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grantmuller private msg quote post Address this user
Has anyone explored the topic of branding the scans? Is there a way to do that with the .OBJ file? In a scan, there is the Matterport logo prominently displayed. It would be nice to display our own logo, Thoughts?
Post 1 IP   flag post
GarySnyder private msg quote post Address this user
Grant, this has been one of the main topics of discussion with Matterport from the very beginning of their operation. We've covered this extensively in another forum. But I'll give you a quick rundown on this subject again.

I was promised by Paul that there would be a white labeled version of Matterport for service providers like us. This would have cost a bit more per month but that was fine by me. When Matterport receive there latest round of funding from Greylock Partners who are also the principal backers of RedFin this was thrown out the window as there investors want the Matterport brand on everything they produce.

The goal of Greylock Partners is to have a Matterport camera in the hands of every Realtors office and have a constant monthly stream of subscriptions for producing scans. In addition Matterport's other goal is to provide 3D stitching for every future mobile device which will come equipped with a 3D camera. So that is why the Matterport logo is here to stay.

There has been rumors that a group produced there own viewer but so far I've not been able verify this. If anyone here in the group has any knowledge of this please let the forum know.
Post 2 IP   flag post
grantmuller private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks Gary. I am a realtor and we want these scans branded with our brokerage info. I would think that Redfin would want the same.
Post 3 IP   flag post
ccctucker private msg quote post Address this user
Redfin will probably get it, since they are the latest invested in matterport...
Post 4 IP   flag post
Missoula, MT
rpetersn private msg quote post Address this user
Hey guys...Chiming in here as I really wish we had the option to white-label our embeds as well.

I noticed that Redfin is wrapping some of their embeds with div elements and inline images that make it possible to then re-embed a scan with their logo below the iframe "Showcase".

This certainly isn't ideal...but it is an option if you wanted to keep your logo at the bottom of your embed all the time. One could create something like this with your own custom logo.

Here's the example I saw:

Just food for thought.
Post 5 IP   flag post
GarySnyder private msg quote post Address this user
But it still stated boldly Matterport. The last thing any of us want is for a customer or competitor to discover that they to can get into the a 3D scanning business. Just Google the name that's boldly displayed on the scan I delivered to you.

It's like employees going to a Pepsi convention but there all wearing t-shirts that proudly display the Coke logo. That's what every scan we deliver to our customers says.
Post 6 IP   flag post
grantmuller private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks for sharing that example and thanks for everyone's comments. I wonder how this is done:

I noticed that Redfin is wrapping some of their embeds with div elements and inline images that make it possible to then re-embed a scan with their logo below the iframe "Showcase".
Post 7 IP   flag post
Missoula, MT
rpetersn private msg quote post Address this user
Yep...agreed, it does clear state "Matterport". I've noodled around in the code that gets produced by the iframe and I've heard rumblings about how others have considered re-engineering what is produced there to be void of that logo.

Almost anything is possible with the right developer...but I guess I'd wonder if this sort of reverse engineering wouldn't conflict with any user agreements that we've all signed into.
Just food for thought...

Otherwise, the solution that Redfin is using is something I could easily create to produce a custom branded embed (with your own logo beneath).

I'll circle back to this in a bit and see if I can't pull something like that together and share it with the group here.
Post 8 IP   flag post
grantmuller private msg quote post Address this user
That sounds great! I certainly am happy sharing the logo space with Matterport - it's their technology after all. The camera is just a tool, and sooner or later others will have access to the same tool. I don't think that hiding their logo creates any competitive advantage. I do believe that being an early adopter IS a clear advantage though!
Post 9 IP   flag post
Missoula, MT
rpetersn private msg quote post Address this user
Hey guys...this is more of a proof of concept than anything...but here's a little page I threw together tonight to show how one might consider covering the Matterport logo in an embed. While my example IS responsive...this coverup method would end up obscuring the lower left navigational icons on a mobile device.

Anyway..maybe it'll spark a bit more conversation around this topic:
Post 10 IP   flag post
grantmuller private msg quote post Address this user
Somebody has some coding skills....that's impressive.
Post 11 IP   flag post
GarySnyder private msg quote post Address this user
Very cool
Did you have to cover up the lower section of the viewer as you no longer have assess to the Dollhouse or Floor plan? Can you not just place your company logo and name over the Matterport logo?
Post 12 IP   flag post
GarySnyder private msg quote post Address this user
Sorry I didn't run the demo just looked at the screen shot and read your comments. I see that you have all of the controls shown and have places the logo over the Matterport logo.

Well done, we do the same thing and add some additional instructions as I've found that some folks use just the arrow keys and that can lead to problems in navigating through the tour. I now tell folks the to click on the circles if they're having problems navigating the tour.
Post 13 IP   flag post
Missoula, MT
rpetersn private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks Grant! Gary...I just looked up one of your scans and saw how you'd done the same sort of thing. It's certainly an option...but really falls apart on phones. I suppose one could add this and then hide it on mobile....I'll keep stewing on this.

Take care guys...happy Halloween!
Post 14 IP   flag post
Tim private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by rpetersn
Thanks Grant! Gary...I just looked up one of your scans and saw how you'd done the same sort of thing. It's certainly an option...but really falls apart on phones. I suppose one could add this and then hide it on mobile....I'll keep stewing on this.

Take care guys...happy Halloween!

I took a peek too, looks like someone made a cameo...

Post 15 IP   flag post
GarySnyder private msg quote post Address this user
That's my Hitchcock moment . Actually the camera had indicated that it was finished capturing but for some reason it caught me.
Post 16 IP   flag post
TrueSpaces private msg quote post Address this user
I agree,. a white label version would have been ideal and I remember Paul telling me that would eventually be a [premium] option.

@GarySnyder thanks for the update on that. I had no idea it was off the table.

@rpetersn - good call on user agreements. I could totally see that being stated in something we have signed.

At the very least it would be nice to add our company info without adding it to the title of the scan. [I've had 1 or 2 clients ask me to remove my company name from the title]

Perhaps a small info button that pops up [with our information,.. as well as more information about the actual space]
Post 17 IP   flag post
GarySnyder private msg quote post Address this user
One solution would be for all of use to combine the cost of developing our own viewer. This allow all those who have shared in the expense of development to customize the viewer to suit ours as well as our customer’s needs.

It could be heavily password protected so only those who have contributed can use it. We could upload our OBJ's to the cloud just as we currently do with Matterport and customize each job.

Anyone want to comment on this idea?
Post 18 IP   flag post
Missoula, MT
rpetersn private msg quote post Address this user
I should probably do a bit more research before I go sticking my neck out (technically) but I'm 99% sure that there's a TON of photographic data that is captured by the camera that Matterport uses (proprietarily) to generate their "Showcase" view. As users, I'm (again 99%) pretty sure there is no existing way for us to gain access to that bulk of information.

When we download our OBJ files, they're awesome, but still relatively pedestrian in that the photographic imagery provided is just for texture mapping, not the higher res panographic imagery that is also captured, separately, by the camera.

One could certainly build/use a different online viewer for the OBJ files ('s not the same as the "Showcase".

IMO, Matterport has done a stunning job of technically marrying up these two types of data (panoramic imagery) and 3D modeling data...and it is that correlation that sets them apart from other providers at this point. To me...that's really what they're selling.

I'd like to be wrong here...but I just don't think we can get our hands on all of the information being captured by the camera.

And then...even if one did have "all access", technically, one could rebuild a new non-Matterport viewer and brand it however they like. But.....this would be a very tall order and require serious technical expertise in WebGL/3D/JS/etc/etc...and then the testing, support, updates, etc.

While I'd LOVE the ability to white label this experience as much as anyone, I think it'd be a pretty tall order.
Post 19 IP   flag post
GarySnyder private msg quote post Address this user
I guess if we can't white label the viewer we'll just have to cover over the Matterport logo. It does piss me off as one of the main reasons for buying the Matterport was the fact that Paul stated that there was going to be a white labeled version for service companies. I like most of you really don't want to promote Matterport to any future competitor.

One last thought, if any of you in this forum know of anyone with the ability to do such a job please let us know.
Post 20 IP   flag post
GarySnyder private msg quote post Address this user
I just received this email from Paul on Saturday. Since I can't edit or remove post on this forum I want to set the record straight in regards to Paul's request. I also want to say that Paul indeed has always been straight with me.

Paul has requested I retract my statement that he promised a White Labeled version for an additional cost. It was only discussed as a possibility with Paul which I took at the time that there was a good chance that Service Providers like mine would be able to private labeled the showcase player under our own name or for one of are clients.

The original entry I made 4 months ago in the forum is included below for reference.

It is clear that MP is monitoring the forum so what we say is open to all public review.

Hi Gary,

One of my coworkers sent me a link to this forum post which you made on the We-Get_around forum 4 months ago:

"Grant, this has been one of the main topics of discussion with Matterport from the very beginning of their operation. We've covered this extensively in another forum. But I'll give you a quick rundown on this subject again.

I was promised by Paul that there would be a white labeled version of Matterport for service providers like us. This would have cost a bit more per month but that was fine by me. When Matterport receive there latest round of funding from Greylock Partners who are also the principal backers of RedFin this was thrown out the window as there investors want the Matterport brand on everything they produce.

The goal of Greylock Partners is to have a Matterport camera in the hands of every Realtors office and have a constant monthly stream of subscriptions for producing scans. In addition Matterport's other goal is to provide 3D stitching for every future mobile device which will come equipped with a 3D camera. So that is why the Matterport logo is here to stay.

There has been rumors that a group produced there own viewer but so far I've not been able verify this. If anyone here in the group has any knowledge of this please let the forum know."


Why would you claim that "I was promised by Paul that there would be a white labeled version." That's not true. (I'm smart enough to refrain from promise something I can't deliver. And at the time all I knew is that we would be open minded and discuss the concept internally, and then I'd get back to you.) I've always been very up front and straightforward with you.

Can you edit or remove your post?

Post 21 IP   flag post
Missoula, MT
rpetersn private msg quote post Address this user
I'd like to jump back into this thread too, just to clarify something re: a previous post that I made.

I want to make sure that anyone reading this knows that in this previous post, I provided a link to an example of a way to obscure an embedded logo in a model. I provided this as a simple supplement to aid in the thread conversation and took it down shortly afterwards.

I also noted that actually publishing something like this would likely violate the agreed terms. I did not intend for this to be used publicly, I simply wanted to use a working model to describe the technique.

Anyway...just an FYI.
Post 22 IP   flag post
alx3D private msg quote post Address this user
Just saying: If Paul and other people from matterport are looking at our content and reading what we post and have an issue or want to relay info they should just join the forum and post. I think we could get a lot more accomplished together and with first hand info than a he said she said type deal.
Post 23 IP   flag post
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