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Google Street View SummitGSV17Street ViewTokyo

Announcing: MP2SV is Done.4620

Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
With GSV Summit 2017 behind us now, we have a huge number of cameras that we can use to publish to Google Street View. Unfortunately, Google Street View has never been in worse shape. The heroes -- PanoSkin, GoThru and Garden Gnome Software have created great experiences for publishing to one of the most mediocre platforms for story telling and inviting people to explore the world through linked panoramic photography.

And I'm done promoting it and converting tours for people. I'm not needed anymore as iGuide will be launching their own publishing solution as a SECONDARY option to their iGuide system. Soon Matterport will also be publishing their system as a SECONDARY option to their Showcase system. PanoSkin offers a PRIMARY platform for tours with Street View as their secondary option ALSO.

Why treat Street View as a Second Class Citizen? Because Street View has made itself a second class citizen to everyone else.



We’re done posting tours to Street View.

Customers are upset that the start position cannot be set on their tours. How would you like your business tour to start in a bathroom?

Customers are upset that the ‘See Inside’ icon has been removed.

Street View has become a second class citizen.

Customers are upset that Google hides their tours under a 360 tab where every pano is a starting point regardless of its value.

Photographers cannot remove their names from their tours to White Label for their client unless they submit and build the tour under their client’s G+ account. That’s not always possible.

Business View is Dead. “See Inside” is Dead. Google Street View is a Mess.

Long live Google Business View.


We Recommend:

If your business needs a proper immersive 3D tour, they would be better served by:


If they want to be on Street View, do not build a walk through tour. Instead, post just a few panoramas and be sure to center the image in order to control the output.


What Others Think:

“When you consider the options Google had and the various ways that they could implement changes/improvements to the programme, it makes it all the more baffling that they settled on ‘down the toilet’ as the most appropriate direction to go. “

A Trusted Pro / May 15, 2017

“I think the statement from Google that transferring the rights will increase visibility is big pile of stinking malarkey. Google can spew any type of bs and people will “buy” into it. How exactly would transferring rights increase visibility anyway? Having the “see inside” will clearly achieve that just by common (visual) sense. “

How is it that Google can take a “hissy fit” if someone alters their logo in any way yet they can allow crappy images to represent a business? Hypocrisy at it’s finest!

Another Trusted Pro / May 12, 2017

Bring it back, PLEASE. Being able to tell clients that the tour my Goggle Certified Photographer produces for them will help grab attention for their businesses from SERP #1 was a HUGE selling point. It’s going to be tough to sell any without See Inside.

An Australian Trusted Pro / May 18, 2017

Bring this back. It is still what customers are looking for, giving them direct access straight into the virtual tour. Clients and their customers are bemused it is now been relocated within the photos tab. This doesn’t make it stand out, before it was a visible tool on the business page and I’m sure hits on all tours is massively down since Google took this decision.

A UK Trusted Pro / May 18, 2017


Petition: Bring Back ‘See Inside’ For 360 Virtual Tours
(Created by a GSV Trusted Photographer)

“This is a petition to encourage Google Street View and The Google Maps team to re-instate the ‘See Inside’ photo bucket to Google My Business.”

“Google’s Key Note Summit in 2016 identified the emergence of ‘micro-moments’ and explained how brands only have seconds to make an impact with consumers. As Marketers and especially as a Google Partner we are aware of the importance of providing content which is easy to find and easily accessible. Consumers in 2017 will not go looking for content – especially content they do not know exists.”

“Further to re-instating the ‘See Inside’ feature on desktop, the signatories of this petition would also like to see this feature on mobile searches. Google Key Note summit also addressed the importance of ‘local’ and how 75% of people who search on mobile for businesses also turn up the same day. The ‘See Inside’ feature would benefit these users in making educated and informed decisions.”

“If the tag of ‘See Inside’ is no longer deemed appropriate by Google Street View, then we fully support the replacement tags of ‘Virtual Tour’ ‘360 Tour’ etc.”

“The main priority is to see the photo bucket reinstalled on Google My Business.”

“Businesses want ‘See Inside’ – demand is huge, so please can we reach a middle ground on this decision. Thank you.”

Post 1 IP   flag post
LetMe3D private msg quote post Address this user
@metroplex thanks for the insight and for keeping us informed. I just signed the petition to bring See Inside back. I hope it helps. @dansimgrod I do know you are a busy man with just getting back from the SV summit but would you consider getting everyone on this forum to sign the petition some how.
Post 2 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by LetMe3D
@metroplex thanks for the insight and for keeping us informed. I just signed the petition to bring See Inside back. I hope it helps.

Just so you know, the petition is not of my creation, but it's something that I think is important to do regardless of if it will help -- it feels good to have a place to affirm belief in a cause.

I am just at my wits end in trying to understand how so many INCREDIBLE companies all convene together in Tokyo - showing off AMAZING TECHNOLOGY -- AMAZING TALENT -- and AMAZING COMMITMENT to a platform that is underwhelming, poorly organized, and at complete odds with its photograpers.

When I view an iGuide tour, I enjoy looking around, using the mini-map and getting to know a space. With GSV, I don't know where to begin, I usually end up flying from end to end on the tour - and I would never have realized the tour existed if I didn't dig deep into a Business's Google Listing -- or if I'm searching Google Maps because I'm a complete nerd and wiggling the pegman over locations to see if a virtual tour exists. It's just silly.

I really expected Google to announce some improvements to the Street View system itself.

I like the new 4 classifications of Street View. I like the integration of 3D (VR Ready) -- but how about Street View's position on the web? How about what we, the photographers, can do for our clients - who are ultimately the ones who Street View "Inside" or whatever you want to call it - is all about? Can we set a start position? No? Can we pick which panos display for our customers? No. Does getting a Street View make your business stand out? Not anymore.
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Mikesobay private msg quote post Address this user
This is Google. They create, then allow their creations (and others', e.g., NIK software) to languish.
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ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
Quick question that may have been covered prior, in the past you had to be certified Google photographer to post is that the case now or with Matterport will automatically accept models?

Thank you
Post 5 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by ron0987
Quick question that may have been covered prior, in the past you had to be certified Google photographer to post is that the case now or with Matterport will automatically accept models?

Thank you

No need to be Trusted to publish. If you are trusted, you get a badge and receive GSV business requests.
Post 6 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
Just a note -

If you have sold an iGuide tour and need it published and want me to do it, I will do it. I cannot guarantee the results as I used to. However, it is important to me to handle any loose ends. If things change with GSV, I may consider launching a new service in the future.

I wonder when iGuide will be launching their GSV publishing platform!
Post 7 IP   flag post
Kitchener, Canada
Alex_iGuide private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks Chris. As announced at the Summit, iGuide publishing technically will be ready June 1st. However, given the big issue of not being able to set a starting pano and angle, we may want to wait for Google to fix that, as currently we cannot transmit that data to Google and all published tours would have to be re-published once that option is available. Otherwise, iGuide operators will have to be careful not to publish washrooms and such or they may wind up being a title pano. Some other changes, such as setting which panos not to show in preview will also require additional data to be transmitted to Google, but those are not as critical. Other changes that Google may make, such as tweaking presentation aspects do not require new input, so should not be a show-stopper.
Post 8 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
@Alex_iGuide I'm so excited that you guys are just weeks away from release! That's great news to your operators! Perhaps you guys may choose to launch in 'BETA'?
Post 9 IP   flag post
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