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FirePublic Adjuster

Matterport and Insurance Claims....6710

mjstef private msg quote post Address this user
@DanSmigrod, I saw some posts from a few years ago where you where scanning Insurance losses. Did anything ever progress on this? I have a phone call in to a very busy friend who is a public adjuster. I want to get his input as well.....
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immersivespaces private msg quote post Address this user
@mjstef Here is South Florida we actually did scans for insurance companies after our recent hurricanes. It was actually a pretty popular service. We did discounted/free scans for disaster victims. It was a great marketing promotion that led to some great leads on full-priced business. Not to mention the great press coverage we got.
Post 2 IP   flag post
mjstef private msg quote post Address this user
So I talked to my friend who is a public adjuster. He is a days drive from me and has used a Matterport service a few times. 2 things he has not been able to use the service for is Fire Losses from lack of lighting and exteriors have been a problem for him. The exteriors don't stich together well and have not worked for his needs.....
Post 3 IP   flag post
TrustedPhotoDC private msg quote post Address this user
As I have posted here before, insurance companies are not in the business to pay claims, and if they have to pay, pay as little as possible. They are not interested in spending on a service that could increase their exposure on a claim. This is why the insurance vertical was dropped from MP marketing two years ago. The value of the scan is with the property owner and you need to convince them to pay for it and also host. There are better ways to make money.
Post 4 IP   flag post
mjstef private msg quote post Address this user
@TrustedPhotoDC You are correct in that thought but my angle was to market to PA's who have to document everything when the insurance company plays games. My friend who is a PA in Iowa told me of a case that went to jury on a claim recently. The 3D scan showed such detail that the Insurance companies attorneys jaws hit the floor and the Jury and judge where on the edge of their seats. They insurance company settled that day and i'm told these Jury trials can last 2-3 days the old way.

You also have to realize the area I live in. The population of my 2 county 2,100 Sq Mile area is right at 56,000 people. Many of you have that many people in a zip code. The closest town with over 40,000 people is 90 miles from me and to get a town of 100,000 it's 175 miles so I have to look at EVERY aspect of the business because one or 2 types of customers won't cut it.
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WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @mjstef
@DanSmigrod, I saw some posts from a few years ago where you where scanning Insurance losses. Did anything ever progress on this? I have a phone call in to a very busy friend who is a public adjuster. I want to get his input as well.....

Here is WGAN Forum post - including the video - that you referenced.

Insurance Adjusters Using Matterport?

Northing progressed on this.

My takeaway:

✓ focus on the "use case" that makes a client money: not on estimating space, documentation and 3D walk through. For clarification, if the Public Adjuster (PA) anticipates litigation - and the 3D tour will be helpful with the trial - or trial settlement - then that the use case about making the client money.

@mjstef My wife and I have been through three insurance claims related to water damage in our house. Each time, many people visited our home to measure(remediation, insurance company, general contractor, sub-contractors) and some multiple times. While the Matterport 3D Tour (and .obj) file would make everyone's workflow faster and easier, that's not something that these companies (remediation, insurance company, general contractor and sub-contractors) would pay for. Ask your PA about large claims that may result in litigation. Also, homeowners that live in hurricane prone locations may be willing to have the house scanned for documentation (in the event of a claim). It's likely easier to make the sale to the real estate agent (Get more listings. Win more listing presentations. Win bigger dollar listings. AND, then sell to the buyer in case of a potential insurance claim.)

Good luck with you meeting. Instead of selling, ask a ton of questions that might lead to how you can help your PA friend make more money. (For example, get more work, get bigger projects help win litigation (or pre-settlements).


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WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @TrustedPhotoDC
As I have posted here before, insurance companies are not in the business to pay claims, and if they have to pay, pay as little as possible. They are not interested in spending on a service that could increase their exposure on a claim. This is why the insurance vertical was dropped from MP marketing two years ago. The value of the scan is with the property owner and you need to convince them to pay for it and also host. There are better ways to make money.


Post 7 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @immersivespaces
@mjstef Here is South Florida we actually did scans for insurance companies after our recent hurricanes. It was actually a pretty popular service. We did discounted/free scans for disaster victims. It was a great marketing promotion that led to some great leads on full-priced business. Not to mention the great press coverage we got.

Can you share examples of your press coverage?


Post 8 IP   flag post
immersivespaces private msg quote post Address this user
@DanSmigrod Coverage was done by our local news affiliates. Unfortunately, I don't have any of those videos. Actually never thought about requesting them until now. May have to do that.
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WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Seems like it would be great to embed video in your website if the local news affiliate enables that.

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