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.obj.XYZAECMatterport MatterPakPricing

We are not Silent Lamb, we can have free OBJ6067

3rd Party
JuMP private msg quote post Address this user
Hello everyone,

Due to the release of MatterPak™ Bundle from Matterport.

We have noticed that:

As part of this new automation process, OBJs will only be available with the MatterPak™ Bundle. MatterPak™ Bundles (with all commercial assets) will be available for any Matterport Space created on or after December 13, 2017. Matterpak™ Bundles for Spaces created before December 12, 2017 will only contain the OBJ file (no additional assets).

Means user can't get the free OBJ file anymore from Matterport now, right?

JuMP team want to contribute to the WGA forum and benefit all Matterport users by our knowledge.
Just like the JuMP-ME v1.0 for all of you to get the SQFT of Matterport showcase.

But due to the release of MatterPak™ Bundle, Matterport users can't download free OBJ file now.
And our JuMP-ME v1.0 is based on the OBJ file that users downloaded from Matterport.
So you may not be able to use JuMP-ME v1.0 anymore.

Our management team decide:
We will develop a software(online or offline depend on the reaction from Matterport).
This software will transfer any Matterport showcase to standard OBJ file with all textures.
This software will be free for at least 1 year.

Before we release the software we want to get the support from WGA members and all Matterport users.
Please send email with title: "We support JuMP team!" to [Private Message Us]

Just send a support email to us, we will return you the software.
We want to get more than 1000 support emails before we release it.
Thank you all.

JuMP team from Beijing, China
Post 1 IP   flag post
3rd Party
JuMP private msg quote post Address this user
Hello all,

We already got support emails from some friends.

Due to the network issue we can't reply to you through our gmail.
We want to say "Thank you so much for your support!" here.

The number 1000 is only a wish and seems like too big.
We change it to 100 now and friends who send support email to us will get one year free access to our OBJ software.

Thank you again.
JuMP team from Beijing, China
Post 2 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
I'm always excited to see people solving a puzzles. It's a fun challenge.

I have already figured out the critical flaw and just don't want to post it Remember what happened to MP2SQFT?
Post 3 IP   flag post
3rd Party
JuMP private msg quote post Address this user
Hello All,

The OBJ tools for Matterport Showcase is ready.

Many thanks to lots of friends who send support email to us. You are JuMP team's supporters.

We already send email to our supporters about how to access our OBJ tools.
If any supporter hasn't receive our email with title "JuMP-POP v1.0 was released" from gmail please let me know.

Maybe you didn't provide the email address to us.
We need your email address to setup your account.

Thank you again.
JuMP team from Beijing, China
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Dana Point, CA
RPOceanic private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks JuMP!
Post 5 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
@JuMP This is an amazing feature of reverse engineering! Would you like to share more about how the quality of your product compares to the OBJ files that people can purchase from MatterPak? Would a professional prefer your product over the OBJ from Matterport? How about the difference in quality between this an a point cloud?
Post 6 IP   flag post
3rd Party
JuMP private msg quote post Address this user
@Metroplex360 The OBJ file from JuMP-POP v1.0 has the same mesh of dollview in Matterport Showcase.
It was a small size mesh file that was optimized by Matterport for webgl render in browsers.

The OBJ file in MatterPak should be the original mesh file before optimize.
Please refer below picture, we compare the original mesh file (MatterPak level) to the optimized file(JuMP-POP output) in one picture.

You can download above OBJ file and compare them by yourself.

The OBJ output from JuMP-POP don't have the same resolution of OBJ file in MatterPak.
It can be used as panorama tour 3d minimap or dollview application or input file to JuMP-ME v1.0 for the SQFT measurement.
Post 7 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
This is fantastic!

For people new to 3D who want something very simple to play around with, this tool is excellent!

I could imagine Matterport restoring free OBJ downloads and providing them in this quality -- and then in every ZIP file, including a PDF that shows a comparison between a free and a MatterPak OBJ.

Amazing job, @JuMP! And remember folks, it is a TOS violation to use this. Use at your own discretion!
Post 8 IP   flag post
mori private msg quote post Address this user
MP should offer the OBJ as paid separated download. I still wonder if they could offer even a better quality as I think the captured data would allow this.
Post 9 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
@mori I agree completely. Give out the 50k OBJ file and label it 'BASIC OBJ' - For hobbiests and enthusiasts. And then have 'PRO OBJ' with high resolution textures with the MatterPak.

I believe that the people who want the OBJ files for recreational purposes are unlikely to purchase Matterpak and the people who actually want the 3D data will gladly pay.
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