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Make Money: Refer Leads to Matterport Pros5801

WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Screen Grab: [Your Company Name] Network Map. (Example) Embed in your website to help generate leads to refer to other Pros | And, to let your clients and prospects know that you can help them - anywhere.


Hi All,

Why would you want to generate inbound leads for Matterport Pros in other locations?

Because you could refer the lead and get paid.

"Hello [Matterport Pro],

I have a qualified lead for you. I seek:

Option 1: [$50] if the lead turns into business for you.
Option 2: [10 percent] if the lead turns into business for you.
Option 3: [5 percent] for 12 months if the lead turns into business for you.
Option 4: You decide!

Yes. It's the honor system that the Pro will send you a PayPal payment or check.

(We Get Around Network started out referring leads for payment, if the leads turned into business. Only later, did we provide free referrals to Members that join as Basic, Standard and Premium Members. Plus, now we make it super-easy and super-fast for potential clients to engage Matterport Pros.)

All you need to do is embed the [Your Company Name] Network Map in your website (emails go to you) and then use the We Get Around Network Find a Matterport Pro Map to locate a Matterport Pro to engage. (Don't see a Matterport Pro where you need one? We Get Around can locate a Matterport Pro anywhere (at no charge to you.)

Imagine embedding [Your Company Name] Network Map (example) on your website with thousands of Map locations that ALL say:

[Your Company Name] Network


Please Contact Us [points to your email address]

It is Easy to Get Started

1. To get the embed code for the [Your Company Name] Network Map for your website, simply click on the My Profile tab (above) while signed into the Forum.
2. Embed the Map in your website
3. Send a link to your clients letting them know that you now offer referrals of Matterport Pros anywhere

I could imagine that for some Matterport Service Providers in the We Get Around Network Forum Community, providing referrals could turn into a bigger business than scanning in their Market.

Matterport Service Providers are already using the We Get Around Network Find a Matterport Pro Map to source Matterport Service Providers around the globe.

You may have already scanned for another Matterport Pro, so you already have some experience with a Matterport Pro that and makes the difference between what you charge and what the Pro charges his/her client. So, asking for a referral fee works the same way.

We want to empower you with tools – a Customized Network Map for you with your business name and contact info - and using the We Get Around Network Find a Matterport Pro Map - to Find the Pros in locations that clients are seeking.

If you ever had an in-bound lead that was not in your location, what did you do? Give money away, or make money by letting the client know that you can referral the lead to a Member of YOUR Network!

If you never thought of doing this, imagine your trusted clients. Make it obvious that you offer Matterport referrals anywhere to help your clients – and prospects – know this.

Example of Full Page Embed Example here using this embed code:

<iframe src="" style="border:1px #333 solid;" name="findapro" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" align="center" height="750px" width="100%"></iframe>

Where to Get Your Embed Code
(For WGAN Basic, Standard and Premium Members)

1. While signed into the Forum, click on the My Profile tab (above)
2. Look in the Personal Info Section (at the top)
3. Copy embed code and paste into your website


What questions do you have about getting started scaling your business by offering referrals for Matterport Pros anywhere?



P.S. Not yet a We Get Around Network Basic, Standard or Premium Member? The [Your Business Name] Network Map is one of around 40 Membership Benefits.

| Compare Plans | | | |
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WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Video D: Referral Video

Hi All,

If you are a We Get Around Network Basic, Standard and Premium Member, you can get the free use of this video (Video D above) – customized with logo and contact info – now through Thursday, 31 November 2017 – when you:

1. Embed [Your Company Name] Network Map in your website (see above)
2. Use this We Get Around Network Marketing Video Order Form Private Message me for the password or see the Welcome Onboard Letter (Benefit #2)
3. Indicate Video D and include the link to the map embedded in your website

This is in addition to We Get Around Network:

Basic Members receiving 3 of 33 marketing videos
Standard Members receiving 9 off 33 marketing videos
Premium Members receiving 9 of 33 marketing videos

... customized with your logo/contact info


Post 2 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
We Get Around Network Basic, Standard and Premium Members,

Top Nine Reasons to Embed the [YOUR COMPANY NAME] Network Map

1. Help generate inbound leads
2. Monetize leads (making the spread, monetize referrals)
3. Leverage your Matterport expertise to be able to offer one order for multiple markets
4. Be able to go back to trusted clients to encourage referrals in other markets
5. Leverage: We can help you anywhere
6. Matterport Pros do not need to shoot their own spaces
7. Leverage trusted relationships as a result of being part of something bigger
8. Pros need to think about generating business: this will help
9. Does not have to be Matterport only. We Get Around can help you source photographers, videographers, aerial, etc. – anywhere.

happy holidays,

Post 3 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

Plus, we announced this today (Friday, 1 December 2017) ...

How to Save 10 Percent for Life on Your We Get Around Network Basic, Standard or Premium Membership

When you embed the [YOUR COMPANY NAME] Network Map on Your Website

✓ save ten (10) percent for life on your WGAN Basic, Standard or Premium Membership (starting with your next monthly Membership charge to your credit card); and ...
✓ receive one extra location profile (pin) on the We Get Around Network Find a Matterport Pro Map

Happy holidays,

Post 4 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

Are you generating in-bound leads for other markets? Above is an example of how you can make money with these leads.


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