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Matterport Sales Team Farming Your Clients?6420

WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

On more than one occasion, Members of the WGAN Forum have alleged that Matterport Camera Sales people are farming their clients from using their recently published Matterport Spaces 3D Tours. See an example from today below my signature (Thursday, 22 February 2018).

I simply can not imagine that Matterport leadership thinks that this is happening and does not condone this in anyway if a Matterport Sales Person is violating its company policy.

I would like to give Matterport leadership the benefit of the doubt.

Seems like Matterport needs to state:

1. Processes and procedures are in place to prevent access to the MSP database
2. Processes and procedures are in place to create a log of access (whom, when, what purpose)
3. Processes and procedures are in place to prevent Camera Sales team from seeing a real-time publishing of Matterport Spaces
4. Publish the policy that states that any Matterport Camera Sales person that does outreach based on internal or external knowledge of Matterport Spaces will be let go immediately.
5. Explain how Matterport retargeting/tracking works. For example, I publish a model, my client (real estate agent) looks at it, is my client now receiving re-targeting ads related to buying a Matterport Camera
6. Publish a copy of the Matterport Ethics Policy (that includes addressing concerns of Matterport Service Providers
7. What other processes and procedures that are in place to prevent marketing or sales from farming MSP clients?
8. How does Matterport deal with unintended consequences? For example, if there incentives for selling cameras, are Camera Sales people mining data (search for URLs of Matterport Spaces?
9. How else is Matterport pro-actively handling these allegations?
10. Has Matterport acknowledged that ethically, this is an unacceptable business practice?
11. What ethics training is in place for new hires and for the entire existing employees company wide?

What else should we ask Matterport on this topic?

Have you experienced farming of your clients by Matterport Camera Sales?



From the WGAN Forum discussion:

Is the Matterport MSP Program going away?

Originally Posted by @immersivespaces
I have noticed in the past month or so that every time I do a scan with a new agent, within a few days of completing the job, they miraculously get a sales contact from Matterport trying to sell them a camera so they can do their own scans. I have suspected that they have been using the contact information that I include with the model as a lead generation tool, but now I have seen a consistent pattern that is concerning.

Customers that I have had for years have not heard anything from Matterport, but all of a sudden I do one scan and they get a sales contact like clockwork. One customer said they specifically referenced the model we created for them and told them they could "save money by purchasing the new Pro2 Lite camera."

This makes me think that Matterport is preparing to dump the MSPs in anticipation of getting agents to buy the cheaper "lite" camera. That, coupled with things like charging for .obj assets and now even preparing to license our content to third parties through the Ecosystem without compensating us for them seems to indicate that something big is about to drop, and it's probably not going to be pleasant for people who have built their businesses on this platform.

I could be wrong, but I have been in business long enough to know when the signs start pointing in a certain direction, something is likely coming sooner than later.

Originally Posted by @immersivespaces
From one of my agents that sells $20 Million+ homes:

Hi Adrian,

I got an email today from matter port asking me about the Palm property. I thought it was a followup to the scan you did for me the other day so I called him back. Turns out it was actually a sales call trying to sell me a camera. Just thought you would like to know that it seems like that company is farming your scans for leads to cut you out. I don't think we will do any scans with the matter port anymore. I'm perfectly fine with the other 360 tours you did, so let's stick with those from now on.



Originally Posted by @Liam_Tayler

I received a call from a potential client who was looking into a camera for themselves and I was shocked when I discovered that matterport had given them my details, the details of the camera I purchased and when I had purchased it... looks like they are a heading for the end-user market.
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WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

Please see another example (and discussion) here:

Matterport are contacting my clients.

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