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3D ShowcaseMatterport KerfufflepricingScanning

Matterport now pricing their own 3Dscan cost5032

Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Guys,

While Matterport might read this forum, I'm going to go ahead and contact them about this and get it sorted out. I'm sure there's a big misunderstanding as this is, imho, quite silly on their part.
Post 26 IP   flag post
Chadcloses private msg quote post Address this user
It's great to see the company that makes the technology available show you just how much they think it's worth. Morons.
Post 27 IP   flag post
North Palm Beach, FL
hometakes private msg quote post Address this user
@metroplex. Possibly a mistake.....
As it actually doesn't make sense as next to the pricing, there is a form to get a quote.

"By submitting this form you give Matterport permission to provide your contact information to up to 3 service providers in your area for the purpose of receiving a free quote."

So why would the form say get quoted pricing on the same page as where they show pricing based on square footage? Maybe they are trying to get business for us by pushing the three providers (us) into doing it for the advertised price.
Post 28 IP   flag post
jfantin private msg quote post Address this user
The operating cost of running a Matterport business, as well as the price of the properties is higher in SFO compared to other parts of the country, so local pricing should reflect that fact.

It is really a bad idea to set such a low price and sincerely outrageous that they don´t leave room for differentiation, bundling different services, etc.

Originally Posted by hometakes
"By submitting this form you give Matterport permission to provide your contact information to up to 3 service providers in your area for the purpose of receiving a free quote."

Maybe they expect their prices to act as a ceiling and we compete from there to the bottom...

Originally Posted by hometakes
Maybe they are trying to get business for us by pushing the three providers (us) into doing it for the advertised price.

I don´t recall being asked if I wanted to offer my services at such prices. Shouldn´t they have asked us before? Or is it that they have a list of volunteers to work under such conditions? If so, which is our place in this market? what can we expect?
Post 29 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

From this discussion two months ago ...

Matterport Competing with Matterport Pros?

Originally Posted by @DanSmigrod
Hi All,

So, among the 50 Matterport job openings is this Inside Sales Associate - Multi-Family (Chicago-based position).

I re-read the job description multiple times.

My impressions:

1. Matterport is soliciting business from multi-family communities (builders, property management companies)
2. Matterport will engage Pros to shoot these jobs
3. Matterport will set the rate of pay to Pros

Essentially, since Matterport controls the vertical, it is likely that they will sell for less than the rest of us and do their best to turn us all into a commodity.

If I have correctly concluded what Matterport is doing, this seems unfair that Matterport is competing with us. If Matterport wants to be supportive of the Matterport Pro Community, it should only be generating leads to Pros.

I could imagine that Matterport would argue that it is generating business for Pros. If that business was at the highest rate of pay in the market, I would be fine with that.

I doubt that is the case.

Have you already run into this scenario in your market? If so, how – and how much are they paying you? Feel free to share privately and I will post anonymously.

First we development business and the client buys a camera. Now we development business and the client buys via Matterport to get a lower price.

What do you think?


Post 30 IP   flag post

North Palm Beach, FL
hometakes private msg quote post Address this user
@dansmigrod You posted a return camera post. It says on the terms the following:

"The foregoing return right applies only to the first Camera purchased by You. Subject to those rights set out below regarding Cameras with faults, You will have no right to return any subsequently purchased Camera without the prior written consent of Matterport, which consent Matterport may grant or withhold in its sole discretion."

So I think that they may have anticipated people wanting to return their second purchase of a camera from them.
Post 31 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @[quote=hometakes
@dansmigrod You posted a return camera post. It says on the terms the following:

"The foregoing return right applies only to the first Camera purchased by You. Subject to those rights set out below regarding Cameras with faults, You will have no right to return any subsequently purchased Camera without the prior written consent of Matterport, which consent Matterport may grant or withhold in its sole discretion."

So I think that they may have anticipated people wanting to return their second purchase of a camera from them.

A game of cheese. They anticipated today's discussion (Tuesday, 18 July 2017).

Then I would ask for the written consent to return the Camera. If they do not allow the return, then I suggest posting the the correspondence with Matterport in this discussion. (You're welcome to do that every day until Matterport honors your return request. There are 10,000+ monthly Visitors to the We Get Around Network Forum that are interested in what Matterport says when you request to return the Camera because Matterport is competing with the Pro Community.

Post 32 IP   flag post
Viewing private msg quote post Address this user
This is verging on appalling but remember there's a whole world out there away from real estate that you will soon be able to make more continuous revenue from than you could ever dream of. Don't throw away your cameras just yet.

I'm really not sure what to make of this announcement but soon Matterport's apparent lack of respect for the community will be of no relevance.

I respectfully request that you don't ask me any questions about this yet as all will be explained on launch. I just wanted to take this opportunity to reassure you all that 2017 is the beginning of something incredible and not to get down about Matterport's direction.

All will be just fine.
Post 33 IP   flag post
mori private msg quote post Address this user
That is really the best sign, that Matterport is on the same way like Soundcloud. What a waste of money for their investors and what a loss of a big technologie burned down by suits people.


Europe will be very happy to provide better and fair solutions in the future.

Or maybe they just forgot to mention that they will directly transfer 500 USD for each shooting, offer free hosting and processing as they have still 60 millions funding.
Post 34 IP   flag post
PedroAvilez private msg quote post Address this user
How can be explained this action by Matterport to directly sell 3D scanning services? And only in San Francisco area? And with such low prices?
Everytime I saw this in the past - by several tech companies - was 99% due to desperation with sales and corresponding lack of cash flow.
Is this the case?
Whatever the explanation behind, it is not a good sign either for us - service providers - neither for (our) customers.
This situation must be quickly explained in a clear way.
Post 35 IP   flag post
PedroAvilez private msg quote post Address this user
Post 36 IP   flag post
GeorgeK private msg quote post Address this user
They did not contact me to ask if I would agree to this pricing. I bet it is entirely possible that they did not even send this out.

They have proven to not know their market for sometime, I bet this is just another of the missteps of great technology.

Video is still bigger than Matterport and I am glad I have been honing those skills.

REALTORS how will they feel about this? As a Broker the tool is still valid, but give the average agent a matterport and he will fail. The skill set is entirely different. Maybe 15% even have the desire to get a matterport and add that to the time of their day.

Lets set up a "baby lottery"... I have a dollar that says we see something out if this in say 43 hours 10 mins and 11 seconds...where do I send my dollar....(humor implied)
Post 37 IP   flag post
justinv private msg quote post Address this user
The other thread is closed about being .06$ a sqft. The funny thing is that I have not received any leads in months from them, so I did my own and it did come back to me. I am too busy with other things, so no big deal but it went from several a week to nothing.

How is this any different than the thread the other day about the cheapest provider in the country?

If you agree with Matterport on this, just be sure you can add extras like the WP3D models, floor plans, photography, video, etc to build the cost of the ticket.

I am with @GeorgeK and video is the way to go!
Post 38 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Huge difference between Matterport setting pricing and a Pro setting pricing.

Matterport controls the vertical:

1. pricing of the Camera
2. pricing of processing
3. pricing of hosting
4. pricing of ancillary services

And, funded by VC is about market share - not profitability.

Post 39 IP   flag post
PeterMcCready private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by PedroAvilez
Everytime I saw this in the past - by several tech companies - was 99% due to desperation with sales and corresponding lack of cash flow.

It's almost as bizarre as the unbelievably protracted discussion I had with them re their insistence that I pony up £4K for the Pro2 rather than simply return my Pro1 and pay the £1.5K difference, cashflow's more important than common sense where Matterport is concerned!
Post 40 IP   flag post
justinv private msg quote post Address this user

I just emailed my contact inside Matterport and hopefully they will respond back!
Post 41 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Thank you. Please do share the reply here ...

Post 42 IP   flag post
San Antonio, TX
EricThomas private msg quote post Address this user
They are literally backing themselves into a inescapable corner.
Continue to devalue the service providers, yet push for more camera sales. Due to their direct competition, potential customers will hesitate on the purchase...and current owners (non agents) will look to sell their cameras on a secondary market. I have no interest in upgrading to a Pro2 now. They are literally poking holes in their own boat. On one hand you say buy this expensive piece of technology, hit refresh and you get an ad placement showing how "cheap" you can get a tour done.

Lets devalue the actual product, yet still try to sell a camera at a premium....

Take Apple for example. For the longest time you could only purchase apple products directly from apple stores. Why? They could control the market, price, and perceived value. Now they have numerous outlets, but you pay the same price at best buy as you do an apple store. They do this so that retailers/wholesalers do not cut prices to create volume, because that would devalue the product.
Matterport is doing the exact opposite...Its one thing to sell the product and let the users run the prices all over the map....Its another to sell the product and also be part of the pricing problem. A lot of product developers use a MAP system (minimum advertised pricing). This way it pushes up the value, and their customers (the providers) can make a profit and in turn support the company. No undercutting, but you could always charge more if the marketplace allows it.

They jacked up their business model a long time ago...they never planned it out properly and now its a mess. Its going to get worse.
I mean I'm in no way shocked by this news....They tried contacting my clients directly to sell them a camera before. After that, whats the worse they could do....They don't give a crap about any of us. Just our $$, and when that dries up, somebody elses $$
Post 43 IP   flag post
DougTse private msg quote post Address this user

Had my client shared this with me and had a difficult time explaining this, "Why is Matterport offering at this price??". Because they're cheap?!? #notcoolmatterport#deconstructingvalue #matterportlackingworth
Post 44 IP   flag post
mori private msg quote post Address this user
I think they have realised that 3D is a nice add on, but is not a must have and others have better features more important for real estate clients, so the only way for the suits marketing sections to boost sales is this as they have no idea how to act and I guess also no strategy.

Post 45 IP   flag post
mori private msg quote post Address this user
[Matterport] just posted a statement [2:33 pm ET, Tuesday 18 July 2017]

Post 46 IP   flag post
Bon Secour, Alabama
Chemistrydoc private msg quote post Address this user
This is so much double talk, my head is literally spinning. [redacted] needs to take a job as White House Press Secretary if she can defend this with a straight face.
Post 47 IP   flag post
GarySnyder private msg quote post Address this user
Those of you have to understand that MP has never been a self-funded company it has always depended on venture money from a whole series of venture companies. One of the main reasons for investing in MP was the growth of 3D capture with the Realsense camera and Project Tango on mobile devices. The investors felt that MP would become the YouTube of VT & VR but the development of these devices has never taken off. Those of you who have been around MP for as long as I have can remember the MP video that shows a guy shooting a VT with his smartphone...

There was even a video showing a screen shot of the capture app on the device ...

VC’s typically like to cash out at 3 to 4 years and MP is now in year 5. Initially they received $1.6M but over the course of the last few years this has grown to $61M. With the advent of several new 3D/VR/AR solutions coming online from the likes of Apple and others, MP is desperately trying to find new revenue sources this is why they begin to offer their VT service in San Francisco in addition a few months back MP UK had a ad for a MP shooter in the London area as well.

Revenues are lagging and there are reported issues with the new Pro2 camera which I understand are holding up some shipments. This all said if we do jump ship the revenue which MP received from us all will most definitely affect their long range plans and could sink the company. An example if there are 5,000 cameras in the field with each MSP paying $99 PM that’s $500,000 PM which is much needed by MP.

All of use need to consider the consequences if MP does cease operations in the future we need MP assurance that we all have access to our models so we can either host them ourselves or let out clients host them. Their current model of total control is no longer acceptable, we must have some guarantee that we can have access to the models or at least the pano’s we can then use other applications to create models for our clients to avoid legal issues we all may encounter from our existing clients if their models go dark.
Post 48 IP   flag post
mori private msg quote post Address this user
The problem is with MP´s speed of development (Angular2 slows down everything) they have lost all their advantages, maybe due to growing too fast (good devs are still rare and 10 people are often 10 times slower than 3 good ones).

So meanwhile all others are faster and better and coming:
Post 49 IP   flag post
SailAway private msg quote post Address this user
I need to get my scan hosted elsewhere, what if they close doors? What will I do with all the content that's being hosted on different websites for various clients? Can we obtain the scans and host it ourselves somehow?
Post 50 IP   flag post
jfantin private msg quote post Address this user
I just replied to this Kelly Hanson:

"You don´t do a pilot test in a public website setting prices that will hurt your clients!

Who is the brain behind this beauty? Please tell him/her to ask his/her college the money back

Besides, what kind of "pilot" are you talking about when there is a form to fill in with a price structure just on the left open to everybody beyond San Francisco area?

Are you aware that there is a thing called "Internet" by which people can read posts and websites all around the world? It is quite useful indeed!

Wake up people. You are going to fall very hard if you don´t fix these and other mistakes you have been making in the last couple of years.

Please, contact an expert in business strategy and redefine in which business you want to be.

I am really pissed off
Post 51 IP   flag post
Bon Secour, Alabama
Chemistrydoc private msg quote post Address this user

Excellent points - their marketing department is totally adrift from reality and strategy. It is millenial marketing at its worst.
Post 52 IP   flag post
Santa Barbara
Lizzg private msg quote post Address this user
Could it be they are planning to contract this work to MSP's at a lower fee because they did the legwork for us?
Post 53 IP   flag post
Bon Secour, Alabama
Chemistrydoc private msg quote post Address this user

Probably! There are a couple of firms out there who are trying to do this on a regional scale; I bet they are all hopping mad right now!
Post 54 IP   flag post
Buffalo, NY
iTours360VR private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by mori
The problem is with MP´s speed of development (Angular2 slows down everything) they have lost all their advantages, maybe due to growing too fast (good devs are still rare and 10 people are often 10 times slower than 3 good ones).

So meanwhile all others are faster and better and coming:

The sketchfab scans are rough - but it is amazing how you can move about the entire space without having to move to nodes (tripod locations) on the floor. You can literally scroll any direction and float across the room, to the ceiling, floor or any vantage point/perspective you want to look from. Tango tech is amazing - but it's like shooting with your iPhone vs a DSLR camera - both can take photos, but the tech and quality is obviously a big difference between them. The Tango / Sketchfab examples shot with smartphones I have seen to date are cool but still very rough around the edges. That all said, this technology is not waiting on anyone to advance and improve and will be one of the ways people scan rooms/spaces in the not so distant future.
Post 55 IP   flag post
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