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Download Screen Capture Errors624

Regina, Saskatchewan Canada
Queen_City_3D private msg quote post Address this user
Advice appreciated... here's my problem:

Occasionally I want to download some screen captures from within the showcase and so I pull the image up and click on Download Image.

I it's a computer I haven't used before a box pops up asking What Should Firefox do with this file?

I choose Save As and check off the box that reads "always do this for this type of file"(or something like that).

It then let's me choose where to save the file and what to call it, so I start downloading the captures and naming them. I label them numerically... (e.g., 123 Any Street_01, 123 Any Street_02, 123 Any Street_03 etc.) Most of them download no problem but then I notice some are not downloading. I'll try to download the same file again and sometimes it works that second time. Sometimes it takes 3 or 4 or 5 attempts. I'm doing things the same each time and it always does eventually download, but it's driving me crazy!!!

Has anyone else experienced this problem? Is there a fix? This happens whether or not I used Firefox or Chrome and it's happened on different computers as well.

As a sidenote, I wish there was a way to choose to "Download ALL" current screen captures in the workshop. I made that request to Matterport back in May and they replied saying that

"Unfortunately the feature you describe does not currently exist. The good news is that this is definitely something we are working on. While i don't have a specific date, i can tell you that this feature should be available in the near future."
Post 1 IP   flag post
falconshakka private msg quote post Address this user
Hey man ...yea I use to have the issue

the best way to do it is click the download icon on each image in the workshop when you have taken your screen grabs
Post 2 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

I feel your pain.

The Forum "Wish Lists" for 3D Workshop includes "Download All" and I did send off a summary of all the "Wish Lists" to MP ... I recall that "Download All" was described by us as "add a huge amount of value and probably easy to implement."

Thankfully, we stopped offering screen grabs to clients. (We encourage them to engage a Pro still photographer.)

That said, for some of our clients that 'still' want these, we (painfully) download each separately and then (painfully) relabel each file such as ...


20150613-12-Mayfair Towers Penthouse #3003 - 199 14th Street NE, Atlanta, GA 30309 - Image by We Get Around Chief Photographer Dan Smigrod


Yes. It seems so obviously that we all want a "Download All" button (and I would like the opportunity to label like Aperture offers (such as date / sequential number / custom text.)

I do not use Firefox. (We use Safari on a Mac for 3D Workshop).

[I do download each image from the 3D Workshop view of all the thumbnails rather than within the 3D Workshop. Clear as mud=?]

I am curious about the solution for the challenge you describe with Firefox.

When you hear back from MP Support, please update us.



P.S. Once Showcase 2.0 is released, I'll startup the "Wish Lists" again ...
Post 3 IP   flag post
Missoula, MT
rpetersn private msg quote post Address this user
Hey guys...I've wanted this same feature from time to time....and I decided to take a bit of time tonight and knock this out as a FREE feature to share with the forum.

Dan...maybe you can help me plug this a bit?

I'm shamelessly putting this inside my WP3D Models "skin" as a bit of advertising for my plugin.

Check it out:

What do you think?
Post 4 IP   flag post
Regina, Saskatchewan Canada
Queen_City_3D private msg quote post Address this user
@rpetersn I'll give you 3 thumbs up for that.

When it asks for model ID, what needs to be entered? I just made a model public and tried using only the model code like in the example e.g., jGV5hMUaRqp , but it says UH OH! LOOKS LIKE YOU HAVE AN EMPTY OR INVALID MP ID... do I need to add more, or maybe the problem is that it was a newly created model?
Post 5 IP   flag post
Missoula, MT
rpetersn private msg quote post Address this user
I just looked and it doesn't appear that you've saved any images yet for that particular model (jGV5hMUaRqp). Try capturing a couple screenshots first and then run it again. I should probably update that error message too.
Post 6 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
@rpetersn OMG!

Ross, this is AMAZING. Every Matterpeep will you for this one.

T-H-A-N-K Y-O-U SO much!


P.S. I use and love WP3D Models for the We Get Around Gallery; client specific galleries, such as 6 Columbus Circle that I shot last week in NYC; and giving responsive design embed code to our clients (and use in our website/blog); Plus, Facebook and social sharing such as Twitter, (and updating models for clients WITHOUT changing the URL).

P.P.S. Ross, I added this bulk download screen captures to the Matterport Solutions Directory.

P.P.P.S. Shameless plug for Ross (and We Get Around): If you buy WP3DModels (Promo Code: REFERRALNETWORK12FREE) by 7 September 2015, you get 12 months Basic Membership - FREE - in the Referral Network of Matterport Pro 3D Camera Photographers and Real Estate Agents.
Post 7 IP   flag post
Regina, Saskatchewan Canada
Queen_City_3D private msg quote post Address this user
Yes, my bad... I put in the wrong code... I had the model twice one with screen captures, one without.


Will save me lots of time.
Post 8 IP   flag post
Missoula, MT
rpetersn private msg quote post Address this user
Awesome guys....glad it is helping you out! @Queen_City_3D This was one of those things where as soon as I saw your post I had a solution in mind...just needed to carve out some time to build it.

Thx for the plugs Dan!
Post 9 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Could you enable Pro naming the files such as ...

[Date]-[Sequential Number]-[Static Text].[file format]

If you do the date style as 20150903, for example, the above sorts nicely.

Your free tool + this naming style would save an hour on our work flow for each 3D Showcase that we need to deliver stills.

Post 10 IP   flag post
Missoula, MT
rpetersn private msg quote post Address this user
Hey Dan...

Where would the static text come this something unique you'd want to enter/set for yourself?

Or, could it use the name of the model? Something like this could be possible...but it'd be a bit more work on my end. Maybe we can put a bounty on this for me to put some more time into it?

I'd be willing to continue to cover the hosting cost.
Post 11 IP   flag post
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