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'Warranty' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Matterport Pro3 - Refurbished/Replacement Units MatterFix 9 3 monthsron0987 (3499): @ScanYourSpace ya my commercial work had stopped and not enough Real Estate to keep a Pro3 plan up and running and so those were some of the reasons and after Mike was assessing my camera for purchase and said the drive was going out all for the better. I will pull the Pro2 out if needed or I am introducing Realsee to agents.
Drop and Spill Warranty Coverage for Matterport Pro2 3D Camera via Adorama DanSmigrod 5 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): eBlast received Tuesday, 21 December 2021 Matterport Kit on Adorama: $2,195 (Pro2/Case/Tripod)
It seems not all Pro2s are the same?! Wingman 20 3 yearsWingman (4435): I have tested my new camera on a job and I can confirm transfer speed is fast as long as you come close to a camera. It is not affected by any reasonable distance created during scanning. Matterport have replied they will let me know what is wrong with my previous camera.
Matterport Cameras, warranties etc.? Shawn_P 3 4 yearsShawn_P (310): Yes. Thank you
Transcript: WGAN-TV Top 10 Matterport Pro1, Pro2 & Pro2 Lite Camera Repairs DanSmigrod 3 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): @MatterFix Founder Mike Vorce A viewer writes: Very Informative. I just bought a used Pro 1 and I've tested it and it works fine. When i charge it it gives me the double blinking light but it only shows 5 1/2 hours of charge and 1/2 full on the charge bar. Should I be concerned? @MatterFix, should she be concerned? Dan
Matterport Pro 2 Camera not connecting to iPad App Ghagendorf 3 5 yearsleonherbert (903): @Ghagendorf This is absolutely got to do with the firmware, I had the same problem a few weeks back, and a few others have as well. Matterport sent me a new camera as well. Matterport should have done something aggressive to make users aware of this, but they did not. I did get an email telling me to update the firmware, but that was only after I had sent the camera in already. It is not in Matterports interest to fess up and say that this was...
Battery Not Charging CharlieB 3 6 yearsWingman (4435): Since it is just a charging problem I would try to check a power supply with a multi meter first. If it is supplying a specified on it DC power then it can be a battery itself. If the camera is not under warranty you can open it, read from a battery pack what it is and buy the same from internet. There is no way it can cost $400 to try. Technically a skilled repairer for electronics can find a fault with charging and fix it. I have a friend...
What's in your case. leonherbert 3 6 yearsleonherbert (903): @DanSmigrod I have a theta V but I also have a backup Matterport from the company I am sub contracting too. It really sucks to see something you baby around crash to the ground. If anyone has wondered how the repair options work with Matterport here is a basic breakdown. Matterport charges a minimum amount of USD$400 to diagnose and estimate the full repair costs. The USD$400 is charged regardless of whether you decide to repair the camera or...
Sensor Error - scan unable to complete due to sensor error. Jerry_D 12 6 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): I have seen all sorts of things and have owned many different Matterport Cameras. Support will often send you another camera to use before you send yours in. They are quite gracious if you are within your warranty, or the failure is on their part. I've sent in cameras that have started to not align well and outright fail. I've sent in a camera that worked beautifully looked like I threw it down a flight of stairs (because I threw it...
Matterport out-of-warranty repair costs? DanSmigrod 3 8 yearsViewtech3D (16): I had a motor error come up this week, contact matterport. Luckily i turned off and on and all good. Hopefully not the start of something looming up. Im sure repair cost and transit to OZ would be expensive