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'Collaborators' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Matterport Video: How to Share and Collaborate DanSmigrod 1 6 monthsDanSmigrod (31611): Video: How to Share and Collaborate | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel | 29 August 2024 Hi All, Questions about Matterport sharing and collaborating? Best, Dan
Video: Managing your Matterport Collaborators & Admins DanSmigrod 2 7 monthsGlennTremain (2947): @DanSmigrod great video thanks
Third party access to cloud collaborator email (Matterport) Meidansha 6 1 yearMeshImages (3038): @Meidansha it is irrelevant wether B2B or B2C - privacy regulations - and this is a privacy issue - apply to all individuals.
Public link for sharing Matterport Time-line in SIMLAB STAGES Jedrzej 5 2 yearsJedrzej (314): In the building/home industry, only 3% of facilities have digital documentation, AEC professionals still use traditional documentation or do not bother about it until an accident or sudden need for renovation. As long as it is related to expensive and complex technology, digitalization is present more in the commercial sector. STAGES provides access to building intelligence for the residential sector too. Challenges: MARKET DIVERSITY Lack of...
Video: How to transfer a Matterport space in Matterport Workshop DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31611): How to transfer a Matterport space in Matterport Workshop | video courtesy of Learn 360 Photography YouTube Channel | 22 March 2022
since when does matterport free plan allow sharing space?? Yerlan 9 3 yearsShakoure (568): @Yerlan ...Can you share the space your newbie-colleague shot in this thread?
Transcript: Sneak Peak: Collaboration, Capture Services and Spatial Planner DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31611): Sneak Peak: Collaboration, Capture Services, & Spatial Planner | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel | Released on 25 August 2021 (Live on 18 August 2021) From the Matterport YouTube Channel Sneak Peek 1 Aug 18, 2021 In this special Sneak Peek webinar, we got a chance to preview some very cool features coming soon to Matterport. We learned about a new and very exciting collaboration...
Matterport ShopTalk Webinar | Wednesday, 1 Sept 21 | Team Collaboration DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31611): Matterport writes: Best way to collaborate with your team. We understand that collaboration optimizes workflow processes, maximizes productivity and increases efficiency. Join Amir [Frank] as he hosts...
How to help reduce Matterport poaching of your Collaborators DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31611): Grab: See Capture Services icon at the top and Matterport Capture Services now available in selected regions (Box to the right). How to help reduce Matterport poaching of your Collaborators Hi All, Unfortunately, Matterport apparently continues to solicit Matterport Service Provider clients that are Collaborators...
Matterport collaborator access for adding tags only? 3dshowcaseuk 2 4 yearsrzphotoman (1837): @3dshowcaseuk I don't believe there is. I don't really offer to do tags due to the time involved in communicating back and forth with the client. Instead, if they want tags, I give them full edit access and spend 15 minutes showing them how to create the tags and I also explain what shouldn't be played with in the workshop. I also explain that if they do make any changes that I need to fix, there may be an additional charge. Haven't had a...
Matterport targeting Collaborators? NC3D 5 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31611): @NC3D Once you do use the tactic, please share with us what emails that you start to receive from Matterport. :cool: Dan
How to enable a Collaborator to upload to my Matterport account? DanSmigrod 9 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31611): @3dshowcaseuk Ha! Point taken! Thanks for the additional clarification. Hi All, Like @3dshowcaseuk says! Do that instead of allowing Collaborators to use their own email address. Dan
Assigning a restricted access to a selected virtual tour in My.Matterport MarcelloM 5 5 yearsMarcelloM (82): Thank you Alex. I'll have a look. Marcello
How-Where-Why to set up Matterport Collaborator User/Admin in Workshop 3.0 DanSmigrod 3 5 yearsMarcelloM (82): Hi Dan! Thank you so much! I appreciate, great forum! Marcello
How to Manage Matterport Collaborators on Your Matterport Cloud Account DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31611): Hi All, A WGAN Member writes (and my reply) ... Dan --- Hi Dan, I know it has been mentioned in the WGAN forum in the past that Matterport often/always reaches out by email to collaborators – sometimes even advertising for them to buy their own cameras etc. I have not yet set up their “collaborator account” and wanted to make sure I do it in a way that Matterport won’t latch on to their email address. Please confirm...
How would you reply to this Matterport Pricing question? DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31611): Hi all, Does this additional info affect your thinking? Dan --- I asked the WGAN Member these follow-up questions: ✓ Do you charge this client a monthly or annual fee for hosting the model that you shot for them? ✓ Is this a client that might do a testimonial video for you? Here's what I heard back ... --- Hi Dan, Thanks for the quick post & reply! I’m charging them a [redacted]/month collaborator hosting fee that they have...
Email tip for Gmail... Queen_City_3D 8 6 yearsWingman (4414): Still not sure what you mean but back to your original post with your wife's email not accepted by Matterport as she has been registered as a collaborator. You can simply use email aliases for your wife's collaborator email to open a new account for her. Aliases are just dummy email addresses that simply redirect all mail to your main email account. They are also good for publishing them on your website as a contact email. If you put your real...
No collaborator status needed? PetraSoderling 1 6 yearsPetraSoderling (752): WGAN ahoy! Did something change wrt third parties like Blue-Sketch not needing to be a collaborator in order to access your Workshops? Is there a link to a newsletter or updated FAQ possibly? Thanks in advance.
Smoking Gun: Proof That Matterport Markets to Collaborators (Your Clients!) DanSmigrod 16 6 yearsmori (819): A first attempt I can think of to make them aware: try to collaborate by merging your accounts via cooperations. E.g. if 100 MSP´s ask MP for a special offer to bundle all their single accounts and spaces and then cancel all their single subscriptions they may start to listen? [redacted]
Another MP Attempt At Poaching Clients? Snap 7 6 yearsJamie (2037): You and us all :/
MP Collaborator Issue - No response from support! BlueImmersiveMedia 1 6 yearsBlueImmersiveMedia (303): Very frustrated today. Sent a message to MP support yesterday. No response today, even called them. Even FB Dee Johnson. Nothing. Rrrr. Maybe someone knows the answer here. Two things - 1) I shot for another TGSVP. I thought He or I could upload to HIS GSV account via Matterport. Is this true? I read that I needed to add him as a collaborator, then editor on the scan. And, he would have access to use the App to GSV. True? Has anyone done...
Construction collaborator - access BenedicteDamm 5 6 yearsBenedicteDamm (26): @Queen_City_3D Right?! I thought so too, but I just cannot seem to figure out how now.. when browsing through threads it seems like the function was removed by Matterport (to promote sales?) Hope to get to the bottom of this, because it's a challenge to create a put-together solution under these circumstances without undermining my own business.
Uploading to the Wrong Matterport Account Matt19 4 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31611): @Matt19 Obviously a missed opportunity by Matterport to surprise and delight a Client. Dan
Does Matterport market cameras to Collaborators on your account? DanSmigrod 3 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31611): @3dshowcaseuk Thanks for documenting. I'll add this ... ✓ Smoking Gun: Proof That Matterport Markets to Collaborators (Your Clients!) Dan
Matterport Collaborators: Will This Enable the Client to See Analytics? eggardner 4 6 yearsShakoure (568): I think, however, there's a limit to the number of collaborators depending on your MP subscription level.
CUPIX 3D Tour Private Sharing-Collaboration Includes Real-Time Group Chat DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31611): WGAN-TV Matterport Cloud and Workshop for Newbies #193-Sending An Invitation | from the two-hour WGAN-TV Training Academy Video: WGAN-TV Matterport Cloud and Matterport Workshop for Newbies WGAN-TV Matterport Cloud and Workshop for Newbies #194-Collaborators Page | from the two-hour WGAN-TV Training Academy Video: WGAN-TV Matterport Cloud and Matterport Workshop for Newbies WGAN-TV Matterport Cloud and Workshop for Newbies...
Question of the Day: Thoughts about the Matterport Collaborator feature? DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsJohnLoser (305): I have been contracted to work for two separate companies and have used Matterport collaboration to upload my sons to their account. I use one of our company email accounts as the login - different from the email we use for our Matterport account. It works well for us when we work for others.
Keep Matterport tour private and get a floor Chi3d 13 7 yearsPer952 (16): Thats why I mentioned that its important to get a good reference measurement. I use a laser on the longest distance I can get inside the property and put the plan in scale according to that exact measurement. Like that I think you get the most exact plan possible.
Dear Matterport: Please Fix Collaborators DanSmigrod 2 7 yearstocha (166): It does give the opportunity to uncheck the box that says "receive information from Matterport". But that box is automatically already selected by default. I tell my collaborators to de-select it to avoid receiving a ton of unwanted email.
MP Collaborators: All or Limited Access? DouglasMeyers 5 7 yearsDouglasMeyers (1282): Brilliant .. 3D show case... thanks
Matterport are contacting my clients. eggardner 20 7 yearsShakoure (568): @Metroplex360 ...Sounds like you're among the few doing really well. I'm in the mecca of real estate and can't get realtors to bite. Any chance of getting a few subcontracts from your subcontracts?
What to do about billing errors? Queen_City_3D 6 7 yearssrennick (373): I had the same problem last week...with the same reply. They actually didn't even move it. I uploaded it to the right account and the other user deleted the scan from their account. They refused to alter billing.
Keeping Tours Private For Clients Snap 5 8 yearsSnap (194): Thank you @rpetersn, I will have a look. @JonJ that is actually a great idea, I went through the prompts as a collaborator to see what they see on their end and I'm not too impressed with the fact that in the sign-in information it has a box automatically checked off for the collaborator to receive 'marketing communications' from Matterport... I'm beginning to understand the frustration service providers are experiencing with the lack of...
How to "Give" Your Scans to Your Clients DanSmigrod 3 8 yearsmori (819): I totally agree. Also for an agency it´s essential that they can provide a branded interface to their clients and also have the login on their own domain. And there they should be able to offer their clients a solution to e.g. add metadata like tags and media. Not to speak we have clients that are not speaking english here in germany.
Collaborator invitation 3Dwalkmethru 3 9 years3Dwalkmethru (289): Let me try it .. thanks
Cannot Add a Collaborator lisahinson 7 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31611): @pirusan yes (And, yes. Makes no sense.) Dan
Adding collaborators to Matterport PetraSoderling 5 9 yearsPetraSoderling (752): Thanks for replies @stevenhattan @jamie @3dscannUK Steven: I'd love to try how that works. I'll send you PM. 3DscannUK: That's a good solution, too. One of my clients is already doing this. I would rather have something that just works without the need for me to bother you guys but I guess there is not much hope getting Matterport to change their ways. Have a great Wednesday everyone.
Workspace access Bill 5 9 yearsBill (288): Hey Dan, Even though you can give access to one folder that collaborator can still click on "All Collaborators" and then click on each one individually. I'll PM you.....
Share Measureable Showcase With Client BrianM 7 9 yearssmcclell (156): It would be great if there was a way to easily give clients the ability to take measurements other than collaborating. I am finding that with how inaccurate it is I'm not sure what purposes it holds other than for me to measure for basic floorplans.
Tip-Adding a Matterport Account Collaborator DanSmigrod 5 10 yearsDoyleRealtor (534): I do still have them on my iPad, a friend of mine is a member on here and local to me so we'll just upload them to his account at some point in time. I only did 8 models between Aug 14 & Jan of this year. 2 of them were just tests, then after selling my camera earlier this month we've had Architech3di do 3 models with 4th schedule! Funny how that works