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GearTroubleVirtual Reality

Chromecast+VR2+S6: frozen pricture on TV689

Andrew private msg quote post Address this user
Hi all!

Maybe somebody faced with such problem...
When I try to broadcast the screen via Chromecast (VR2+Galaxy S6) - I have "frozen" picture of first scene on the TV. In Gear VR2 - I can see everything perfectly. If to broadcast the screen just with the Galaxy S6 - OK.

WiFi - Up/Dn - 30 mbps

Post 1 IP   flag post
franmts private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Andrew,

While Gear for Note4 is is enabled by Samsung for use with chromecast, GearVR for S6 is not at this time.

I discuss this issue and propose alternative solutions without chromecast here at the Oculus forum:

Let us know how it went through for you!

Post 2 IP   flag post
Andrew private msg quote post Address this user
Francisco, many thanks and !
Your solution without Сromecast works well. Actually you saved my presentation.

Ok, for all, alternative solution from Francisco:

I've just tried it here on GearVR-S6-Win8 (one notebook on the network) and the best setup considering latency and visual quality for me was:

- JPEG codec (it's truly necessary or just crashes)
- Quality Low
- Max Resolution Very High
- Remote control disabled
- Audio disabled

Setting up Max Resolution from High to Very High reduced a little the FPS but it pays off for the experience of outside viewers, which can read well all texts that are readable in the VR headset as well.

Then I setup a HDMI cable from notebook to the TV (720p max res) and duplicated screens. It worked pretty decently. I'd say 17-20FPS for the outsiders with great visual quality. The experience on the headset is 60-75FPS at all times.
No doubt putting the Chromecast to work with GearVR just like it does with everything else, very smooth, would be much better. But for now it's the best we've got :geek:

Post 3 IP   flag post
franmts private msg quote post Address this user
Very happy to help!

And I'm glad for the beers
Post 4 IP   flag post
mzayats private msg quote post Address this user
is anybody able to access or activate the sender app in a different way?

The site seems to be down. Galaxy sender app disconnects mirroring in 5 minutes unless you register. When registering (and after paying $10), it tells that it can't connect to the server. Got refund from Google, but really want to make it work as it looks like the only viable option.

any ideas?
Post 5 IP   flag post
Andrew private msg quote post Address this user
Yes. Site is down. But here you can download it.
Post 6 IP   flag post
franmts private msg quote post Address this user
Yes, you have to pay in order to keep connected.

It's working now for me.

Try to call the company directly.
Post 7 IP   flag post
Marcel private msg quote post Address this user
Sigh wish I read this before buying the S6 gear. Any new solutions to this? I have a big presentation but don't have a laptop to connect to the clients projector. Has anyone tried any of the android apps to mirror to Airplay?
Post 8 IP   flag post
franmts private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Marcel,

don't know if you have the time yet, but here's an educated guess:

As MirrorOp mirrors nicely with my iPhone and my iPad, if you buy the right Apple's output connector to VGA (and HDMI to be safe) you probably could do the trick.

Remember that being in the same wi-fi network is a requirement for all that to work (there's no ad-hoc option from what I know, as the MP camera does), so if you can't use clients wi-fi (or don't want to) you could ultimately create a Local Network with any basic router. No real connection to the internet would be necessary, just 1 electricity outlet. Connection max speed would also be guaranteed without any of the dozens of staffs flooding the bandwidth.

EDIT: I've just tried something quite unorthodox and it worked very well! It was easier than expected. Create a Personal Hotspot with your phone (iPhone 5, 16% batteries here), connect the iPad and S6 (20% batteries) to this network, then (TA-DA!) you have your private and complete wireless router up and running in 2 seconds. I set up MirrorOp to the highest settings on the Sender (S6) and got the Receiver (iPad Air 2) correctly found on MirrorOp. MP demos worked flawlessly.

I'll definetely be using this rig from now on. Much easier and better than the complicated Chromecast setups. Thanks for pushing the limits, I love that! ;-)

Here are my results in a few minutes, after upload to youtube is complete:

Best greetings from Brazil and good luck Marcel!
Post 9 IP   flag post
Marcel private msg quote post Address this user
@franmts... awesome.. thanks so much for taking the time to document your solution. I will try this out and let you know. (btw the youtube clip is set as private)

The presentation to a group of commercial agents was a huge success without mirroring ... but would have been so much better if I did mirror the vr. Will try your solution for next presentation (been asked to come back ).
Post 10 IP   flag post
franmts private msg quote post Address this user
Great @Marcel.

Video unlocked now, tks.
Post 11 IP   flag post
Bellevue, Washington
Tosolini private msg quote post Address this user
@franmts Thanks for the R&D on this solution. It worked for me too.

Before using MirrorOp, I tried with Reflector 2 which supports both AirPlay and Google Cast, but the image froze after a few seconds, like it has been reported by others using ChromeCast. My setup is a Gear VR + Galaxy S6. Thanks!
Post 12 IP   flag post
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