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.obj.XYZAECMatterport MatterPakPricing

$49 for OBJ File Thank You Matterport6066

WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user


Hi All,

Other reasons that Matterport should grandfather in existing Matterport owners as it moves forward with charging?

Or, keep OBJ free and offer a higher quality OBJ in the bundle?


Post 76 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

How does Matterport charging $49 for OBJ File affect you?


Post 77 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
Matterport won't be grandfathering anyone. A la carte pricing for the OBJ was on the table, it's now off. It's my hope that slow adoption of MatterPak would inspire a conversation about reintroducing the OBJ as a low price single download option. Seems that it would generate more revenue.
Post 78 IP   flag post
ELAN42 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by DanSmigrod
Hi All,
How does Matterport charging $49 for OBJ File affect you?


In our case, we had an agreement with a customer with 53 spaces, that now will have to pay
2597$ to get his OBJ. Because this was not in our contract, this will be removed from our earnings.
So we worked for 3 months almost for free.

Consider also that we are European, and this behaviour is illegal in Europe.
A Newsletter is not considered legal to communicate contractual changes between a company and it's customers.

I am not American so I don't follow Matterport as you do.

I have a few questions:
- isn't Matterport quoted at the stock exchange? did this bad decision influence their value? it should ...
- did some of you thought of organizing a class action against this ?
- did some of you thought of buying a few % of Matterport at the stock exchange to try to influence their decisions ?
Post 79 IP   flag post
jfantin private msg quote post Address this user
@ELAN42, Matterport is still working in start-up mode and it is not listed in any stock exchange.

Precisely, the reason Matterport is doing all kind of weird "strategic" movements is to improve their position when and if they go to the market with an IPO.

Of course they think that their move is the right one....I don´t

Purchasing Matterport stock? No thanks! These guys knnow a lot about technology but I am not so sure they are as good when it comes to business strategy.
Post 80 IP   flag post

ELAN42 private msg quote post Address this user
Actually we was very concise with a public post, and our opinion is negative too:
Post 81 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

Here's what Matterport had to say on this topic on 17 January 2018.

I could imagine if we keep this topic active, Matterport will Make the .obj free again.

Otherwise, potential camera buyers reading this discussion will have second thoughts about buying a Matterport Camera.

I have proposed a solution - which I feel is fair. Grandfather in all all existing Matterport clients to free. Especially, since the .obj has been free since I bought our Matterport Camera in July 2014 - and there was never any discussion by Matterport that at some point it would charge for the .obj.

Matterport, reward your early adopters. Return us into raving fans!



Post 82 IP   flag post
maire private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All
I just bought our first $49-bundle. I need the pointcloud xyz. Not happy, but since I got the xyz with the obj I saved myself that conversion at veriscian as I did before. Coincidentally it was an update of a construction site I had scanned and converted twice before. And while the first two scans, converted by veriscian, matched quite fine it seeems the pointcloud matterpak provides is not accurate, say it was about 6% to big on the x-scale and about 3% on the y-scale.
Anybody made an similar experience?
Best from Switzerland
Post 83 IP   flag post
maire private msg quote post Address this user
Sorry, it crosschecked, It's the scan that was not precise at all, not the conversion.
Post 84 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

Perhaps Matterport announced Matterport Ecosystem so that we would forget about the $49 charge for MatterPak that includes something that was free since the beginning of time (with no indication that Matterport would ever charge for it).

Post 85 IP   flag post
Gerhard private msg quote post Address this user
@DanSmigrod smoke and mirrors classic
Post 86 IP   flag post
MeshImages private msg quote post Address this user
No, I will not forget. Many unforeseen changes on terms and conditions in the last weeks. Matterport is still a great product. But after all these unforeseen changes it is hard to build a solid business on the Matterport platform. What comes next?
Post 87 IP   flag post
ELAN42 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by DanSmigrod
Hi All,

Perhaps Matterport announced Matterport Ecosystem so that we would forget about the $49 charge for MatterPak that includes something that was free since the beginning of time (with no indication that Matterport would ever charge for it).


Ecosystem is their dream become real,
they give us free Cloud in exchange of ethernal right on our work + possibility to look/use/view/share inside someone else home.
Post 88 IP   flag post
PeterMcCready private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by MeshImages
What comes next?

I'd say a TOS revision to prevent objection to any and all future TOS revisions in perpetuity
Post 89 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

Reminder that Matterport is now charging for MatterPak.


Post 90 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

The following is from the Matterport User Newsletter today (Wednesday, 25 April 2018).

For an [excellent] example of a MatterPak Bundle, download the PDF here and see the [very helpful] Case Study here.

Post 91 IP   flag post
Shakoure private msg quote post Address this user
@DanSmigrod Hey Dan.. Is something new that wasn't disclosed before today? I thought the bundled assets & pricing was something we were already informed about. Am I missing anything?
Post 92 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Same. It was in Matterport's newsletter today. Plus, the two docs are very helpful: examples and case study.


Post 93 IP   flag post
Shakoure private msg quote post Address this user
@DanSmigrod... Got it. Thanks.
Post 94 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

From the Matterport Newsletter today, Friday, 4 May 2018.


Post 95 IP   flag post
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