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Question regarding sqft vs scans6770

3dvirtualview private msg quote post Address this user
Good day everyone,

I understand Matterport has a 200 scan process for stability however I do hear some do way more and it works.


Approximately how much sqft does 200 scans approximately fill?

What are your estimated guesses for scans to sqft?

Appreciate the help.

Thank you
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CarlosFHdz private msg quote post Address this user
It depends on different factors:
- Layout of property (big open rooms = less scans, more small rooms= more scans)
- size of property depending on layout
- how close together the stand points, from 3 ft to 8+ ft
- if shooting outside, usually more standpoints are required.
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rzphotoman private msg quote post Address this user
I've only been doing this for a few months but this was the largest property I've scanned. It's a 104 yr old home with many small rooms...7529 sq ft and it took 176 scans.
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sbl110 private msg quote post Address this user
Hi rzphotoman,

Incredible home, love all of the wood trim and stained glass. Nice job on the scan.

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3dvirtualview private msg quote post Address this user
@CarlosFHdz Thank you for your help.

@rzphotoman wow under 200 scans completed 7500sqft now that helps me greatly. I have been looking at larger properties of 10's of thousands and was wondering how to pitch and create.
Post 5 IP   flag post
Kansas City, KS
Richierichks private msg quote post Address this user
As @CarlosFHdz says, layout will make a big difference in number of scans.

Last weekend I did 17,000 sq ft with 325 scans and it works just fine.

You can see it here to see layout.

Post 6 IP   flag post
sbl110 private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Everyone,

According to Matterport tech support, they support up to 200 scans and/or 10K sq.ft. That was an old post, so things might have changed.

I do recall reading somewhere that if you get to 200 scans, you should make a copy of the model and resume scanning on the copy for the next 50 scans or so. Repeat the process every 50 scans until finished. When you are done, process the last model. If that doesn't complete properly, you could contact tech support and they may be able to use the previous copies to stitch together into a final model.

Another way to get past the 200 scan mark is to split your "space" in to multiple sub-200 scan chunks. Then link the scans with a Mattertag pointing to the next scan.

When you link spaces via Mattertags, the cool thing that happens is when the viewer clicks on the appropriate Mattertag, the next scanned space opens inside of a window. You can explore inside that window or enlarge to full screen. When you are done, exit full-screen mode and then move your mouse away from the secondary scan model and you will be right where you left off in the original scan.

I can tell you that when you get past 150 scans, the rendering takes a long time to process. Best to submit it at night and let it process overnight. This way you're not anxiously awaiting the model to be completed.

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3dvirtualview private msg quote post Address this user
@sbl110 that is a lot of great feedback! Thank you!
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