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'Money Making Idea of the Week' Topics

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WGAN-TV 10 Use-Cases: Matterport Pro3 Camera to Help MSPs Make More Money DanSmigrod 2 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN-TV: 10 Use-Cases for the Matterport Pro3 Camera to Help Matterport Service Providers Make More Money | Guest: Hopscotch Interactive CEO and Chief Media Officer Emily Olman | Episode: 167 | Thursday, 8 December 2022 | @Hopscotch Hi All, Hopscotch Interactive CEO and Chief Media Officer Emily Olman (@Hopscotch) discussed: ✓ 10 Use-Cases for the Matterport Pro3 Camera to Help Matterport...
MSP? Join the Listing3D Club to Offer Virtual Staging of Matterport Tours DanSmigrod 3 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN-TV | How to Make Money Offering Virtual Staging of Matterport Tours with Listing3D | Guest: Listing3D (@Listing3D) Relations Success Manager Amber Kaplan | Aired: Thursday, 29 July 2021 | Episode 113 Hi All, You may be able to double your revenue – per Matterport Tour shoot –...
WGAN-TV Podcast: How MSPs/RE Photographers can Make Money with Snappr DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Money Making Idea of the Week --- WGAN-TV Podcast (free): 108-WGAN-TV | Introduction to Snappr for Matterport Service Providers | How Matterport Service Providers and Real Estate Photographers Can Make Money with Snapper with San Francisco-based Snappr Header of Operations and Founding Team Member Rafat Khan (@Snappr) |...
Here’s how this agent generated $108K on TikTok in 2021 (so far) DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Money Making Idea of the Week --- Inman (4 June 2021) Here’s how this agent generated $108K on TikTok in 2021 (so far) "Baker hired a professional videographer for her content — even though anyone can shoot TikTok videos with their cell phones — because she was looking for a specific style in her videos. She signed the contract with him and pointed him to another brand whose style she wanted to emulate," reports...
How to double your revenue shooting Momenzo real estate listing videos DanSmigrod 3 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, You are leaving money on the table if you are not using Momenzo to create and share residential real estate for sale videos within 15 minutes. Special Offer for WGAN Forum Members Save 10 Percent on Momenzo for Life 1. Use this WGAN Affiliate Link for Momenzo 2. Use this Momenzo Coupon Code: WGAN10 Best, Dan
How to Make $100,000+ Annually with 1 RE shoot a Day: Asteroom and Momenzo DanSmigrod 3 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): --- Above post from the We Get Around Network Forum discussion: ✓ How Much to Charge for Real Estate Video Dan
How to Create a "Before" and "After" Photo Slider DanSmigrod 2 4 yearsMeshImages (3050): Thanks @DanSmigrod I think the other interactive storytelling tools from knight lab are also worth to have a look at. Animated Timelines and Storymaps And there are many, many more
WGAN-TV Podcast: Intro to PocketBuildings for Commercial Real Estate DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Grab: WGAN-TV Podcast: Intro to PocketBuildings for Commercial Real Estate (and How Matterport Service Providers can Make Money with PocketBuildings) Grab: PocketBuildings ...
WGAN-TV Free Course: Intro to PocketBuildings for Commercial Real Estate DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): How to Make Money Idea of the Week --- Grab: WGAN-TV Training U Free Course: Intro to PocketBuildings for Commercial Real Estate (and How Matterport Service Providers can Make Money with PocketBuildings) ...
How MSPs can Make Money with PocketBuildings for Commercial Real Estate DanSmigrod 3 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN-TV: Intro to PocketBuildings for Matterport Service Providers: How MSPs can Make Money with PocketBuildings with PocketBuildings Co-Founder and Senior Vice President Gregory Moulton (@GregMoulton) | Wednesday, March 3, 2021 Hi All, ✓ Part 1: Intro to PocketBuildings for Matterport Service Providers ✓ Part 2: How Matterport Service Providers can Make Money with PocketBuildings PocketBuildings Co-Founder and Senior Vice President...
Idea of the Week: QR Code in Window Signage to 3D Tour Property Listing DanSmigrod 5 4 yearsVirtour (170): @Home3d Super cool and such a nice little add-on for clients that doesn't take long and really impresses. It may not be as easily accessible or take as quick to produce, but if you wanted to really blow your clients away, customize the QR code with an image of their house in the middle :) Because the generic black QR codes have become pretty commonplace, a custom-colored code with a photo of the client's home in the middle always gets a...
A High-Margin, Super-Easy Add On for MSPs to Help Double Your Annual Income DanSmigrod 5 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Grab: WGAN Double Your Income with Momenzo Calculator Hi All, How to double your annual revenue per year (example): ✓ $51,740/year: 260 photo shoots per year at $199 each (5 "times"...
Happy Valentine's Week! WGAN Will Pay for the First Month of Momenzo DanSmigrod 3 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Grab: Get a WGAN-TV Live at 5 Show Reminder via Text Hi All, This WGAN Valentine's Week offer is still available, as of 9 am EST Friday, 12 February 2021. Best, Dan
How to Get VIRTUAL TOUR PRO by Ben Claremont for FREE! DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Got time for training?
How to Make Money with ThreeSixty Tours; Making Your Competition Irrelevant DanSmigrod 8 5 yearsjunior (55): Wow! simply great video, Russ. I like the background music too, it fits very well. Can you share how you blended the video file to the Matterport Tour? I am new to this but I can't see how a client wouldn't love your work, I am very impressed, Jim
Transcript: WGAN-TV How to Make Money with Matterport in the AEC Space DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Part 2 of 2 --- - So, and the architect actually may be able to afford to do Matterport because it's replacing them sending people out to do the laser measure and take pictures and reconstruct the space. They don't necessarily want to pay for the LiDAR scanning. - That's exactly right, and that's exactly the right application. You said it very well, Dan, is that in that pre-design or early design phases of the project, Matterport is...
Six Matterport "Shout-Out" Videos from #ICNY19 to Help Get New Business DanSmigrod 6 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, Are these videos helpful in marketing to real estate agents by brand? Dan
WGAN-TV How to Make Money with Matterport Meets AEC Space for Newbies DanSmigrod 11 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, A WGAN Member writes (and my reply) ... Dan --- Hi Dan - Looking to grow my business and expand into the AEC space (have construction background and a few good contacts in the architectural world). I would love to get started, but I don't have a good handle on what currently is being done, who the clients are, what services are being know, the whole enchilada! Do you know of someone working in that space who would...
How to track construction progress in 3D using Cupix (Side-by-Side) DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): How to Make Money Idea of the Week --- LinkedIn Screen Grab | Peterborough, England-Based Imagineer Angus Norriss (@AngusNorriss) Hi All, This LinkedIn post (above) by WGAN Member - Peterborough, England-Based Imagineer Angus Norriss (@AngusNorriss) - caught my eye. Here's his blog post: ✓ How to track...
Video: Zillow 3D Home Tour Gives Real Estate Agents 7-Day Boost on Zillow DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsHome3D (4213): Just seven days? Are they kidding? Maybe I'm missing something, but to me this is a resounding reason NOT to bother with Zillow's 3D Home system until they permit NodalView (better looking and more versatile with aerial panos) or GeoCV (better in many ways) tours to be linked to Zillow's 3DH image frame. For years they've allowed professional videos to play from the Zillow Video image link, so why not engage alternate (and better) 3D/360°...
How to use a drone to create a web-based map (and make money) DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): How to Make Money Idea of the Week --- Glacier Rail Park During Construction, Kalispell, Montana | Video courtesy of City of Kalispell, Montana YouTube Channel How to use a drone to create a web-based map (and make money) Hi All, The Founder of Drone Pilot Ground School sent me this article about how an aerial photographer got started with creating web-based maps: ✓ Mapping Big Projects...
How to Use Facebook to Generate Matterport, Photos and Aerial Leads DanSmigrod 3 6 yearsGlennTremain (2953): Thanks Dan and Ross Ross has a service level with us that we do everything from website to seo to reputation management to putting the listings into his site with wp3dmodels so they get full optimization as well as coaching him on how to market on social media with agents and coaching calls where we role play to overcome objections (I was a master closer in the auto and real estate industry). We have helped with threesixty tour integration...
How to Make Money with a Video Brochure for Million+ Property Marketing DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): How to Make Money Idea of the Week #12 Brochure from Ideal Content How to Make Money with the Video Brochure from Ideal Content Hi All, This video brochure from Ideal Content ( Details) is a great Add On to offer to: ✓ real estate agents that seek multi-million...
Making Money Idea of the Week #10: Offering Matterport Features as Add Ons DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Video: WGAN-TV Matterport Cloud and Workshop for Newbies Short Story #203: Offering Matterport Features as Add Ons | Short Story from the nearly two-hour Matterport Cloud and Workshop for Newbies video Making Money Idea of the Week #10: Offering Matterport Features as Add Ons Hi All, New Year's Resolution: Stop giving it away free! Just because Matterport offers features for free (or charges), does not mean that you need to give...
Money Making Idea of the Week #10: Why Licensing 3D Tours Makes More Cents DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): [wp3d][/wp3d]WGAN licenses the free use of this - and many more - 3D Tours to WGAN Basic, Standard and Premium Members to use as examples for their website. --- Money Making Idea of the Week #10: Why Licensing Matterport 3D Tours Makes (More) 'Cents' Hi All, If you license* – not sell – your Matterport 3D Tours, there are multiple ways that this can lead...
Making Money Idea of the Week #9: Offer Matterport VR as an Add On DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN-TV Matterport Cloud and Workshop for Newbies #183-Edit VR from the nearly 2-hour WGAN Training Academy Video Library: How to use Matterport Cloud and Matterport Workshop for Newbies --- Making Money Idea of the Week #9: Offer Matterport VR as an Add On Hi All, If you Enable sharing of VR links by default in Matterport settings, you will never be able to up-sell Matterport VR as an Add On. And, by E nable sharing of VR...
Money Making Idea of the Week #8: 14 Tips on Quoting a Matterport 3D Tour DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Money Making Idea of the Week #8: 10 Tips on Quoting a Matterport 3D Tour Hi All, Do you respond to requests to quote on a Matterport 3D tour, but are losing business to the lowest price competitor in the market? Here are 14 tips when responding to a request for a quote to shooting a Matterport 3D Tour (rather than replying “X per SQ FT Sent from iPhone”): 1. [company] has created [quality]+ Matterport 3D Tours: [establish...
Making Money Idea of the Week #7: Assisted Living/Independent Living DanSmigrod 3 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Excellent! Thanks for sharing the examples and backstory. Bonus: ✓ aerial ✓ floor plans ✓ photos ✓ video ✓ HUGE spaces ✓ media coverage Thanks again for sharing, Dan
Pricing Matterport ala McDonalds: Would you like Fries and a Coke too? DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, Have you changed your pricing strategy after watching this WGAN-TV Short Story? Best, Dan
Making Money Idea of the Week #3: Add Ons -> Amenities and Town Tour Videos DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, This is such a great idea for increasing revenue with no additional work! License the same videos over and over ... Best, Dan
Making Money Idea of the Week #6: Chambers of Commerce/Economic Development DanSmigrod 2 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Chambers of Commerce and Economic Development Agencies are Destination Management Organizations (DMOs). This is helpful content for the following ... ---- Miles Partnership Vice President C.A. Clark presentation on how to make money shooting Google Street View for Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs) at the 2018 Google Street View Summit on Wednesday, (30 May 2018) at Google offices in Mountain...
Making Money Idea of the Week #4: One Order for Many Markets DanSmigrod 2 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Video: Luxe 3D Tours Photographer @BrianAshley Hi All, Trusted Clients - that have a need for many Matterport Pros in multiple markets - are golden. Typically, these Clients would prefer to place one order for multiple markets. Are you pursing this business development strategy? You make the spread between what you charge your Client and what you pay other Matterport Service Providers and/or Google Trusted...
Making Money Idea of the Week #5: Variable Pricing for 2D Floor Plans DanSmigrod 3 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @PetraSoderling Thank you for sharing this research. Yes. Clients are paying up to $600 for 2 Floor Plans, there is a lot of room for a Matterport Service Provider to charge way more than what they are likely charging and charge by the size rather than one price for any size. Best, Dan
Making Money Idea of the Week #2: Meetings and Events Spaces DanSmigrod 2 7 yearsosakadave (80): Thank you very much, Dan. Here is a banquet space I completed recently... Kind regards, Dave
Making Money Idea of the Week #1: Furniture Showrooms DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): from The Business Journals Book of Lists – in 55 United States markets. Making Money Idea of the Week (#1): Furniture Showrooms Hi All, ✓ Imagine outside sales people for furniture dealer showrooms bringing the showroom to prospective customers ✓ Shoot quarterly: Showroom furniture changes out ✓...
WGAN-TV> - Best Practices Shooting Real Estate Photos DanSmigrod 7 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, @PhotoAndVideoEdits - and @Hometakes – Founder Colin Forte will be my guest again on today's (Thursday, 23 August 2018) WGAN-TV Live at 5 (5 pm EDT | GMT -4) to help you succeed faster with: ✓ WGAN-TV Pricing for Matterport Service Providers: Bundles and Add Ons oin the WGAN-TV Virtual Studio Audience to ask questions live on the show ... Best, Dan WGAN-TV Best Practices Shooting Real Estate Photos with...
WGAN-TV: Case Study: How to Make Money Publishing to Google Street View DanSmigrod 11 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @Metroplex360 Congratulations, you have passed the Mensa International test. You will receive your certificate shortly. :beer: Dan
SPAR3D-How to Make Money with PIX4D and Your Drone DanSmigrod 3 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @Matt19 I recall seeing posts by WGAN Forum Members using PIX4D. That's why I did the interview :cool: Best, Dan
WGAN-TV How to Make Money with the VeeR 360º Photo/Video Platform #AWE2018 DanSmigrod 2 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Video: VeeR CEO Ayden Ye presentation at the 2018 IVRPA Conference in Tokyo in May 2018. Hi All, Above is the 2018 IVRPA Tokyo presentation by VeeR CEO Ayden Ye. Best, Dan
Video>How Matterport Service Providers can make money with ThreeSixty Tours DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN-TV Grayslake IL based Matterport Service Provider Ross Zanzucchi ( @ezphoroman ) shares with ThreeSixty Tours Co-Founders Ross Peterson ( @rpetersn ) and Lorenzo Gangi how he uses ThreeSixty Tours to make money. Hi All, Matterport Service Providers can make money using ThreeSixty Tours. In this excerpt (above) from the WGAN-TV Live at 5 show on Friday (15 June 2018), Grayslake IL based Matterport...
Luxe 3D Tours in Detroit: 1 Order for Multiple Markets DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Video: Luxe 3D Tours Photographer @BrianAshley Hi All, Trusted Clients - that have a need for many Matterport Pros in multiple markets - are golden. Typically, these Clients would prefer to place one order for multiple markets. Are you pursing this business development strategy? You make the spread between what you charge your Client and what you pay other Matterport Service Providers and/or Google Trusted...
Video: How to Make Money Publishing to Google Street View-Charles Armstrong DanSmigrod 7 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): P.S. Here are WGAN Forum discussions tagged: pricing Some of the discussions are about Google Street View (though not about actual streets) :cool:
DMO: How to Make Money Shooting GSV for Destination Marketing Organizations DanSmigrod 2 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, Above, I substituted the professionally shot video that the Google Street View team shot (in lieu of the video I shot). This is a must watch video to help grow your business. Best, Dan
Make Money: Refer Leads to Matterport Pros DanSmigrod 5 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, Are you generating in-bound leads for other markets? Above is an example of how you can make money with these leads. Best, Dan
How to Make Money Selling Google Street View “Map Updates” DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN-TV: How to Make Money Publishing to Google Street View with Google Street View Product Manager Charles Armstrong | Video: Paulo @Tosolini WGAN-TV Neil Tocher, co-founder and Chief Technical Officer of NCTech | Video courtesy of @TrustedPhotoDC --- How to Make Money Selling Google Street View “Map Updates” Start thinking about charging by the mile in addition to...
Video: How to Make Money with NCTech iStar Pulsar Publishing to Street View DanSmigrod 12 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @TrustedPhotoDC Thank you SO much for shooting the video above. Much, much appreciated. And, great visiting with you – and all the other WGAN Members - through-out the GSV18 Summit. Best, Dan
Video: How to Make Money Publishing to Google Street View from Matterport DanSmigrod 3 7 yearsimad (184): Thanks for this and all other videos in your coverage to GSV Summit 2018 @DanSmigrod
29 Ways: Make Money offering Matterport Free DanSmigrod 16 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31629):
How to Make More Money with MP MatterTags DanSmigrod 5 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, In light of the discussion yesterday (18 July 2017) in this We Get Around Network Forum discussion, how to compete again low price providers is more relevant than ever. Consider potential clients where MatterTags 'Matter' ... Dan
40+ WGAN Standard Member Benefits: One a Day! DanSmigrod Jump to first page34Jump to last page 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Wednesday, 5 July 2017 Standard Membership Benefit #35 Free! We Get Around Matterport Mentor Listing We Get Around Matterport Mentors are an elite group of Pros that are Matterport experts as a result of either: 1. scanning for more than a year 2. creating more than 100 Matterport Spaces (formerly known at 3D Showcases) 3. offering a Matterport 3rd party solution such as floor plans, virtual staging, CMS, videos from scans or single...
Business is Slow: 25 ideas from 25 MPeeps DanSmigrod 22 9 yearsRandyAggie (34): I'm still really just getting my business off the ground, but the approach that has worked for me best so far is to offer to do the scan for no money down. Within the agreed upon time frame (2 weeks for me), tell them they can either pay you the agreed price if they see value, or you will delete the scan if they don't.