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Long Hallway scan issue516

Orange, California
craigsauer private msg quote post Address this user
I've had this issue a couple come up a couple times, and don't remember seeing it discussed here.

The problem comes up with a long hallway. The first was in a hotel with a long fairly featureless hallway, and the more recent one was in a large one story home with a long central hallway that ran the entire length of the home. The hallway had skylights in it that made scanning it a problem during the day. I decided I could work around it until the sun got lower by scanning around the outside of the house that way in shade (it was a very picturesque exterior anyhow). But when I got back in the house at the other house, I realized that the alignment had gotten messed up.

You can see in the iPad screen capture what happened.

The resolution here isn't fantastic, but the hallway at the bottom end (e.g., scans 27 and 30)of the pic isn't aligned at all with the hallway at the top of the screen (e.g.,scans 151 and 179), even though it's one long hallway.

I ended up copying the model, deleting everything except the scans on the bottom of the screens and working down the hallway instead of going around outside. (By that time, the sun was low enough that the skylights weren't a problem.)

The scan ended up being pretty fantastic:

The hotel I had problems with was sort of the opposite problem. When I scanned the hallway directly (painstakingly moving a foot or so down the LOOOONG hallway), the room at the end of the hallway was terribly misaligned with reality (basically the hallway had been modelled shorter than it was (but staight) and overlapped another room very dramatically. That time I ended up deleting the hallway and misaligned space and approaching the room at the end of a hallway through another access route. The geometry worked out correctly that way, and then I was able to scan the hallway from the other end successfully.

After that long explanation, anyone have similar problems and/or tips to avoid problems like this?

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Glenda private msg quote post Address this user
The only fix I've found for long, featureless hallways is to add features. I've been known to strategically place knick-knacks in the hallway to help align the scans. It might look a little out of place but at least I don't tear out my hair.
Post 2 IP   flag post
davidpylyp private msg quote post Address this user
That outside Balcony pool shot is incredible!

Thank you for posting what its capable of.

My model scans also appear grouped like that on the ipad
but the model displayed seems to have removed some of the scan locations

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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

1. Always scan outside last
2. If you can reshoot, delete outside and rescan inside; then scan outside
3. MP reports clouds can be as bad as direct sun

I always scan outside last. I let clients know I can not promise outside. Worst case, delete outside.

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Orange, California
craigsauer private msg quote post Address this user
Ah! That's what I was missing. I was stuck thinking both these issues were related to the long hallways, but actually they are unrelated issues. The hotel issue was that the hallway was long and featureless and the house issue was that because the hallway was too sunny I tried to scan outside before completing the house.


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