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Doors: New Trim Tool for Permeable Boundary?4753

WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

While researching a Dan's Tip of the Week (sent weekly via email to Forum Members) about How to Scan with Doors Open and Closed, I stumbled on this hidden gem posted two years ago by We Get Around Network Forum Member @JohnBecker

John describes in this We Get Around Network Forum post that he asked Matterport to create a trim tool that would make a door a "permeable boundary" (move through, but not see through) ... This is a brilliant idea to a challenge that plagues all Matterport Pros trying to scan a space with the same door open and closed (for various reasons).

There are many Forum posts about door issues. I got to think that Matterport Support gets a ton of questions on this topic too.

I could imagine that creating this new trim tool feature is a relatively easy, new tool that Matterport could add to Workshop and add huge value:

✓ enabling walking through a door
✓ reducing the amount of time it takes to do a work around to successfully scan with doors open and closed
✓ reduce the number of reprocessed models
✓ reduce Matterport Support requests
✓ make it much easier for newbies to succeed

Since Matterport reads every word of the Forum, I'll figure this post counts as re-submitting @JohnBecker 's idea from two years ago.

@JohnBeck great idea.

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HarlanHambright private msg quote post Address this user
Have you seen the Star Trek Enterprise on the MP examples site? They got all the sliding doors open and closed and I always wondered how that was accomplished.
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HarlanHambright private msg quote post Address this user
I just re-visited that model and the way they got around the problem is they didn't. You can walk into a room but you're stuck there without returning to the highlite reel. Sorry.
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Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
Folks, the window tool flattens the 3d mesh behind the line, while the trim tool is used for today's out strays. Never trim on top of the model hoping to bisect... It's not a masking tool.

Adding a ignore rectangle that would instruct Matterport to not use an area when building the mesh would be quite a different monster. Not impossible, but certainly not easy.

I am all for it of course. 😀
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maire private msg quote post Address this user
Thank you Dan, that was of huge help! Here in Switzerland we do have a lot of multistory Appartement buildings to scan and there is no way to have all tenants have there entrance door open all together while scanning the common staircase. Scanning through those doors on the other hand is crucial for a proper multi-story-alignment. Wasted hours on rebuilding paths.
Best from Zurich, Thomas
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WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Glad you found Dan's Tip of the Week helpful about scanning with doors open and closed.

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