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Non Profitx

'Non Profit' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Matterport Donates Pro2 Cameras to Support School Safety and Tech Education DanSmigrod 1 1 yearDanSmigrod (31665): Matterport Media Release --- DTI 3D Mapping Brief | Video courtesy of Digital Twin Imaging | 28 February 2023 Matterport Donates Pro2 Cameras to Support School Safety and Tech Education | Video courtesy of WGAN-TV YouTube Channel | 1 November 2023 [podbean][/podbean] W GAN Forum Podcast | Episode 237 ...
WGAN-TV Podcast | How Photographers can Help Ukraine DanSmigrod 2 3 yearsExpertise (1192): Yes, absolutely. Our lead editor lives in Kyiv, he has been with us for 4-5 years now. Yesterday was his birthday, which I believe was a very happy one due to the good news coming from Kharkiv. Happy Birthday, Misha.
Matterport to Disaster-Affected Communities Accelerate FEMA Appeals Process DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): Matterport Media Release --- Matterport Donates Digital Twin Technology to SBP to Help Disaster-Affected Communities Accelerate FEMA Appeals Process | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel | 7 June 2022 [podbean][/podbean] WGAN Forum Podcast #106 Matterport Donates Digital Twin Technology to SBP to Help Disaster-Affected Communities Accelerate FEMA...
360 Virtual Tour | Everything will be Ukraine! (a fundraiser concert) DanSmigrod 6 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): @Laserpro3532 Laboano Pilot One EE for 360s. iphone Pro 13 for photos and videos
Question of the Day: No Charge Matterport for Non-Profits for the Holidays? DanSmigrod 4 4 yearsIntegratedman (629): Certainly Dan this is The Basilica Church of our Lady in Guelph Ont Canada, located approx 1 hr west of Toronto Ont Kindest Regards we did this a few years back and i just looked at numbers the tour has had over 10,500 views and is located as well on the Church's website
Pay-Per-View service over Matterport 3D Virtual Tours now available! HomePlanNZ 13 5 yearsHomePlanNZ (251): Great news - we're now in our final stage of testing for version 2 of our Matterport Pay-Per-View (PPV) service. This version supports multiple currencies (any), the purchase of multiple e-tickets in one transaction, and a 'free demo' setup option that 3D Technicians can use to demonstrate the possibilities to venue hosts. Coming really, really soon!
WGAN-TV: HomePlan Pay Per View Service for Matterport 3D Virtual Tours DanSmigrod 8 5 yearsHomePlanNZ (251): Thanks Dan for having me on the show!
Are Pay-Per-View 3D Virtual Tours a thing? HomePlanNZ 7 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): WGAN-TV HomePlan NZ Platform for Pay Per View (PPV) Service for Matterport 3D Tours with HomePlan NZ Director Scott MacKenzie (@HomePlanNZ) | Thursday, 14 May 2020
Question of the Day: Have you done a Matterport tour for a non-profit? DanSmigrod 5 5 yearsGladsmuir (664): For many years I've supported our local Heritage Centre Museum with still photographs and Google Street View Tours. More recently we shot a Matterport tour which features on the home page of their website here: clickable text The library that occupied the upper floor of this historic building has moved elsewhere and the additional space is gradually being taken over by the museum . A large part of the expanded Museum will be dedicated to Ernest...
Book a tour through June 15th & we will donate $50 [your charity of choice] DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): Grab: San Diego-based Tour it Now Newsletter article Hi All, I saw this promotion in the San Diego-based MSP Tour it Now Newsletter. "May is the month we are offering a charitable donation to your favorite non-profit. Book a tour through June 15th and we will donate $50. We extended the offer especially for...
Museum Scan: lighting,reflections and... - Feedback please and thank you :) BlueImmersiveMedia 6 7 yearsBlueImmersiveMedia (303): @rzphotoman Very cool. Nice project. Thanks for sharing and the feedback! Agreed, Nonprofits have been a big part of my life as well. Over the decades there has been a ton of warm hearts, supported kids and win-wins. Im always grateful to have to the opportunity. Please continue to share. Thanks again!
WGAN-TV: Pricing Strategies for TV/Newspaper DanSmigrod 2 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): WGAN-TV Live at 5: Pricing Strategies for TV Stations, Newspapers and Non-Profits for Matterport Service Providers Hi All, Here is the recording of today's (Monday, 23 October 2017) WGAN-TV Live at 5 program about Pricing Strategies for TV Stations, Newspapers and Non-Profits for Matterport Service Providers. WGAN Basic, Standard and Premium Members receive an All Access Pass to the We Get Around Matterport Training Academy Videos,...