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'Doors' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Video: Matterport Scanning Tips: When, Why and How to Leave Doors Open DanSmigrod 1 6 monthsDanSmigrod (31653): Matterport Scanning Tips: When, Why and How to Leave Doors Open | Video courtesy of Agent Casey G YouTube Channel | 7 October 2024 Hi All, Got a tip? Create a video and share it in the WGAN Forum. Best, Dan
Matterport Video: How to Add Walls and Doors in Property Layout DanSmigrod 1 1 yearDanSmigrod (31653): Video: How to Add Walls and Doors in Property Layout | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel | 4 April 2024
How to have doors closed in Matterport tours (but open when we shoot)? MarcelG 3 1 yearMarcelG (53): To clarify. Scan the building with doors open using the normal scan. Then close doors and take 360's so the user can take pictures from those spots. That sounds like it may work. Thanks!
Video: Why keep doors open while scanning with Matterport DanSmigrod 1 1 yearDanSmigrod (31653): Tips of the Week --- Why keep doors open while scanning with Matterport | video courtesy of @AgentCasyG YouTube Channel | 23 January 2024
Pro3 help and advice - DOORS ron0987 5 2 yearsron0987 (3499): Thank everyone for there input.
Video: Do not use the Matterport Capture trim tool for windows above a door DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): WGAN-TV Matterport Capture App and Matterport 3D Showcase App-Short Story #949- Capture App Window Markings And Doorways Scans with Matterport Content Marketing Manager Amir Frank Hi All, A best practice is to mark/trim both sides of a window in the Matterport Capture App. Plus, ever mark a window above a door and wonder why you then can not "walk-in"? In this WGAN-TV Short Story, Matterport Content Marketing Manager Amir...
Yikes! Door opens out, blocking hallway. Help please! Expertise 11 5 yearsExpertise (1192): Yep. Seems like that. When returning from the bedroom, the next couple scan spots seem to be blocked by the door, even those scans are hidden. Going to try trimming, you can see the ghost door inn the mesh. I feel like there must be a nearly fool-proof strategy for this scenario, but it eludes me.
Help Please! Matterport Scanning Alignment problem with Doors Open/Closed misho73 15 5 yearsmisho73 (50): @DanSmigrod Thanks Dan for the Matterport Sandwich tip. You guys Rock
Doorway Issue Biggles 6 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): WGAN-TV Matterport Capture App and Matterport 3D Showcase App-Short Story #950- Capture App "Matterport Sandwich" as described by Matterport Content Marketing Manager Amir Frank. @Gladsmuir Great video by Dee. Here's how Matterport Content Marketing Manager Amir Frank explains the "Matterport Sandwich" ... Dan
Opening Doors and Appliances in a MP Tour SNFmarkerting 4 6 yearsDouglasMeyers (1282): This this one out I just did. Get close to the island closer to the master bed room and the one spin shows the microwave open and the next the draws will open and then by the counter the spice rack will open and close.
Scanning apt Wonderdawg 3 6 yearsJonJ (1760): @Wonderdawg, I have found that the best approach to creating a space where the doors appear to open and shut as in @Queen_City_3D's example is to first scan the entire space with all of the doors open. You will want to be sure that you have a scan on each side of the open door. Once this as been done, you will want to re-scan each room with the doors shut. You only need to scan in actual spots where you want the viewer to navigate. Also, you do...
Model Critique and Advice WallsCouldTalk 5 6 yearsWallsCouldTalk (90): @ericlien I sent them an email this morning after I found that the Trim Sandwich didn't work. The support team apparently doesn't reconvene until 9am Pacific Time, so I'm here trying to be productive while I await their response. I hope it can be better polished in post, just trying to learn enough to be proactive in scanning as opposed to reactive in post :) Definitely don't want to rely on someone else to solve it behind the scenes if I can...
Video: How I Matterport: Doors-Tight Spaces DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Video: How I Matterport with @Metroplex360 Chris Hickman: Doors in Tight Spaces | Video curtesy of Metroplex 360 YouTube Channel Hi All, This short-sweet-smart-dash-of-humor how to video - Doors in Tight Spaces - is by @Metroplex360 Chris Hickman. The video is from this WGAN Forum discussion that includes more videos by Chris. I posted it separately from the other videos, in case you want to...
Have you tried a Matterport"trim sandwich"? DanSmigrod 2 7 yearsTrustedPhotoDC (1108): yes, I don't like the teleport look that you experience when walking through the "sandwich". Also if you look closely, the dollhouse view will no longer be open in the sandwich, but replace by an image.
Trouble with doors [HELP] mikerodin 6 8 yearskellysuesharp (31): If you shoot with the door open and then closed and it messes up and won't let you navigate back thru the door (which happened to us), here is the cut and paste from tech support on how to fix it: Fortunately there is a trick to fixing this that you can use in the Capture app: Return to the Capture app, open the space up, place 2 Trim Markings on either side of this door frame, Arrows facing one another, then reupload the space. You'll have to...
Doors: New Trim Tool for Permeable Boundary? DanSmigrod 6 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): @maire Glad you found Dan's Tip of the Week helpful about scanning with doors open and closed. Dan
Open Closed Doors: HOW TO? mikerodin 3 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): @mikerodin @DannyBasting Kindly continue the conversation here: ✓ Trouble with doors [HELP] Thanks, Dan
Problem with doors in a corridor. michelg 8 9 yearsmichelg (49): @DanSmigrod Yes I will try to access again to the space Have a good day Michel
My tip of the week: How to Open/Close Doors HarlanHambright 4 9 yearslisahinson (785): thanks for the great tip! @HarlanHambright
Messed up continuity with door closed/open Dennis_N 11 9 yearsron0987 (3499): I have never used it as I have showed in the diagram but if you attempt to use four lines just to in close just the door it might work, if you try it it wont cost you anything to process it again. Ron
Cant Walk Thru Front Door DaveFahrny 14 9 yearsNoel (94): @mefederau Great capture. I am new to this too and wishing to learn as much as possible, how did you create the Video walk through? Thanks for any help/ideas. Regards Noel
invisible doors Showcas3D 7 9 yearsmikeE (34): I think the trick the distance at which you transition.
Doors that must be opened/closed pixelray 6 10 yearspixelray (1068): awesome. thanks Jamie. This has been driving me crazy.
Door Issues (URGENT) 3DListings 7 10 yearsCarlosFHdz (605): 3Dlistings, deleting a scan and uploading is different than disabling because of what Dan said, it changes the mesh and will chenage the ability to walk through places.
Door Strategy RenderingSpace 8 10 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Yes. 😎 It should work. Sometimes I can walk into the pantry (and can not walk out. Manage clients' expectations. This is art: not science.) Worst case, if you can wal-in, but not out: keep these scans for the dollhouse and floor plan views; and deactivate from wal-around view in 3D Workshop. Dan