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Matterport trying to sell to my client6680

kaybaum private msg quote post Address this user
One of my clients contacted me today regarding this email (see below) he received from Matterport. I have scanned several homes for this real estate agent already, and he is requesting two more. I do not understand: 1.) why Matterport would be contacting him directly, and 2.) how they could offer him $14.99 floor plans from MY work!! I charge more than $14.99 for floor plans through Matterport. Now this agent knows what Matterport charges me! Ugghhhh! Any thoughts on how I should respond to the agent and/or the Matterport sales person???


Do you know that MLS systems in North Carolina require accurate Sq Ft on home listings? A verified measurement of homes can be time consuming and expensive.

Real estate professionals have to hire assessors verify accurate home measurements as well as hire photographers to get HDR quality images for marketing.

Matterport works with top real estate agents and brokerages, by providing a platform to easily and inexpensively capture 4k images, 99% accurate floor plans, as well as true 3D immersive virtual walkthroughs.

Sample Floor Plan

Looking forward to your response,
Post 1 IP   flag post
Matt19 private msg quote post Address this user
Incredibly frustrating! I don’t have any advice just feel for you!
Post 2 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
@kaybaum Did you add this client as a collaborator? Unless they have changed this, collaborators also receive the newsletter.

I sell floorplans at face value -- or offer them as added-value as Matterport publish the prices of their floorplans on and I cannot see charging extra for a 'convenience fee' as viable due to this.


Follow up with your client and ask them if they provided contact information on at any point -- they may have checked a box to receive marketing from Matterport.

Matterport do not solicit our clients, but there are many many many ways that they get opted in to their e-mails without realizing it.
Post 3 IP   flag post
kaybaum private msg quote post Address this user
@metroplex360 He was not a collaborator. I will ask him if he contacted Matterport and signed up for newsletters. But is it fair for me to contact the Matterport salesperson and ask him to stop contacting my client??
Post 4 IP   flag post
Kansas City, KS
Richierichks private msg quote post Address this user
That really sucks!

Glad I don't sell to Realtors!!! I gave up on that pretty early on.
Post 5 IP   flag post
kaybaum private msg quote post Address this user
And also, how could the Matterport sales person off to
sell him a floor plan from MY scan?

@Richierichks Who is your target customer?
Post 6 IP   flag post
808virtually private msg quote post Address this user
@kaybaum That really does suck!

Unfortunately, I think it is legal for Matterport to sell the floorplan of “YOUR” scan because you have given away a limited license to Matterport simply by signing onto your Matterport account. While it seems extraordinarily unethical it is apparently legal at this point. If I’m wrong I hope someone would chime in on this point.

Welcome to the “ecosystem”
Post 7 IP   flag post
Regina, Saskatchewan Canada
Queen_City_3D private msg quote post Address this user
@kaybaum I'm not sure I understand completed.... you said the salesperson offered to sell him a floor plan from your scan... Was the sample floorplan they provided to your client of the property you scanned?

It sounds to me that they are trying to sell him a camera and showing off the floorplan feature. If the floorplan they are offering him as a sample is of a property you scanned, that definitely seems wrong to me. If it's a random sample that they own, that's different.

Certainly there's the question of how they got his contact info. It could be that he gave it on some online form to learn more about a camera at some time or another? Matterport claims they do not market to the email addresses that we enter in to the contact info portion of the scans...
Post 8 IP   flag post
Walkabout private msg quote post Address this user
@kaybaum I would agree with Queen it looks like they're either trying to promote cameras or the floorplan service itself. Obviously its wrong to be writing to them direct but like it has been said before, they may have signed up to newsletters as to get information/instructions on anything you have to give some info on the site. Will be interesting to know what your client says.
Post 9 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by kaybaum
@metroplex360 He was not a collaborator. I will ask him if he contacted Matterport and signed up for newsletters. But is it fair for me to contact the Matterport salesperson and ask him to stop contacting my client??

Absolutely. Matterport might consider building trust a bit by having a c&d request form in the MSP portal for scenarios where you believe that your client is being solicited without their consent.
Post 10 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by 808virtually
@kaybaum That really does suck!

Unfortunately, I think it is legal for Matterport to sell the floorplan of “YOUR” scan because you have given away a limited license to Matterport simply by signing onto your Matterport account. While it seems extraordinarily unethical it is apparently legal at this point. If I’m wrong I hope someone would chime in on this point.

Welcome to the “ecosystem”

This would be a potential use-case of the limited license if it were in effect. But it is not at the moment and it is uncertain what the next revision of the ecosystem will look like.
Post 11 IP   flag post
Kansas City, KS
Richierichks private msg quote post Address this user

I had zero luck marketing to Realtors (not to be confused with Realators #SantaClaritaDiet)LOL

I recently did some Home Theater work for one of the top Remax Realtors in Missouri who owns a Matterport himself. He originally planned on selling scans to other Realtors and bought three of them. He quickly found out that even as a Realtor he couldn't sell it to other Realtors and abandoned the business. He does believe that the fact that he offers a free scan at all of his listing appointments is a large part of why he is so successful. It's crazy that Realtors are so cheap that they won't spend the money! I have a friend who's a Realtor and I offered to do one for free for him and he never took me up on it! That's when I gave up!

I have been focusing on the commercial market and heavily on Google Street View. I recently added Mobile Marketing to my offerings with Text Message Marketing and App Development.

I have also been doing a lot of work for WeddingWire which despite the discounted fee it has really turned out to be a great thing for me. Since you just go and do the shoot, upload it and your done, it works out because there is no post processing or customer service on your part. On top of that, I have been able to get new customers out of the process.

Totally off topic here, but I just thought of a great story line for Santa Clarita Diet. They have a Matterport photographer come shoot one of their properties and Drew Barrymore gets caught by the camera. When they look at the tour they see that she looks dead and decomposed showing the incredible clarity of the Matterport camera!
Post 12 IP   flag post
kaybaum private msg quote post Address this user
Thank you all for your input. I completed two new home scans for this realtor yesterday. When I asked him if he had ever contacted Matterport directly, he said yes, he contacted them to find an MSP in our areas & they gave him my information. He said he didn't think he had signed up for newsletters or to receive more information, but that he occasionally receives emails from them. Thankfully this realtor doesn't have any interest in buying a camera & doing the work himself, but it does give me cause for concern that Matterport sales is using that info to try to sell to my client. Just doesn't make sense to me. But I'm not going to dwell on it because there really isn't anything I can do about it at this point.
Post 13 IP   flag post
kaybaum private msg quote post Address this user
@queen_city_3D I only cut & pasted the text of the email. What you didn't see and what misled my client was the subject line of the email "Get your accurate sq. footage with Matterport for $14.99". My client thought he could order floor plans from Matterport using all of the previous work I had done for him for $14.99. Yesterday, I explained to him the process.
Post 14 IP   flag post
Club Member
Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
I have had exactly the same problem recently. After I created my cloud account I sent an invitation to my business partner. He created his login and in 2-3 days after that he received an invitation to some local Matterport event with the following text

"We are excited to announce that Matterport will be traveling around Australia with our Local Reseller Scann3d in late May! Let us know if you are interested in catching a live demo and having some face to face time with our team. We’d love to meet you."

As I have mentioned above it has been sent to my business partner so no harm has been done. However now I will think twice before I invite my clients to be a collaborator.

I think the best way to avoid it is to create a login for a collaborator with an email address that belongs to me, not a collaborator.
Post 15 IP   flag post
mori private msg quote post Address this user
They really don´t learn anything from all the past desasters. So their latest announcement of many new awesome future features - without of course any details or even a roadmap - is looking like just another try to lower the frustration of their customers. A UI Improvement is nice, but we need really cool features for a successful business based on their platform and of course a huge change in their business behaviour.
Post 16 IP   flag post
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