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'Competition' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Matterport's latest Invasion DaveFahrny 29 2 yearsGlennTremain (2953): Isn't this tortious interference?
Matterport/VHT Webinar: VHT Digital Pro Service/VHT Gold Series Photography DanSmigrod 2 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Stand Out in Today’s Market: Leveraging Matterport to Win Listings & Attract More Buyers | Video courtesy of Lucy Edwards YouTube Channel | 10 May 2023
20 Tips: How MSPs Can Help Make Matterport Digital Pro Irrelevant DanSmigrod 3 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): 22. Cropping the images so that they're all the same aspect ratio (unlike Matterport Digital Pro)
"Will MatterPort Digital Pro make virtual tour photographers obsolete?" DanSmigrod 3 2 yearsfotoguy (835): I was around when the switch to digital came along. Everybody said it would never work. It worked but professional photographers are still here. I hesitate to get to cocky as this disrupter may not work, the next one may be the one. Think Amazon. Will AI be a disrupter? You can do some amazing things with AI already. I can only imagine in two years what it will look like.
Video: Matterport launches all in one solution, should you be worried? ScanYourSpace 12 2 yearsfotoguy (835): I'm curious if you contacted them about the missed bathroom. Did you call them and tell them about it? Did they offer to come back and scan the bathroom and update the tour? Credit for the missed space?
Matterport Digital Pro - your direct competition twinmoons 27 2 yearstwinmoons (144): Can't wait for this one! Thanks, Dan!
Media Release: Matterport Launches Digital Pro: New All-in-One Solution DanSmigrod 2 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Hi All, Related WGAN Forum discussions: ✓ Video: Matterport launches all in one solution, should you be worried? ✓ Matterport Digital Pro - your direct competition (Please continue the discussion about Matterport Digital Pro at one of these discussions above.) Dan
What are all the competitors to Matterport and... GlennTremain 7 3 yearslilnitsch (5803): My latest Zillow 3D home tour shot on the new Theta X:
WGAN-TV eBook: How to Make Virtual Tour Competition Irrelevant with Mashups DanSmigrod 2 3 yearsHome3D (4213): Here's another type of 'mashup' - 3DVista with embedded Matterport models. Roam around this LA charter school campus. The architecture is far from glamorous but the workability of hybrid tours makes virtually (pun intended) everything possible. In the Auditorium, there's a video on the screen, too. Giving credit, this tour was shot by myself and Gray, one of our team, and assembled by Eric my son. ...
Transcript: Make Potential Virtual Tour Competition Irrelevant with Mashups DanSmigrod 2 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Continued from above --- [00:30:08] Dan Smigrod: Okay. I imagine again because of all the technology we use for WGAN-TV Live at 5... It may be creating some conflicts with using the platform itself. That's certainly a possibility. [00:30:26] Mike Lysov: Yeah, that's a bit weird. [00:30:29] Dan Smigrod: All right. Take us back. Let's just go back to the Editor for a second. Without clicking on anything, had that demonstration of that pencil...
WGAN-TV | Make Potential Virtual Tour Competition Irrelevant with Mashups DanSmigrod 4 3 yearsWingman (4435): It's my pleasure Dan.
Matterport Pricing to Agents - it's craziness for sure! tmroberts 8 4 yearslilnitsch (5803): When I has the "In-house" guy I still would hit the sales meetings to be ever-present and top of mind for the agents
New Real Estate Photography Competitor bryanhscott 6 4 yearsbotticelli (97): I was in the portrait business before this and there was always Lifetouch and other chains. They serve a middle to low end client and as a reminder to always be adding value and improving yourself and your art. Do not compete for the bottom.
Is Matterport a Service Company or is Matterport a Software Company? DanSmigrod 6 5 yearsGETMYVR (1941): A few weeks ago my best friend in LA told me to knock on every door in my neighborhood, then move on to the next neighborhood and then the next, but told me to scan every residence for free in exchange to giving the homeowner the raw file. He suggested I keep all this data on a server not connected to the internet. I own all the tours. I would tell the owner if you ever think about selling the house let me know we'll process your tour You don't...
Matterport caught red-handed pitching to my client angusnorriss 20 5 yearsChangesin3d (125): I also find it very interesting that no one has tied the new "Privacy Policy" to this discussion as they now seem to be saying that they have the right to make all the contacts why want. There seems to be real confusion if they are talking about our rights as MSP or if they are talking about the rights of all the property owners of the scans. It is very interesting in their re boot / AKA Rebranding that there is no mention of...
When your competitors are selling Matterport for way less than you, do this DanSmigrod 8 6 years3dvrwalkthrough (89): Hello everyone. First like to say welcome to capitalism and market saturation. Just think about it. There are way too many businesses that provide the same services in any particular market for the available customer base in the area so what is the difference maker. The biggest mistake anyone of us can make about our Matterport Businesses is over exposing what we do on social media by posting tours. Now this sounds backwards in our day and...
Why would you want to make friends with your Matterport competitors? DanSmigrod 5 6 yearsleonherbert (903): I have become a contractor for one of my competitors that has better market penetration than I have. I get business I would not have got otherwise. If I get a large contract they would also be able to assist me to complete it timeously. I will also get commision if I bring business to them that I would not want to take on myself. We have an agreement in place that prevents us from taking established business from one another. All the points that...
Has this happened to you? Will this happen to you? DanSmigrod 3 6 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): No one is safe from the coming apocalypse...
Here We Go Again Pricing Thread MarkCantu 5 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): @MarkCantu @angusnorriss @VTLV @leeverdon Is outsourcing to your competitors an option? Make the spread on what you charge your client and what you pay the Matterport Service Provider. Find a blue ocean: a vertical that your competitors are not pursuing. You likely have friends, trusted colleagues and former Clients/employers in verticals other that residential real estate. Ask for referrals in a space you are not likely to have a...
Matterport trying to sell to my client kaybaum 16 7 yearsmori (819): They really don´t learn anything from all the past desasters. So their latest announcement of many new awesome future features - without of course any details or even a roadmap - is looking like just another try to lower the frustration of their customers. A UI Improvement is nice, but we need really cool features for a successful business based on their platform and of course a huge change in their business behaviour.
HouseLens and Zillow reinspimg 3 7 yearsTrustedPhotoDC (1108): House Lens has a tendency to boast of offering features that anyone with a MP camera or as a Zillow Photographer can offer. They word their marketing to make it seem like they offer services exclusively. Their marketing director also seems to often ask basic questions online that any professional in this field should not have to ask.
A Matterport Email Targeting Agents DanSmigrod 9 7 yearsRPOceanic (215): Already spoken to this lots. Even if Real Estate agents were inclined to dive into this- and most, most definitely are not..... it just doesn't add up for an agent in terms of time/money invested and lost focus. With the cost of a camera, ancillary gear, hosting fees, learning curve, time spent on shoots, post production, keeping up with new developments.... the only way it remotely makes financial sense is making tours for a LOT of listings....
Free Matterport Spaces 3D Tours to compete? DanSmigrod 3 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Hi All, I received this free offer again today (18 Sept. 2017). How might you offer a free Matterport Spaces 3D Tour (and still make money)? Dan
Is it time to drop prices? VTLV 4 8 yearsVTLV (2922): @justinv - Thanks for the feedback. Never thought if it as a "Doghouse" dilemma. lol. Many blank stares on that one as well. Opening pantries to get every nook and cranny would be self inflicted death, I wish that upon nobody. Walk in closets though, not a terrible idea, but could be avoided for faster shoot times, sure. The other services are there with stills and slide shows, ect. Just got the drone license, I've been an agent...
Walkabout Worlds App - VTLV 5 8 yearsJonJ (1760): @VTLV This is pretty interesting! Here is one of the examples presented on the Archilogic platform. Definitly not as good as a Matterport model, but this may work well for unfurnished properties. Walk about worlds example: Main floor of home Enjoy! Jon
Has anyone used vieweet? ThreeDImaging 13 9 yearsskycamguatemala (22): Thanks I use an inspire Pro, take multiple pics, manually or by a panoramic software. Then I stich them on AUTOPANO PRO
MUG Forum Members/Visitors Want Competition DanSmigrod 7 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): @Queen_City_3D We de-duped based on the first answer :cool: Dan
3D-capable Smart Phones Jmoore 2 9 yearsTosolini (4398): I think, we need to qualify what a "360 feature" means on a phone. Is it the ability to capture a photo sphere with one shot, like the Ricoh Theta camera? Then there is no competition with MP, as we are comparing apples (flat photos) to oranges (3D). If phones will start featuring depth sensors, then MP seems to be well positioned to capture that audience by making their software available and compatible with the new hardware. They...
Matterport not only option niagrealtygroup 4 9 yearsJakeRees (96): Hey @niagrealtygroup, I can guarantee that no one will discuss the equipment used who are already shooting with toursler, as they have a super tight contract. I am sure that they are going to be a major player in 3d space in the coming year, it may be worthwhile sending them an email and seeing if you can get on the waiting list.
Google Indoor Street View immersiveprop 9 9 yearsBcome (13): Juste to compare : Matterport : Street View | Trusted : I love both !
Competition WarrenVandal 12 10 yearsGarySnyder (2143): Hi Warren There are no plans on Google using the Matterport camera. I tried to get it approved but due to the closed nature of the MP system there was no way that Google would even consider it. Another issue with MP is you can not blur faces or other details which are strictly enforces when shooting for Google. There are other devices coming online that may be approved to shoot BV jobs like the wide range of 360 cameras so watch this...