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Floor PlansScansSell

JUST Floorplans?6801

Liam_Tayler private msg quote post Address this user
Hello All,

I have now had 3 realtors ask me for just the floorplans, they do not want the matterport scan as it costs too much, but they do need floorplans. Now, I could make this work, but I wondered if anyone has had a similar experience and what they might recommend.

My thought is I could offer a very basic scan option (literally 2 scans per room) and then create the floorplans, then delete the space.... thoughts?

Thanks for the input.

Post 1 IP   flag post
c2astudio private msg quote post Address this user
I have the same question.
Post 2 IP   flag post
VRimpact private msg quote post Address this user
I personally would use Matterport to produce a scan with the sole purpose of just a floor plan. Financially in the UK its not viable really due to the time to scan & costs to upload and request floor plan, however I tend to think bigger than just the floor plan...

What if you had a virtual tour created, but your purpose is for the floor plan. The fact you have a tour can work in your favour for upselling. Although you need to activley Upsell regular otherwise your investing time and money to create a tour you may never use. We personally get good results in upselling. We use this technique with hotels too. We go and stay the night, scan the room at our expense with the risk to us, then present their room back to the hotel. For us this works 6/10 times for getting meetings. A great way to showcase and grab hotels attentions.

Floorplans are something I gave a lot of thought into but in the UK most estate agents have a third party person that provides floor plans at the same time as EPC (energy performance certificate)they did both the certificate and floor plan for £50-£80. Not a lot left for time when matterport takes its cut.

Our plans are to eventually be EPC qualified so we can become an all in one stop shop for estate agents - possibly even opening our own modern estate agents in the UK later this year. Who knows. Always keep your options open.

How much will they pay for a floor plan? Will it cover your time to do the scan and cost of upload? if not - whats the likely chance in being able to upsell your tour?
Also - if they say matterport is too expensive, what rates are you charging? Have you considered dropping to a price point for either annual contract or quantity? I work off the motto, Less profit from more orders is better than hanging onto your price margin - Depends on how many orders you are getting and I know not everyone on this Forum will agree to lower prices but sometimes its the right thing to do.

Also consider, a Laser measure tool is cheap, could you not purchase one and draw your own floorplans using software? That way your not turing business away by saying "no".

Just one mans opinions, also in the UK so can be different. Hope it helps.
Post 3 IP   flag post
Liam_Tayler private msg quote post Address this user
thanks for the input!

I was thinking about the laser measurer and doing it myself, but the time I would spend creating the plans, it might make more sense to do it through matterport and it would be a foot in the door for those realtors' business... still thinking about it.
Post 4 IP   flag post
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Please also see this WGAN Forum discussion:

Client Wants Floor plans, but not Matterport


Post 5 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
My lead field tech comes from a floorplan creation background. She uses the Matterport camera to create scans specifically for Schematic Floorplans as the time on site for a basic shoot (semi-complete mesh) and outsourced creation of the floorplan is often more cost effective for her and her clients are very happy with the results.
Post 6 IP   flag post
Liam_Tayler private msg quote post Address this user
As it turns out I have just had an email from a client complaining about cost again.. there is a low cost competitor who is bottoming out the market and so I am looking at figuring out some costings (with MOQs) to get in the market and still maintain some margin.... it is a race to the bottom guys. But as a wise man once said there might not be room for another matterport provider,... but there is always room for the best!!!
Post 7 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
It should be noted that with Fast Capture, the cost of providing a Matterport tour is much less.

If you're considering creating a very sparse tour for the purpose of schematic floorplans, I'd be open to scanning a space for a floorplan at a pricepoint much lower than you would consider for a professional 3D Tour. Offer the 3D Tour as a sample, covered if your own branding as a sample for the client to consider for the next time.

We're generally offering $0.10/sqft for most scenarios under 6,000 sqft. Fast Capture has made this take 1/2 the time and one of my concerns while field testing this was that this would cause the bottom to fall out of the market. I haven't seen this happen yet, which tells me that no one is desperate to undercut their own bottom line yet.

As the quality of floorplan scans do not require the same level of professionality to capture, I'd seriously suggest considering sending out a field tech to do these. Don't have a field tech yet? Consider it. I was opposed to the idea when I got started. With each new season, momentum built until it was necessary. Now my field tech trained our new field tech and we've adjusted pricing a bit. She's now sending out our field tech on her floorplan jobs too.

From what I've gathered we're still paying higher rates than most for field techs; but many businesses are paying hungry hourly paid people $15 - $20/hr to shoot spaces. When you're just wanting a floorplan - that works.

@Liam_Tayler - I don't want to devalue your service offerings in this suggestion. I think that it's worth noting that keeping our cameras spinning is a cool way to keep the revenue chain rolling. And - your low cost seeking client probably doesn't deserve your own time.
Post 8 IP   flag post
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