP   flag post
Gerhard private msg quote post Address this user
@Jerry_D I have the same problem. And this happened with the last 4 updates. I have a lot of scanning work for next month travelling to Asia and Saudi Arabia. So what does one do now ? And I have a job tomorrow for a very big client that owns 50+ hotels. So what to do. If only there was a better solution than Matterport or a competitor in the market because the way things are going, I will give anything a go right now. My clients don't care about Matterport they just want the best products and services.

1. Order the new camera Pro 2 (Already mailed their UK supplier and they are useless, cant even send you a quote, and I can have the camera picked up on Thursday and flown to me, but guess they are so busy selling cameras to realtors that they don't care)

2. Wait 2 months to send and receive your camera back and pay $400 + international shipping to send a doorstop halfway around the world. Just to hear sorry have to buy a new one because the flux capacitor is not working anymore and we need to make money for our shareholders.

3. Or see how Matterport is going to look after the people that has built up their business to where it is today. Because I promise you if you have to do a brand loyalty survey, they will see they don't have the same brand loyalty or customer retention as Apple or Mercedes Benz. And that 99% of MSP will jump ship when something better comes along.


Sensor Errors
Scans jumping all over the model
Image quality
Lighting quality
Edit Camera out of Mirrors ( proof of concept has been done @Chriss )
Privacy Settings
White Labelling
Upgrade UX and look of player very outdated
Get service centres in the countries you sell too
Improve Annotations
Market Matterport to the Viewers and not the wrong way round - Business 101

I know there is a lot more that can be added to this list

- Feel free seeing it is Christmas and Santa Clause is not real, but hey making a wishlist is as usefull as making new years resolutions on here. Never happens.

Bottom line - FIX the problem please. Ask for MSP input. We are here to help if you want to listen.
Post 9 IP   flag post
walk360 private msg quote post Address this user
I'm having the same issues.... it takes double the time to finish 1 job...
the camera keeps "warming up" and the scan error message keeps showing every 10-15 scans ;(

I was hoping I was going to find a solution here.... but It seems this is a very common problem. what a shame
Post 10 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Please let us know what Matterport Support says.


Post 11 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
I have seen all sorts of things and have owned many different Matterport Cameras.

Support will often send you another camera to use before you send yours in. They are quite gracious if you are within your warranty, or the failure is on their part.

I've sent in cameras that have started to not align well and outright fail. I've sent in a camera that worked beautifully looked like I threw it down a flight of stairs (because I threw it after thinking it was on fire -- it wasn't, but my leg was). I have had the rotator motor start making horrible sounds. Camera was working fine despite this, but it was sent back.

If you have a ridiculously important job that pays well, I would suggest insuring yourself from disaster by owning TWO cameras. I own three so that two can always be running and we have the capacity to have 3 running at once if needed, but always have a backup if one fails. Can't afford it? Maybe you can make a pact with another local MSP (get it signed) - that if one of your cameras die, you will do all that you can to help the other out in a pinch.

Stuff breaks. My Honda Pilot's transmission died at under 200k miles. My Prius had a tiny rock crack the windshield recently. I have worn out about 6 Manfrotto Tripods. My Google Nexus overheated and stopped booting -- my replacement melted in the car and I had a headache for weeks. iPhones have bent, signal has crapped out when held ...

Stuff isn't perfect.

Your Matterport Camera is the result of multiple parts coming from multiple manufacturers coming together and being assembled in Sunnyvale by an expert team of technicians. Each unit undergoes a rather amazing calibration and testing process before it is shipped to you. I've had the rare pleasure of seeing the facility. They do so much more to ensure quality than I ever imagined.

There are times when Matterport's suppliers may not ship them perfect equipment. The equipment passes inspection and it looks identical to everything else. The camera was assembled perfectly, but after 3 months, guess what? It will die. Why? Because inconsistency is everywhere. That's why there is a warranty.

I completely understand that the idea of our equipment crapping out on us is frightening. Our DSLR cameras seem to be rather reliable compared to most things we have in life.


Contact Matterport Support. Give them the error code. See what they say.

I have heard nothing but excellent stories of Matterport taking care of things.
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