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AdviceLightingNon Profit

Museum Scan: lighting,reflections and... - Feedback please and thank you :)7780

Sarasota, Florida
BlueImmersiveMedia private msg quote post Address this user
I volunteered to scan my local nonprofit museum. Old house with uneven floors, old lighting and reflections everywhere. Low ceilings, and high statues. I knew I would have a challenge. And... well, I like that. No better why to learn.

I would love some feedback. Tripod height choice was a gamble, how did I do? Im struggling with the lighting. Thoughts? I moved the lights by turning them, then they would create huge light spots on the wall. I would move them again, and they would point into the camera or create shadows. I tried to turn them off, too dark. The glass had refections, etc. You will see some places where I scanned twice. Once before and after moving the lights around.

Do I have to be okay with some of these things being "the environment"? Are they acceptable in industry practice? Im not satisfied with the final product, even though the Museum will most likely be excited.

What else? Thanks in advance for the shared insights.

This is a raw scan. No workshop work yet.

Post 1 IP   flag post
Regina, Saskatchewan Canada
Queen_City_3D private msg quote post Address this user
Nice space, and certainly one where you can have a lot of fun with mattertags!

I think the height is good.

My suggestions... re-trim and re-upload to get rid of that "spray" in the dollhouse view outside front door.

Personally, I'd delete that outside scan entirely and then re-upload. There's an awkward transition when you try to move through the doorway. I'd suggest using an exterior 360 scan and then placing it there with the showcase beta.

That's really my only critique.

Hope that helps!
Post 2 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

That's kind of you to volunteer to scan a local non-profit museum. In addition to gaining scanning experience, it can be a great way to develop business if you are strategic:

✓ board of directors that include people that you want to do commercial scans
✓ web traffic to the non-profit that features your 3D Tour
✓ use WP3D Models to provide the Client links: get the SEO for your sight and add your presented by logo

Here are my scanning comments:

1. Well said: Quote:
Originally Posted by @Queen_City_3D
My suggestions... re-trim and re-upload to get rid of that "spray" in the dollhouse view outside front door.

Personally, I'd delete that outside scan entirely and then re-upload. There's an awkward transition when you try to move through the doorway. I'd suggest using an exterior 360 scan and then placing it there with the showcase beta.

2. When you open and close doors, you can create challenges such as, in your model, you can walk outside, but it is hard to walk back inside. As @Queen_City_3D says, there's no value in that outdoor scan. It only creates challenges. If you can go back to do an outside 360 View, that's great. Otherwise forget the outside. Make your dollhouse look sharp.

3. Black holes on walls or floor - in dollhouse view - are caused by sunlight. The camera can not see these spots. Tip: Either use a compare at the beginning of scanning to know where the sun will be (scan on the opposite side first), or, come back and do a "fill in" scan to capture the missing data (fill the black hole) and then hide that scan in Matterport Workshop.

4. One of your windows either is not trimmed with a window trim tool - or - the window trim marker needs to be move a bit inside.

Once you start doing MatterTags, SnapShots and Highlights reel, you never want to reprocess the model (because you will have to do MatterTags, SnapShots and Highlights reel over again. You'll do that once and never again.

Please do share the final model with us after you have done the MatterTags and Highlights Reel.

Yes. Your pro bono client will it!


Post 3 IP   flag post
Sarasota, Florida
BlueImmersiveMedia private msg quote post Address this user
@Queen_City_3D and @DanSmigrod- thanks so much for giving your time to reply. I appreciate the feedback. All great!!
Post 4 IP   flag post
rzphotoman private msg quote post Address this user
@BlueImmersiveMedia Looks good to me. I wouldn't worry about the lighting in this model. It's a museum and to me they mostly just add effect. I did a scan of the local historical society/museum of my local town. And Dan is right, doing pro bono work for a community can reap big rewards.

I also scanned their VillageHall, Fire Station, Library, Senior Center, Youth Center and more. I am their new marketing guy.

Post 5 IP   flag post
Sarasota, Florida
BlueImmersiveMedia private msg quote post Address this user
@rzphotoman Very cool. Nice project. Thanks for sharing and the feedback!

Agreed, Nonprofits have been a big part of my life as well. Over the decades there has been a ton of warm hearts, supported kids and win-wins. Im always grateful to have to the opportunity.

Please continue to share. Thanks again!
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