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'GSV17' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Why Google Will Acquire Matterport? DanSmigrod 24 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): Hi All, I started the above discussion on 20 November 2016. An updated: ✓ Will Matterport be Acquired by Hexagon? Dan
Multiple floors in GSV grmngrl 5 6 yearsRos (1): Hi All, i havn't got an answer yet... If matterport capture app cannot scan multiple floors without a line-of-sight connection, should i use my Ricoh Z1 camera to create the google street view instead? or should i use matter-port capture app to scan separate rooms as separate locations and combine them somewhere?
Publishing to Google Street View: Matterport versus CUPIX Pricing DanSmigrod 6 7 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): I have many clients who approach us for Google Street View. We use it as a conversation starter to share how Matterport is best from their website and Google Street View is discoverable on search / Maps. You may not believe that Google Street View has value as in your own experiences, you don't tend to use it. Quite frankly, I do not use it either. I've been surprised how important many people feel that it is and how much they enjoy using it...
SPAR3D-NCTech iSTAR Pulsar at Product Preview Session DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): [ Private Link for this Video] WGAN-TV: NCTech Technical Sales Director Andrew Baddeley presented the iSTAR Pulsar camera/scanner at the 2018 SPAR3D Expo & Conference Product Preview Session on Tuesday, 5 June 2018. Hi All, NCTech Technical Sales Director Andrew Baddeley presented the iSTAR Pulsar camera/scanner at the 2018 SPAR3D Expo & Conference Product Preview Session on Tuesday, 5 June 2018. The iSTAR Pulsar was...
Legalities re. Google Street View lylehewitt 1 7 yearslylehewitt (4): Does anyone have any information or thoughts about reconciling Matterport terms of service with Google terms of service? What I want to do is fetch my panoramas directly from Google Street View because they come through at a much higher resolution than the Snapshot downloads. Between MP and GSV, the terms of service leaves this in a contractual mess: - By the letter of MP's TOS, you can only download images using an MP facility e.g....
Video: Capture Google Street View via Car DanSmigrod 11 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): :heart: it! A physical nadir on the roof the car. Brilliant. (Though, I must say, in the Insta360 Software, it is a global replace: easy-peasy.) Yeah. Weird that they did not put their best foot forward with the video orientation. Also something easy to fix in the Insta360 software. Best, Dan
Recap of the 2017 Google Street View Summit DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): Hi All, To help give content to the 2018 Google Street View Summit announcement on WGAN-TV Live at 2 pm EST (GMT -5) today (13 Feb 2018), here is a recap of the 2017 Google Street View Summit held in Tokyo (May 2017). Best, Dan ---- Video: This is the official 2017 Google Street View Summit Tokyo Recap | Source: Google ...
Matterport and Google Street View Examples DanSmigrod 9 7 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): @DanSmigrod That's right. If you want to brand your GSV tours, the Nadir patch is the place to do this. Note that Google allows branding in the Nadir by stating that branding is not allowed OUTSIDE of the Nadir. I cannot find any GREAT information on this. ...
21 Ways to Create/Publish to Street View DanSmigrod 2 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): Other ways to publish to Google Street View? Best, Dan
Matterport: Public Beta Testing Publish GSV DanSmigrod 15 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): Hi All, Moving this to the top in case you are just starting to think about Matterport to Google Street View (now that it is possible for all). Best, Dan
Marketing Video for Google Street View Pros DanSmigrod 4 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): Yup! The star of stage and screen. Our own Artist Concepts ! Dan
Video: Matterport AND Google Street View DanSmigrod 4 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): :heart: :heart: :heart: it!
2018 is the Year of Google Street View DanSmigrod 3 7 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): Maybe if Google can... #1) Improve navigation. Despite adding links between panos, most windows into Google Street View allow navigation in a Matterport-style manner (pancake navigation) without any regard to walls or connections that a pro has created. Arrow navigation still appears on mobile (which is the easiest way to navigate and not fly through walls from one end of a business to the other with one fateful click). #2) Launch...
When does GSV appear? BrianM 2 7 yearsHelen (769): @BrianM Yes that is normal, on a pc you need to enter by clicking on one of the sphere's or using pegman, you can hover over the spot with him and drop him on one of the blue dots.
NCTech iris360 Pro pjeffery 4 7 yearsmori (819): I also believe their current focus is on the LASiris and related services.
Matterport: Faster Scanning for Pro and Pro2 DanSmigrod 18 7 yearshtimsabbub23 (910): Anyone else still waiting on this beta update? I still haven't got mine yet, I signed up 8 hours after it was announced.
GoPro 360º Fusion Camera OverCapture Editing DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): Video: GoPro: Introducing Mobile Overcapture for Fusion | Video courtesy of GoPro YouTube Channel Hi All, GoPro has an interesting twist on editing 2D video from 3D video. Essentially, shooting in 360º but displaying the "sweet spots" in traditional 2D video. Below is the...
Google Maps: Capture/Publish in Video Mode DanSmigrod 12 7 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): @TrustedPhotoDC That's pretty impressive! Did your shots look like "poop and vomit"? :)
Pricing for Google Street View DanSmigrod 7 7 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): Too many words and too many options. Keep it simple. And change 'enquire' to 'inquire' as prices are in USD.
How to Add Google Street View to WP3D Models DanSmigrod 3 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): @Metroplex360 Anything that we can do so that - as @GlennTremain points out - enable the guest to walk back into the retail store (after they have walked outside to the Google Street View)? Happy holidays, Dan
WGAN-TV: Panoskin to Street View for Newbies DanSmigrod 7 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): Hi All, Want to try Panoskin, but don't have any 360ºs to play with? Here are some 360ºs that you can play with ... ✓ We Get Around Beach House | Digital Assets-360º Photos Spheres-Shot with Ricoh Theta S (HDR) Happy holidays, Dan
WGAN-TV: GoThru Demo/Discuss for Newbies DanSmigrod 6 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): Hi All, Want to try GoThru, but don't have any 360ºs to play with? Here are some 360ºs that you can play with ... ✓ We Get Around Beach House | Digital Assets-360º Photos Spheres-Shot with Ricoh Theta S (HDR) Happy holidays, Dan
Matterport Begins Google Street View Beta DanSmigrod 2 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): Hi All, For context about this announcement today (Tuesday, 19 December 2017). Dan -- WGAN-TV: Matterport Senior Director, Product Kirk Stromberg announces Matterport to Google Street View publishing at the Google Street View Summit in Tokyo (10-11 May 2017). WGAN-TV: Matterport Senior Director Product Management Kirk Stromberg, discusses Matterport to Google Street View announcement at Google Street View Summit with We Get Around...
GSV Technical Challenges Today (31 Aug 2017) DanSmigrod 13 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): WGAN-TV: How to publish to Google Street View using Panoskin (for Newbies) Hi All, If you have a 360º 1-click Camera – or are thinking about buying one – this is a must watch WGAN-TV show with: ✓ LCP360 (@Panoskin) CEO and Founder Wojciech Kalembasa ✓ LCP360 (@Panoskin) Co-Founder CTO Tom Chomiak Wojciech, Tom and Chris, thank you for joining me for this show yesterday (Wednesday, 13 December 2017). Happy holidays, Dan P.S. For...
WGAN-TV: Panoskin Demo/Discuss for Newbies DanSmigrod 3 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): WGAN-TV: Panoskin Demo and Discussion for Newbies Hi All, If you have a 360º 1-click Camera – or are thinking about buying one – this is a must watch WGAN-TV show with: ✓ LCP360 (@Panoskin) CEO and Founder Wojciech Kalembasa ✓ LCP360 (@Panoskin) Co-Founder CTO Tom Chomiak Wojciech, Tom and Chris, thank you for joining me for this show yesterday (Wednesday, 13 December 2017). Happy holidays, Dan P.S. For Matterport Pros, there...
Is Matterport Officially saying it's winter? VTLV 2 7 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): @VLTV - It's very safe to assume that Matterport to Street View is not vaporware. If you hit "view source" on you'll see a different story if you dig enough.
Google Street View - Loaner Camera erikolsonmba 5 7 yearserikolsonmba (52): It took about 4 months to hear back so be ready to wait. No input, so I am guessing most GSV pros are using cameras they purchased. Guess I can go at it just like I purchased the camera myself - just have to return this one ;)
Marterport Google street view page? Lukmoorkens 8 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): Ha! After seeing this discussion - it took Matterport less than 24 hours to fix the link. :cool: Dan
When can we see Google street view in winter Akan 5 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): @TechnicTouch Video: How to Price Matterport to Google Street View Publishing | Length: 1 hour and 8 minutes (WGAN Basic, Standard and Premium Members receive an All Access Pass to the WGAN Training Academy Videos, including this one where I suggest some different pricing strategies about how to price Google Street View. There are more videos in the WGAN Training Academy Library about Google Street View meets Matterport. Once...
WIRED: Upgraded GSV cameras JC3DCX 6 7 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): @Liam_Tayler Thanks on the comments on the site. I use GeneratePress for my Wordpress theme. It's a bit of a blank slate, but I use the excellent 'Elementor' theme to build pages. While I am quite good at building things from scratch, this theme and plugin have allowed me to focus on creativity and getting my marketing out there. And yes, I used my Matterport for all my GSV tours. I cannot wait for Matterport's publish to GSV solution -- it...
WGAN-TV Live at 5 (GMT-4)>Google Street View DanSmigrod 9 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): Hi All, Moving this to the top, in case you missed this WGAN-TV Live at 5 episode ... Best, Dan
Google My Business: Analytics Report DanSmigrod 3 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): @leonvanzweel Thank you SO much! One of the things that I :heart: about the We Get Around Network Forum Community is that we have experts on many topics which makes it easy and fast to crowdsource answers. Your recommendations are welcome and appreciated. Let's see how much progress I make in the next two months implementing your recommendations. Yes, still friends! :beer: :beer: :beer: Best, Dan
GSV: "Inside This Place" replaces See Inside Metroplex360 8 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): Exactly! Well said. I added the bold. Dan
WGAN-TV Matterport->Street View Pricing DanSmigrod 5 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): WGAN-TV Live at 5: How to Price Matterport to Google Street View Publishing with WGAN Forum Founder Dan Smigrod Hi All, Here is the recording of Wednesday's (17 October 2017) WGAN-TV Live at 5 program about how to price Matterport to Google Street View publishing. WGAN Basic, Standard and Premium Members receive an All Access Pass to the We Get Around Matterport Training Academy Videos, including this one. Not yet a Member? Around 40...
How to be google certified? MagnaShow 13 7 yearsjustinv (1044): Those are all from matterport 360s and one Samsung gear 360.
Google Street view starting location Prism3DTours 10 7 yearsMagnaShow (32): Thank you so much for the advice, you all were very helpful!
Google Street View unbrands Client Tours Metroplex360 Jump to first page49Jump to last page 7 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): @MagnaShow - Exactly what @aarongeis stated. And yes, the tour that you reference WAS done with a Matterport Camera prior to Matterport asking me to stop offering my 'MP2SV - Matterport to Street View' service as it was a Terms of Service violation. 360 Snapshots CAN be used with GSV although the resolution is below the ideal size that Google recommends. I believe that those panos will not contribute to your Local Guides score. Be patient -...
Matterport to Google Street View Delayed ... justinv 11 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): Hi All, Related WGAN Forum Discussions: ✓ Google Street View unbrands Client Tours ✓ Matterport to Google Street View Delayed ... ✓ WGAN-TV Live at 5 (GMT-4)>Google Street View ✓ Index of the 2017 Google Street View Summit (May 2017, Tokyo) Best, Dan
"Get Rid of Street View, only Matterport" Metroplex360 26 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): Video: WGAN-TV Roundtable - Google Street View “Wish List”
MP Business Listings Beta>Google Street View justinv 25 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): x
Official Video>2017 Street View Summit Recap DanSmigrod 5 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): @Metroplex360 I did 360º video interviews with the Insta360 Air attached to my Samsung Galaxy S6. This version of the camera is not Google Street View Ready (at the very least, because it is 3K). I do not know if a firmware can make it 4K). Instal360 announced that their cameras will all be Google Street View Ready. I do not know if this requires a hardware change. While I could have uploaded the 360º videos to YouTube directly from the...
Matterport to Google Street View: Sept 2017? DanSmigrod 6 8 yearsfullpreview (163): Unfortunately, the Street View Beta has now been delayed. ... ✓ Matterport to Google Street View Delayed ... I was really looking forward to this, but the new target is Winter.
Ricoh Theta V: First GSV Mobile Ready Camera DanSmigrod 5 8 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): I am curious to know if this camera has a better depth of field than its predecessor. I also predict that this will be a perfect device for third party experiments with ARKit. It's that fuzzy feeling depth of field that killed my interest in the Theta S. I ordered it, used it twice and it's been sitting in the bag.
Video>NCTech Virtual Reality Camera at GSV17 DanSmigrod 7 8 yearsmori (819): Any news on this? Hope there will be some news at Intergeo 2017 end of september.
Museum Tours SpencerLasky 10 8 yearsSpencerLasky (413): Yes well I guess I'd personally sell the Matterport solution and down play the advantages to seaming into google street view - which I believe, if I had the option of going from a google street view into a museum or doll house so I can understand the space I'd take doll house any day.
Where Are You Publish to Street View? LeventeSolczi 6 8 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): "Currently we are examining instances where MP Spaces have scans at multiple heights..." There's a little meta tag that you add to the pano called 'altitude'. Matterport already stores this data for each pano - as well as already organizes into levels (floors). This could be added in a day, then tested and ready within a week. Easily. "our...
Panono MIA at 2017 Google Street View Summit DanSmigrod 7 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): @PeterMcCready We were both lucky to get our Panonos - and sell our Panonos - before Panono filed for bankruptcy protection. Yup! Time for Matterport to enable full, high-quality exporting of 360ºs ... today - 18 July 2017 – there are 67 360º 1-click camera solutions. That wasn't the case when Matterport launched. Dan P.S. I believe it took 2.5 years for my Panono to arrive. Unfortunately, they did not nail the stitching.
All 2017 Google Street View Summit Coverage DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): Hi All, The tag --> GSV17 <-- has ALL the 2017 Google Street View Summit topics in the We Get Around Network Forum: ✓ Video ✓ Photos ✓ News ✓ Commentary ✓ Discussions It's free to join the We Get Around Network Forum (and ask questions). And, thank you for sharing the We Get Around Network Forum with your peeps. Plus, when you join, you get a free Guide to Comparing 3D-VR Platforms for Scanning-Shooting...
Video: Insta360 at Google Street View Summit DanSmigrod 2 8 yearsBale100 (175): I took delivery a few days ago to offer something in parallel to matterport & drones that could be used in a live environment. Well made camera, presented in a Peli style hard case. Testing over the next week at various venues to create short VR videos; roof top bar live DJ, luxury villa presentation, Beach Club event. Main benefit of this camera vs Gopro omni (when comparing six lenses that work as one) is in camera stitching at 4k to...
Matterport Google Street View Beta Program DanSmigrod 13 8 yearsAlex_iGuide (361): If you ever find a ball head drifting under weight even when locked well, check that the ball did not get grease on it from inside the head. You can clean it using rubbing alcohol - wet a tissue, slide into the opening in the head where you see the ball, rotate the ball around, then let it dry. It is important to buy a ball head rated for the weight of the equipment plus some safety margin. That means having a larger ball diameter.
360º Video: Matterport to Google Street View DanSmigrod 9 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): Hi All, Here is the sign-up link for the Matterport Google Street View Beta Program. ✓ Matterport Business Listings Beta Program Best, Dan
Video>Matterport to Google Street View GSV17 DanSmigrod 14 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): Hi All, Here is the sign-up link for the Matterport Google Street View Beta Program. ✓ Matterport Business Listings Beta Program Best, Dan
Matterport Street View "Late Summer 2017" DanSmigrod 4 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): Hi All, Here is the sign-up link for the Matterport Google Street View Beta Program. ✓ Matterport Business Listings Beta Program Best, Dan
Why GPS on the Matterport Pro2 3D Camera? leonvanzweel 10 8 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): @Property3DNZ - Nothing has changed. GPS is not being used for automatic location information -yet-. @leonvanzweel - Nothing has changed. GPS is not being used for 360 Views yet. One thing that GPS can do is establish true north, and I would guess this is going to be used for GSV for aligning the tour with the map.
Matterport Pro2/Pro1 & GSV OpenHouseOptics 2 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): @OpenHouseOptics Matterport Pro1 and Pro2 can both publish to Google Street View, once offered. Dan
Videos from Google Street View Summit: Day 1 DanSmigrod 4 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): Hi All, Today (7 June 2017) I updated all the video links in the original post above. Dan
Videos from Google Street View Summit: Day 2 DanSmigrod 3 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): @Metroplex360 Yes. Well said. Had Matterport not presented at the 2017 Google Street View Summit, that would have been a huge miss. A seminal Matterport moment, when historians 10 years from now reflect back on the key milestones in the history of Matterport. BTW, today (7 June 2017) I updated all the video links in the original post above. Dan
Street View publishing by iGuide Alex_iGuide 2 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): @Alex_iGuide Awesome! The We Get Around Network seek a Google Street Pro in Hamilton, Ontario. ✓ Street View Pro Wanted: Hamilton, Ontario Kindly have an iGuide Pro Private Message (PM) me for the hot lead. Dan
Google Maps Indoor Beta? SiteTour360 4 8 yearsSiteTour360 (226): We're going to try a MP floor plan today. I will update.
Matterport to offer 360ºs as Optional Extra DanSmigrod 10 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): Hi All, You will be able to export 360º photo spheres from Matterport scans coming in the next 30 days, Matterport announced during its Pro2 Webinar today (6 June 2017). Dan
Dear Matterport, About your new camera... StevenHattan 16 8 yearstomasdunbar (88): I have my camera 8 months. I love the camera but this latest development is going to hurt. I will not be able to afford the new camera and it is a huge slap in the face. The price is significantly less for someone else to enter my market than what I originally paid and they will now have a better camera than me. Matterport have lost my respect
Matterport Pro2 GPS: Why this Matters DanSmigrod 3 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): Hi All, Imagine that you shoot Matterport: scans indoors and 360º photo spheres outdoors. Today, it is ckludgy to "walk" indoors/outdoors as easily as you do "walking" within scans only. While the 360º photos are discoverable in highlights reel, it's awkward. Now image that since GPS enables Matterport to know exactly where the 360ºs are located, I imagine that in a TBD back-end release, Matterport will enable us to...
Hold Off Buying a 360º Camera Unless ... DanSmigrod 6 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): @LetMe3D Looks like I was spot on: though for the wrong reason :cool: Dan
New: Garmin VIRB 360º Camera + data overlays DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): 360º Video 360º Video: Odd that a camera designed for sharing would not enable their 360º video to be embedded. Hi All, While this is not one of the cameras announced at the 2017 Google Street View Summit in Tokyo (10-11 May 2017), I could imagine that it is one of the 11 other cameras that did not announce, but...
Matterport: Virtual Store Integration DanSmigrod 4 8 yearsViewing (589): I've investigated at length about ecom integration. It's the original reason I bought a camera, thinking to a time when mattertags are more dynamic and, as we can all see, it's getting there. If you could add one or multiple XML feeds to a tag we're off and running. This is well within the capabilities of the wizards at Matterport.
How to Charge for MP to Google Street View DanSmigrod 5 8 yearsPHILG (79): I believe in SAS. Spent my entire career in software. That is how software companies made their money. I'm talking enterprise software, not off the shelf single user or small # of users. I'd close a deal, asp $250k, then we'd charge 15% foe maintenance and service. Although that model still exists in large corporate sales, the mainstream is going to a pure subscription - monthly or annual payment. Much like Matterport, adobe, dollar shave club,...
How Matterport Should Charge for Street View DanSmigrod 4 8 yearsViewing (589): We'll have to wait and see what the nominal fee is. I just can't get my thinking away from the fact that we would be paying Matterport to publish their own 3D tour to Google. Bill Google if they're going to bill anyone. Don't bill us or the client by default as it's neither ours nor the client's 3D tour to publish to Google Street View. The greatest respect as always and I do appreciate the staff commitment to making GSV happen. We shouldn't be...
Matterport: Please do not screw this up ... DanSmigrod 10 8 yearsjustinv (1044): @Metroplex360 In a perfect world, it would not be anywhere but next best thing would be while tour is loading and then it is gone. I do not have enough time in the day for everything, so I don't worry about it anymore. As long as I keep getting work, I am not worried about it.
Announcing: MP2SV is Done. Metroplex360 9 8 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): @Alex_iGuide I'm so excited that you guys are just weeks away from release! That's great news to your operators! Perhaps you guys may choose to launch in 'BETA'?
Video: iris360 Pro at Street View Summit DanSmigrod 2 8 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): This looks like a great camera for Street View. A few questions - #1) Who needs 90MP? #2) The 3D seems ridiculously basic - objects are flattened against walls and floors, etc. Seems to basically extrude images into room shapes. Thoughts?
Video: Google Street View Summit | Q&A Day 2 DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): Video: Google Team Members Charles Armstrong (left), Stafford Marquardt and Jackie Lai field questions about Google Street View at the 2017 Google Street View Summit in Tokyo (10-11 May 2017). At 11:04 (through (15:45) I ask if Google Ready cameras can still launch with the Google Street view API still in Beta? Answer: cameras will launch between late-June and early September 2017. Cameras can launch even while the Google Street View API is...
Video: Garden Gnome Sofware Pano2VR at GSV DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): Video: Garden Gnome Software ( Pano2VR) Founder Thomas Rauscher presents at the 2017 Google Street View Summit in Tokyo (10-11 May 2017). Pano2VR with Google Street View Export Highlights (Software for Pros that stitch 360ºs together and create Tours) ✓ Google Street View Workflow Ready ✓ Export Button: Google Street View ✓ Desktop app for Window/Mac/Linux ✓ Create Virtual Tours ✓ Export in HTML5 or to Google Street...
Video: Large-Scale Street View Publishing DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): Video: Google Product Manager Stafford Marquardt presents Large-Scale Google Street View Publishing at the 2017 Google Street View Summit in Tokyo (10-11 May 2017). Google Street View Large-Scale Publishing Highlights ✓ Who wants to make Street View? (Communities, Trusted Pros, Agencies, Enterprises) ✓ 2016 Street View App: fast and easy to make your own Street View; HDR; interval capture; blurring (automatic and manual; rights...
Video: RICOH Theta 4K at Street View Summit DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): Video: Ricoh Company Ltd. Senior Management, Product Planning Division Michael Usami presents the Ricoh Theta 4K at the 2017 Google Street View Summit in Tokyo (10-11 May 2017). Ricoh Theta 4K Highlights ✓ Google Street View Mobile Ready???? [ unclear: asked directly by Charles Armstrong at the end of the presentation: Michael did not answer] ✓ Ricoh Theta 4K: GPS added to image for Google Street View ✓ 5th Generation ✓ 4K...
Video>Street View Standards/Initiatives Q&A DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): Video: Google Street View Standard and Initiatives and Q&A at the 2017 Google Street View Summit in Tokyo (10-11 May 2017). Hi All, In this video: ✓ Google Street View Standards and Initiatives ✓ Google Street View Day 1 - Questions and Answers Dan P.S. Please post below the time code of the Q&A about Google See Inside not coming back.
Video: Google Street View Mobile Ready DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): Video: Google Street View Product Manager Charles Armstrong announces Google Street View Mobile Ready Standard at the 2017 Google Street View Summit in Tokyo (10-11 May 2017). Hi All, At the 2017 Google Street View Summit, Google announced four (4) new Standards for Google certification. This post is about...
Video: Kenxen at Google Street View Summit DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): Video: Kenxen presentation at the 2017 Google Street View Summit in Tokyo (10-11 May 2017). Unfortunately, the audio is hard to hear. KenXen Highlights ✓ 360º OEM Camera manufacturer seeking marketing and distribution partners ✓ Manufacturing in Shenzhen, China / Management in Hong Kong ✓ Google Street View Mobile Ready (Model Number: ???G4) ✓ Live steaming: YouTube 360º Live and Facebook 360º Live ✓ Sharing via:...
'17 Google Street View Summit Press Coverage DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): Google Street View mobile Ready: 360 cameras that can publish Street View directly from a mobile app—without requiring a desktop workflow Google Street View Auto Ready: 360 cameras tailored for vehicle-based collection with the highest accuracy Google Street View VR Ready: 360 cameras or systems that collect...
Video>360fly 4K/4K Pro at Street View Summit DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): Video: 360fly Director of Prototyping Kolja Hegelich presents at the 2017 Google Street View Summit in Tokyo (10-11 May 2017). -- Unfortunately, the audio is difficult to understand. 360fly 4K and 360fly 4K Pro Highlights ✓ Google Street View Mobile Ready ✓ Major retail distribution ✓ Single button to control the camera ✓ Slightly bigger than a golf ball ✓ 360fly 4K Pro includes HDMI for live streaming ✓ Engineered...
Video: Panoskin presents at GSV Summit DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): Video: LCP360 (Panoskin) CEO Wojciech Kalembasa and CTO Tom Chomiak present at the 2017 Google Street View Summit in Tokyo (10-11 May 2017). @Panoskin (Wojciech) I apologize. Some challenges with the video. I am missing some of your key points. Can you post below or post your slides? Panoskin Street View Editor Highlights ✓ consistency across marketing channels ✓ real-time analytics across...
Video: Z CAM G1 at Google Street View Summit DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): Video: Z CAM CEO Kinson Loo presents the Z CAM G1 Professional VR Google Auto Ready Camera at the 2017 Google Street View Summit in Tokyo (10-11 May 2017). -- Z CAM S1 Professional VR Camera Highlights ✓ "Google Street View is all about sharing high quality 360º images, the rest is technology" ✓ SD Card slot ✓ Professional VR Camera ✓ 6K 30 FPS / 4K 60 FPS ✓ 4 190º fisheye lens ✓ 1/2 3" Sony CMOS...
Video: Which 'new' camera did Dan invest in? DanSmigrod 2 8 yearsbonfire21 (16): What a tease ;) Would anyone else here like to comment with their choices? Or their guesses for what Dan decided on? :)
Video: Giroptic iO-Google Street View Summit DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): Video: Giroptic co-Founder and CEO Richard Ollier presents Giroptic at the 2017 Google Street View Summit in Tokyo (10-11 May 2017). Giroptic iO Highlights ✓ Giroptic Mission: "We enable people to communicate, capture and share their experiences in the most immersive way, through innovative devices and services." ✓ "Creating compelling 360º content is hard" ✓ The Giroptic Camera was used in the International...
Video: GoThru Presents at Street View Summit DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): Video: GoThru Media co-Founder Alin Bugeag presents at the 2017 Google Street View Summit in Tokyo (10-11 May 2017). ( @Alin I apologize: Wi-Fi connectivity issues before and during presentation.) GoThru Highlights Alin shows how GoThru using the Google Street View API (Beta) to enable 3rd parties to publish to Google Street View Please see GoThru Blog for more info GoThru Media (GoThru) is the first to market with a replacement...
Video: Intro to Google Street View Summit DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): Video: Google Street View Product Manager Charles Armstrong kicks off 2017 Google Street View Summit in Tokyo (10-11 2017) Charles Armstrong: 11 More Companies are working on Street View certification as well for later this year [2017] -- ✓ 18 product announcements over the two days (10-11 May 2017) ✓ 360º...
Video: Google Street View API (Beta) DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): Video: Google Product Manager Stafford Marquardt explains why the Google Street View Editor was sunset - and the Street View API (Beta) – at the 2017 Google Street View Summit in Tokyo (10-11 May 2017). -- Hi All, Google replaced Street View Editor with the Google Street View Publish API to enable developers to build publishing tools directly inside editing workflow. (Examples of software using the Google Street View API (Beta):...
Video: Google Street View Workflow Ready DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): Video: Google Street View Product Manager Charles Armstrong announces Google Street View Workflow Ready Standard at the 2017 Google Street View Summit in Tokyo (10-11 May 2017). Hi All, At the 2017 Google Street View Summit, Google announced four (4) new Standards for Google certification. This post is about...
Video>Samsung 360 2017 at Street View Summit DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): Video: Samsung Electronics Project Lead for Gear 360 and Gear VR Wondo Kang presents at the 2017 Google Street View Summit in Tokyo (10-11 May 2017). --- Gear 360º Second Generation Highlights ✓ Google Street View Workflow Ready ✓ Record 4K 360º video ✓ 15 MP 360º Photo ✓ HDR ✓ 360º Broadcast...
Video: GoPro Fusion at Street View Summit DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): Video: (Starts at 0:21) Google Street View Product Manager Charles Armstrong presents on behalf of GoPro Senior Director Immersive Media Solutions Alexandre Jenny at the 2017 Google Street View Summit in Tokyo (10-11 May 2017). -- GoPro Fusion 360º Camera Highlights ✓ 5.2K @ 30...
Google's Street View is much better now qpoisson 5 8 yearsqpoisson (22): @Metroplex360 Moving mouse cursor along the walls, we can see that there exist planar geometries. And the geometries do reflect the variation of room width at different places. How does the viewer get the geometries ?
Video: iGuide Presents at Street View Summit DanSmigrod 2 8 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): Great job, guys on your GSV API integration into the iGuide ecosystem!
Video: Google Street View Auto Ready Cameras DanSmigrod 4 8 yearsjfantin (1733): Dan Did they say anything about how or when we will be able to upload new Street Views? Up until today we know that we can create virtual tours of different business but we never were able to upload "streets". As I previously said, this is really huge because the target market grows exponentially. I already have a camera that is compatible with this Auto Ready standard, so in theory could start selling this new service tomorrow...
Video: Sphericam 2 | Street View Auto Ready DanSmigrod 4 8 yearsTosolini (4359): @dansmigrod I saw the Insta360 Pro at CES and I was quite impressed. It feels to me a good overall choice. Granted that any tech is outdated from the minute you purchase it, it's a matter of making the most out of it as soon as possible. Thanks for the reports!
Video: NCTech Announces iSTAR Pulsar 4K/360º DanSmigrod 4 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): @ReTech I recall that Neil said 3Q17. Given that the Google Street View API is still in Beta - and not likely to be out of Beta until September 2017 (IMHO), it's likely that all Cameras that are dependent on the Google API will not be released until September 2017, at the earliest. @Metroplex360 No demo during the presentation. I do not recall if NCTech was showing content created with the iSTAR Pulsar in their exhibit floor space. Dan
VUZE 360º Presentation at Street View Summit DanSmigrod 2 8 yearsStevenHattan (1513): There is so much to go over.
Video: InsideMaps Presentation at GSV17 DanSmigrod 6 8 yearsHelen (769): @Metroplex360 Maybe thats what it is for the proplan? Not sure? Either way seems expensive!
360º Video: Google Street View Summit Selfie DanSmigrod 2 8 yearsGlennTremain (2953): "Lunch" too funny
360º Video: VUZE Camera (3D/VR/360º) @ $799 DanSmigrod 3 8 yearsLetMe3D (143): Is it good for posting to Google Street View?
360º Video: Samsung Gear 360º 2017 Edition DanSmigrod 2 8 yearsLetMe3D (143): Any show specials on any of the cameras for forum users?
360º Video>Street View Camera Loaner Program DanSmigrod 3 8 yearsgrmngrl (942): I applied twice with no answer back.
360º Video: Sensoji Temple | Dan's Metaphor DanSmigrod 3 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): @Metroplex360 The firmware update for the Instat360 Air was released while I was in Tokyo. I updated it that night, so I did not get the benefit of the stabilization. My Insta360 Nano for my iPhone already has the stabilization firmware update. Dan
Subway Ticket in Japan is like Matterport .. DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): 360º Video: Buying a Subway Ticket in Japan is like Buying a Matterport Camera I traveled to Tokyo to make this point :cool: .... In this 360º video in a Tokyo Subway station, I describe how getting started with Matterport is like getting started learning how We Get Around Tokyo via trains. What do you think? Is this the right metaphor to explain your experience getting started with Matterport? Best, Dan 40+ Member...
360º Video: Street View Summit Walking Tour DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): 360º Video: Walking Tour of 2017 Google Street View Summit by We Get Around Founder Dan Smigrod Hi All, I thought you would enjoy a walking tour of the 2017 Google Street View Summit (10-11 May 2017) in Tokyo. Plus, a chat with Insta360 Global Marketing Lead Maximilian "Max" Richter. Wish you could have been there :cool: Dan Related We Get Around Network Forum Posts ✓ All 2017 Google Street View Summit Coverage
360º Photo & Videos in ANA First Class DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): We Get Around Network Forum Founder Dan Smigrod reports from his ANA First Class seat flying from Tokyo to Houston. 360º Video 1 360º Video 2 360º Video 3 --- Hi All, In my article – ANA First Class: the Art of Perfection on Steroids – I include a 360º photo sphere and three 360º videos (along with still images). I used a Ricoh Theta S set on HDR. To "clean-up" the nadir (remove the tripod),...
Will Matterport Publish All Spaces to GSV? DanSmigrod 26 8 yearsViewing (589): @DanielDI Me too. We're all photographers essentially so I see this working similarly to the Getty model. Except you also have the opportunity to make revenue via bookings on places you uploaded a listing for... hotels, villas, private rentals, restaurants, attractions etc.
Video: Top-Lines News of Google Street View DanSmigrod 7 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): Hi All, About to board my Tokyo->Houston-->Atlanta flight is about to board. 18 hour journey home. Thanks for your patience for me to post a ton of news, commentary and videos to the Forum from the Google Street View Summit. Awesome event: enough to make your head spin. :cool: Dan
Matterport to Google Street View PR Release DanSmigrod 11 8 yearsjustinv (1044): @Property3dNZ I think I would charge more for the pin than the shoot. It sounds like the shoot is the easy part!
Google Street View Summit>How to Live Stream DanSmigrod 14 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): @PhotosofAfrica Please pre-register here for this forum only member benefit: Dan
We Get Around Network Forum Meetup in Tokyo DanSmigrod 5 8 yearsTakedaSan (222): Hi, The live event is on right now. We had a little problem, but now we're live again!!! Thanks Dan, for this experience!!! Jefferson Takeda
Matterport: Publish to Street View in Tokyo DanSmigrod 21 8 yearsLizzg (198): Blank box. Do I have to be a google certified photog? I'm not yet!
The 2017 Super Bowl of 360º Cameras? DanSmigrod 3 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): @StevenHattan Thanks for watching the entire video. I would be surprised if my wife did :cool: Live Q/A sounds like a great idea. Thanks, Dan
Google Street View: Threat or Opportunity? DanSmigrod 6 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): Your company is perfectly positioned to take advantage of the Matterport announcement at the Google Street View Summit. Hopefully, you will be able to shoot once and publish twice. Dan
Matterport Pro>3D-VR-360º-Google Street View DanSmigrod 6 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): @Richierichks Almost time to wish you a happy birthday. :cool: Nice to have a memorable event to remember your birthday. Best, Dan
4 Reasons Buying a Matterport Camera Rocks DanSmigrod 3 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): @Metroplex360 Matterport APIs/SDKs are way overdue. I could imagine that nailing the integration with Google Street View has delayed Matterport from making it's APIs/SDKs public. Once these tools are pubic, Matterport will experience exponential growth. Best, Dan
NAB: New 360º Camera: Yi 360 VR @ $399, & .. DanSmigrod 2 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): I am looking forward to learning more about Yi's under $400 360º camera solution to see how it fits in the ecosystem. From the specs, it looks like it may be the best resolution 360º camera solution for the money. Yi is one of the 19 companies presenting at the Google Street View Summit. Dan
360º Video: New Medium to Win Listings? DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): 360º Video: Tour the oldest Temple in Tokyo, Sensoji Temple, with We Get Around Network Founder Dan Smigrod as he chats about how 360º video can be used to generate ancillary revenue for 3D Tour Pros. ---- Hi All, I recorded this 360º video WalkAround at the oldest Temple in Tokyo today (8 May 2017) while describing how 360º video can be used to win more and bigger listings more often and to help get the most offers for the most...
Dan Smigrod at Street View Summit in Tokyo DanSmigrod 18 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): A fun Sunday in Tokyo ... A traditional Japanese lunch with 360º photographer Naoto Somese (whom I met at the 2016 IVRPA in Quebec City. A stroll ... ...
Google Street View Accepting Depth Data? DanSmigrod 9 8 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): I'll admit, I see what you are saying. I've contacted the photographer. Note that some of the older tours have this feature, the newer ones do not... which is odd.
Matterport to Google Street View: How Much? DanSmigrod 10 8 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): This is such a beautiful tour and I want viewers of this post to know that this tour was shot before Matterport increased the tile size from the Pro Camera to 2 Megapixel -- and before the November firmware that improved image and color quality tremendously. Just look at how amazing Dan's tour looks in Street View -- just like Matterport -- there are so many places once can stop and look around -- it's more immersive and detailed than most...
Matterport to Google Street View>4K Quality? DanSmigrod 4 8 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): Matterport's 2K tiles are capable of generating a 8192x4096 panosphere. The actual DPI represented in the data might not align 1:1 -- but the quality since November's firmware upgrade is fully sufficient. I just re-read my comments that Dan posted. I think it would be awesome if Matterport did indeed release a new camera to the public on January 2018 like I said a long time ago. Then I would be like Dan "Nostradamus" Smigrod who...
Google Street View Summit Tokyo 10-11 May 17 DanSmigrod 10 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): Some related We Get Around Network Forum Topics: ✓ Google Street View: Threat or Opportunity? ✓ Matterport Publish to Street View in Tokyo ✓ Google Street View Summit: the 19 Companies Best, Dan
iGuide at Google Street View Summit Alex_iGuide 6 8 yearsAlex_iGuide (361): See you there Dan, that will be fun! The morning drink at 10am in Google agenda had me puzzled. May make it easier to present, though.
Google Street View Summit: the 19 Companies DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): Hi All, Late Friday night (28 April 2017), Google announced the 19 companies presenting at its Google Street View Summit 10-11 May 2017 in Tokyo. NCTech has two speaking slots: likely for their two cameras. Official Agenda Wednesday, 10 May 2017 1. Samsung 2. Giroptic 3. Panono 4. HumanEyes Technologies 5. iGuide 6. Yi 7. NCTech Ltd. 8. 360fly 9. KenXen 10. Ricoh Company, LTD. 11. GoThru 12. Garden Gnome...
Matterport Confirmed for Street View Summit TrustedPhotoDC 2 8 yearsbrett (10): Thank you for this really appreciate it
Forum News at Google Street View Summit DanSmigrod 2 8 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): Member benefits!
Checking in with GoThru / Google Street View Metroplex360 1 8 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): It's been just a few weeks since Google Business View closed its submission system. GoThru is claiming some pretty amazing numbers as to how many tours have been submitted and processed through its platform. Since v0.2, GoThru has added a many nice enhancements to their platform. For power users - the growing number...
Is this the Matterport Pro Camera 2.0? DanSmigrod 6 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): @qpoisson April.. this week. Dan
Google Street View Apps: PanoSkin vs. GoThru Metroplex360 5 8 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): @Panoskin Me too! There's a -lot- to like. I also realized today that my BETA account is setup as a 'Reseller'. I'm not sure if this is standard for GTPs who are beta testing - but that explains the Clients business. Good luck guys!
Panoskin Street View Editor / GoThru Editor Metroplex360 Jump to first page49Jump to last page 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31623): @Metroplex360 I :heart: it. Definitely peeps like me that would prefer your conversation and publishing service. Dan P.S. about to board my flight back to Atlanta: 3 days late...
Google 360 Integratedman 11 8 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): Thanks for clearing that up. "Do not attribute your content to another individual, company or organization if you are not authorized to represent them." My interpretation on this is that it is permissable to attribute tours to the business you are serving. This is further supported by Google allowing me to change the attribution in its entirety for every...
Matterport Spaces Tour vs Google Maps Tour alsangio 2 8 yearsUserName (586): Google's rules for Business View photography seem to say you can't photograph homes and apartments. @bCome posted great examples of a place scanned using Matterport and photographed for display in Street View. Matterport tours seem to have more navigation points than Street View tours. That may or may not matter to some users. ( link - see last post in the thread) Matterport PC models have dollhouses that help people explore a model...