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Keeping Tours Private For Clients5282

Snap private msg quote post Address this user
Hello everyone,

I have a client who is interested in using Matterport tours for his business. He requires these tours to be kept private from the public with access for his employees. He has over 100 employees so inviting them as collaborators is not realistic. Is there anyway to embed these links to a private website and keeping them in private mode on my end?
Post 1 IP   flag post
Hartland, Wisconsin
htimsabbub23 private msg quote post Address this user
As far as I know that isn't possible. I have been working on a way to embed into a password protected site and then hide the source code so that the URL of the virtual tour isn't visable.

I have not has success yet, but there are way smarter people on here thane when it comes to programming. Maybe they can help us both out.
Post 2 IP   flag post
JonJ private msg quote post Address this user
Would it make sense to make a single collaborator account and have them share that across the company?
Just a thought,
Jon J
Post 3 IP   flag post
Missoula, MT
rpetersn private msg quote post Address this user
Hi @Snap - What you're requesting has come up before and sadly the answer to your question is somewhat hazy.

If/when Matterport allows us to limit the embedding of a particular scan to a specific domain, then we'll have a very robust solution. This is how services like Vimeo Pro do it, and this works very well, allowing for you (the site owner) to build out your own way of limiting (or charging for) access if you like.

Until that time, any method that is used to prevent access to a tour is only lightly secure. Any savvy visitor that is given access to a tour can look in the source code of that page, find the Matterport URL, and then access that content directly, outside of your site.

With this caveat in mind, one CAN use WP3D Models (or their own custom password protection) to limit access to specific pages where a tour is embedded.

We have documentation on how to do this within WP3D:

And here's an example of how it looks when a page is protected:

More discussion on this topic can be found on the following older threads:

Hope this helps some...and Matterport, if you're reading, please consider adding the functionality to limit tours by domain!
Post 4 IP   flag post
Snap private msg quote post Address this user
Thank you @rpetersn, I will have a look. @JonJ that is actually a great idea, I went through the prompts as a collaborator to see what they see on their end and I'm not too impressed with the fact that in the sign-in information it has a box automatically checked off for the collaborator to receive 'marketing communications' from Matterport...

I'm beginning to understand the frustration service providers are experiencing with the lack of support from the company. How does one create a business model with this technology if the manufacturer is encouraging our clients to buy one for themselves and cut us out from the equation right from under our noses? I have never seen this before and can't see this ending well for them in the long's only a matter of time before someone else comes along with a better product and more support for the SP's...I wish they could see the long term effects with this concept...very frustrating...
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