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Google Street ViewGoogle Street View SummitGSVGSV18

Google Street View Summit: Request Invite6353

WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Hi All,

As discussed on today's (13 February 2018) WGAN-TV show with Google Product Manager Charles Armstrong, here is the link to the form:

Request an Invitation to the 2018 Google Street View Summit in San Francisco

Capacity is limited.

The focus of the 2018 Summit is:

How Google Street View Imagery Can Power Decision-Making for Organizations

The 2018 Google Street View Summit is Wednesday, 30 May and Thursday, 31 May.

I will be attending the Summit to provide coverage via WGAN-TV and the We Get Around Network Forum.

For all WGAN Forum coverage of the 2018 Google Street View Summit please see the tag GSV18. For All WGAN Forum coverage of the 2017 Google Street View Summit in Tokyo in May 2017, please see the tag: GSV17.



P.S. Here is a recap of the 2017 Google Street View Summit ...

WGAN-TV 360º Video: Google Street View Product Manager Charles Armstrong on the big-picture announcements at the 2017 Google Street View Summit in Tokyo (May 2017). Interviewed by We Get Around Network Founder Dan Smigrod.
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WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

WGAN-TV 2018 Google Street View Summit Announcements with Google Product Manager Charles Armstrong

Hi All,

Above is a recording of today's (13 Feb 2018) show with Google Product Manager Charles Armstrong.

The theme of the 2018 Google Street View Summit (on Wednesday, 30 May in Mountain View) and Thursday, 31 May in San Francisco) is: How Google Street View Imagery Can Power Decision Making for Organizations.


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