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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

Thanks to @Richierichks ... for this amazing insight and should-not-be-necessary workaround in a related WGAN Forum discussion about hidden scans in Workshop showing up in Google Street View ...

Originally Posted by @Richierichks

[Hidden Matterport scans in Workshop] will be incorporated in the GSV. I was hoping this wouldn't be the case, and I'm hoping they do something like this.

As a work around I have been uploading it to GSV, downloading it to PanoSkin, deleting the panos I don't want, then re-uploading it to GSV.

I also remove some of the links between scans because it is way over linked in my opinion. Frequently walking through walls and such in a lot of cases.

Since Matterport reads every word of the WGAN Forum, what else is on your Matterport to Google Street View Publishing Wish List?


Post 1 IP   flag post
TrustedPhotoDC private msg quote post Address this user
Hidden pucks are not published in GSV. This is erroneous information. And neither are 360 Views at this time.
Post 2 IP   flag post
Kansas City, KS
Richierichks private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks @DanSmigrod

I didn't mention it, but I also remove most of the panos from the GSV "Carousel" so there aren't a bunch of panos with Google choosing which one to be at the top and therefore where most people enter the tour.


Unless this is a new development they absolutely are published. I have done several and all of the hidden scans showed up. I have one that I did that had about 30 hidden scans and they all showed up on the GSV.
Post 3 IP   flag post
TrustedPhotoDC private msg quote post Address this user
@Richierichks I've been banging on the publishing tool since November and this has never occurred - the visibility and connection of hidden pucks in a Space. I have a project running right now that I show the disabled pucks and will post when published.
Post 4 IP   flag post
Kansas City, KS
Richierichks private msg quote post Address this user

Well, that's good to know. It's happened to me 3 times. I hope it was just a glitch.
Post 5 IP   flag post
Kansas City, KS
Richierichks private msg quote post Address this user

Do you know a way around this? I did a hotel lobby and one of the rooms as separate models and when I imported them to GSV it decided to tie them together and you could walk right through the wall of the lobby into the hotel room. The room that I scanned was actually right by the lobby, maybe I should have just moved it to another space in building instead of putting it where it was physically located?
Post 6 IP   flag post
TrustedPhotoDC private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Richierichks

Do you know a way around this? I did a hotel lobby and one of the rooms as separate models and when I imported them to GSV it decided to tie them together and you could walk right through the wall of the lobby into the hotel room. The room that I scanned was actually right by the lobby, maybe I should have just moved it to another space in building instead of putting it where it was physically located?

If I understand correctly you have two separate imports, that now because of proximity, pancake navigation allows travel through a wall between each separate import?

What is the navigation like with the chevrons in the mobile Map app or SV app? Do you have make connections selected 'on' in the SV app?

Screen captures and links are always helpful in troubleshooting.

Travel through wall has been a bug for quite a long time, but looking at connections and proximity could help fix the problem.
Post 7 IP   flag post
TrustedPhotoDC private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Richierichks

Well, that's good to know. It's happened to me 3 times. I hope it was just a glitch.

Just published this to test - 20 original scans 5 turned 'off' and 15 'on'

15 pucks appear in the Showcase

15 nodes are published to GSV

The constellation not yet imported and cleaned up in (the leading 3rd party platform for professionals).

Cleaned up constellation following Google's recommendation of direct pathways that are not blocked by an obstacle.
Post 8 IP   flag post
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