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Marketing or Advertising727

childert private msg quote post Address this user
I am hoping some of you have some insight into the best ways to market/advertise your services.

I have tried word of mouth campaigns and visited several area real estate offices with some success. About 50% are interested.

I have looked into the local real estate homes magazines and am considering an add in there as well as local real estate sections of newspapers.

I was also considering attending any home shows and real estate conferences and setting up a booth.

I even considered a local TV commercial.

I would love feedback on these as well as other ideas if anyone has done something similar and can share results that would be great. Also have you had more success targeting sellers or agents?
Post 1 IP   flag post
immersiveprop private msg quote post Address this user
I am interested in success stories as well. I have reached out to real estate agents and offices as well with little success. Do facebook campaigns, SEO, live demos work?

The tours sell themselves once folks see it. Just have to get in front of them.
Post 2 IP   flag post
Hilton Head Island, SC
CathieRasch private msg quote post Address this user
I'm a real estate agent in a resort market on Hilton Head Island in SC. I say that to give you some perspective on the market that I work in now, I was previously an agent in Richmond, VA which was a more conventional market.
I purchased a Matterport 3D camera because I think that it will help to differentiate my services in my market. My husband is operating it for me and we are going to offer it to other agents in my market.
All that said, my advice to you is to find the top agents in your market, the agents that are most likely to be early adopters of new technology and those that are working hard to differentiate their services and focus on how you can help them to do that.
Offer a unique service and charge accordingly.

We would be happy to provide info as we move through our Matterport journey but I expect the opportunities to be hugh!

Post 3 IP   flag post
Regina, Saskatchewan Canada
Queen_City_3D private msg quote post Address this user
Utilize as much free publicity as you can get.

New Tech is a media pleaser so try to get on your local news for a demonstration.

Create a press release for a newspaper. Let them know how many feel that this is the future of real estate, at least in terms of scouting for properties. According to the 2014 National Association of Realtors Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers, "For 43 percent of home buyers, the first step in the home-buying process was looking online for properties and 12 percent of home buyers first looked online for information about the home buying process.

Ninety-two percent of buyers use the internet in some way in their home search process and 50 percent of buyers use a mobile website or application in their home search." (http://www.realtor.org/reports/highlights-from-the-2014-profile-of-home-buyers-and-sellers)

Explain how 3D Showcases are the best way to understand a layout of a property without physically being present.

If the media does a human interest story on your company that's free and more powerful advertising than paying for an ad.
Post 4 IP   flag post
DoyleRealtor private msg quote post Address this user
See this post:
Post 5 IP   flag post
DigitalImageries private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by CathieRasch
I'm a real estate agent in a resort market on Hilton Head Island in SC. I say that to give you some perspective on the market that I work in now, I was previously an agent in Richmond, VA which was a more conventional market.
I purchased a Matterport 3D camera because I think that it will help to differentiate my services in my market. My husband is operating it for me and we are going to offer it to other agents in my market.
All that said, my advice to you is to find the top agents in your market, the agents that are most likely to be early adopters of new technology and those that are working hard to differentiate their services and focus on how you can help them to do that.
Offer a unique service and charge accordingly.

We would be happy to provide info as we move through our Matterport journey but I expect the opportunities to be hugh!

Post 6 IP   flag post
DigitalImageries private msg quote post Address this user
have you posted on this site any of the ideas concerning marketing to retirement communities? I am preparing to do a presentation next June for eRetirement community folks and am looking for good marketing stratagies.
Post 7 IP   flag post
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