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Video>Matterport to Google Street View GSV174558

WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Video: Matterport Senior Director, Product Kirk Stromberg announces Matterport to Google Street View publishing at the Google Street View Summit in Tokyo (10-11 May 2017).

Highlights Related to Google Street View

✓ Automated: Matterport to Google Street View ( "Push Button Publishing" )
✓ Matterport does the stitching and linking (constellation)
✓ Scan data also uploaded to Google Street View
✓ Street View Beta Program: Free, "early summer" (Sign Up)
✓ Multi-level navigation within Google Street View

Scan once: publish 8 ways:

1. 3D
2. VR
3. Google Street View
4. Point Cloud (.pts)
5. Still images
6. 2D Floor plans
7. Teased in presentation: "trailers" and other digital derivative works to use for social sharing
8. Teased in presentation: measurements

Automatic Google Street View placement (based on address); with a "nudge" to orientate (align) on the Map.

As easy as 1-2-3: confirm address, orientation (footprint) and publish

This is Very Exciting: Improved 3D Transitions

✓ blended 2D/3D Transitions
✓ Future: Improved Street View Transitions
✓ Includes Depth Data
✓ XDM and 3D Transitions (XDM is an open standard for the transfer of 2D and 3D data) Matterport data is exported in the XDM format. The use of the Matterport data will enable smoother transitions between scan locations (360º photos) versus "jumping" from 360º to 360º photos. This creates a "more realistic flow" as the user "walks" through the space
(Look at the point cloud to mesh to mashed up with imagery in the video.)

Teased in Presentation

✓ Matterport Business Listings on Google Street View Program will be announced Summer 2017
✓ Machine learning automation for "capturing" best still imagines and room recognition


Hi All,

Matterport enabling publish to Google Street View is a seminal moment in the history of Matterport. The ability to capture once and publish in many ways – including Google Street View - dramatically adds value to a Matterport Service Provider business.

I will write more on this topic. This is a "must watch" video (above).



We Get Around Network Forum Related Topics

360º Video: Matterport to Google Street View (I interview Matterport Senior Director, Product Kirk Stromberg after his presentation.)
All Forum Posts about Google Street View Summit (tag: GSV17)
Post 1 IP   flag post
VRimpact private msg quote post Address this user
What can i say to this except WOW! Im super glad to be a MSP right now. Thanks @DanSmigrod for this amazing video. Truly Engaging.
Theres so many things to be excited about. Whats even better are the Teasers - The things still yet to come. It all sounds great in my opinion. Keep up the Great work Matterport! XDM Sounds Awesome! The way we can rotate and publish straight to google maps is amazing. The introduction of more measurements and Data from the scans - The list goes on and on. Awesome!
Post 2 IP   flag post
Helen private msg quote post Address this user
Looking forward to the measurement data as seen on the "Social teasers" part of the video.
Post 3 IP   flag post
grmngrl private msg quote post Address this user

So my big question is here: "Is Matterport going to charge me for uploading to GSV and I don't even own my own images"

I can not send them to my client to share on Facebook?

The presentation from MP is really bad, it doesn't say anything besides pitching their camera.

NCTechs camera is looking better and better to me. I don't even like to mention the problems I have had recently capturing 3D spaces.

Anybody else out there seeing anything wrong with this equation? $$$$$$

MP charges me to post on GSV "The Images They Own"? I would not even consider using the service if it would be free of charge, if I can not own my images!

Think about your rights as a photographer!
Post 4 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
Loved Kirk's presentation.

Very happy to see the generated Animation teasers. I had noticed the animation.mp4 files appearing when models are processed. These files, like everything not used by showcase currently, return a 404 error when attempting to view (So don't bother). This presentation confirms their intention to roll these out and acts as a soft announcement.

Very happy to see the Spa at Galgorm -- it might sound silly, but I thought to offer to publish this to GSV a while back and downloaded the panos to see how it would upload to Google. Google's Business View system had an auto-position via photogrammy option and it made a RIGHT mess of it - even divided into 11 constellations. It was too much work, it didn't pan out, I didn't even tell the tour creator that I was doing this as a spec offer / experiment -- and I'm pretty happy that I didn't get as far as to even ask as I'm now seeing this tour beautifully automatically rendered to Street View. The tour is NOT published btw (looked for it). I can 100% back up Kirk when he shows this amazing tour and expresses that it would be very difficult to publish this to GSV any way other than with Matterport.

Thrilled to hear Kirk speak about how Matterport's 3D Mesh data will be incorporated with GSV in the future. That's a home run for Matterport as this is not (currently) offered by any other platform and I would assume that all models that we've built will be able to generate the needed mesh data for future inclusion in GSV. Love it.

Lastly, I'm thrilled to see the return of M2/SQFT -- MP-Scott did comment on the removal of the SQFT data file that these features will come back soon -- and well, soon is relative. I brought it back by finding another way, that was shut down, and now there are two other SQFT tools. Matterport's own implementation includes WALL measurement and VOLUME - which I cannot immediately think of a use for - but it's fascinating information nevertheless.

Automatic Image Capture of Best Rooms - interesting. Would love to see this in action.
Matterport Business Listings Program - Very interesting too ... look forward to learning more.


Home run for Matterport! What a compelling presentation to anyone unfamiliar with Matterport - and what a treat for those of us who have committed so much to growing our business with Matterport.


@grmngrl - If Matterport doesn't charge us a 'nominal fee' to post the content to Google Street View using a system that they designed to automate this for us -- including the 3D data that we cannot manually post -- then how are they supposed to operate as a company and bring us new features that we can profit exponentially on? What's your suggestion?
Post 5 IP   flag post
grmngrl private msg quote post Address this user
@Metroplex360 nothing on who owns the images? I already pay every month for the service. It starts with $49 for the basic package. So they don't let me get my images that they can charge me to put them on Google? And you think that is ok?
So not ok with me. Won't use the service anyway as I like to own my images.
Post 6 IP   flag post
TrustedPhotoDC private msg quote post Address this user
someone looking for this? Spa at Galgorm
Post 7 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
@TrustedPhotoDC Thanks! Odd, it didn't show up for me when I looked for it yesterday!

@grmngrl - I have a pretty good feeling that Matterport will allow 360 Pano downloads for those of us who want to do our own side projects in the near future. In the meantime, consider that your $49/mo contract covers processing of 3 tours ($57 value!) and that as long as you meet this quota, you aren't really paying any hosting fees. I believe I covered my opinion on charging for publishing to Google.
Post 8 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Hi All,

For perspective, the Matterport to Google Street View publishing announcement is HUGE for the Matterport Pro community - and on many levels.

Once Matterport to Google Street View is out of Summer 2017 beta testing - I could imagine late September for reasons I explain here, here's why this innovation 'matters' ....

1. Instantly, you are a Google Street View Pro in addition to being a Matterport Pro
2. No change in your current workflow: including scanning and Workshop post production
3. Scan once: use in many ways, including publish to Google Street View
4. You create better Street View tour experiences than those using a DSLR and a fish-eye lens. That's because your Street View includes the scan data that improves the walk-through experience. As I wrote (above), XDM is an open standard for the transfer of 2D and 3D data). Matterport data is exported in the XDM format. The use of the Matterport data will enable smoother transitions between scan locations (360º photos) versus "jumping" from 360º to 360º photos. This creates a "more realistic flow" as the user "walks" through the space.
5. Press the button publish to Google Street View: super-easy-peasy for you to publish to Google Street View without any knowledge of what a constellation is or how to create it.
6. Un-Publish at the touch of a button. I will explain why this 'maters' in a separate post (and how up-publish can help you make more money)
7. No investment in additional cameras and gear - with your Matterport Camera and related gear, you have everything that you need to create Google Street View and Matterport Spaces 3D Tours (with the exception of outdoors in a meaningful way.
8. You can differentiate your Google Street View tours from others that have been doing this for a long time. Because of the scan data that creates a better walk-through experience, you actually 'leap-frog' existing Google Street Pros (I welcome push-back from Google Street View Pros that are using DSLR's and fish-eye lenses)
9. "Google Trusted Photographer" is going away; Google is democratizing the creation of Street View experiences. So, don't feel like a second class citizen. You have a way better solution for creating Google Street View
10. Scan today; convert to Google Street View in late September 2017. While I am always reluctant to promote a "coming soon" service, in this instance, saying to a public space, we can create a Matterport Spaces 3D Tour today and when Matterport turns on publishing to Google Street View, we will publish your space to Google Street View
11. Future Enhancements: the 'magic' behind Matterport has always been the scan data that previously was only used for the Matterport Spaces 3D Tour. I could imagine a ton of new ways that Matterport will create derivative works; including within Google Street View (as Google adds enhancements that are possible because of the underlying data

Keep in mind that just two other companies announced Google Street View VR Ready: NCTech (iris360 Pro) and InsideMaps. So, your horse has moved to the lead in a race with just a few players announcing so far. While there will be tons of capture, process and publish to Google Street View Solutions, just a handful are capable of including the scan data to improve the walk-through experience.

Turns out you bought the right Camera to create 3D Tours: and now Google Street View (and much more).

For the above reasons, Matterport enabling publish to Google Street View is a seminal moment in the history of Matterport. The ability to capture once and publish in many ways – including Google Street View - dramatically adds value to a Matterport Service Provider business.


Post 9 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @DanSmigrod

360º Video: Matterport Senior Director Product Management Kirk Stromberg, discusses Matterport to Google Street View announcement at Google Street View Summit with We Get Around Network Forum Founder Dan Smigrod on Thursday, 11 May 2017.

Hi All,

Kirk summarizes why Matterport enabling export to Google Maps matters.


✓ Partnering with Google to export Matterport Spaces to Google Street View
✓ Clients benefit from the enormous audience that Google delivers via search
✓ Custom Matterport Space (Matterport) and reach and exposure on Google Street View
✓ Easy, Fast, Simple and Seamless to publish to Google Street View
✓ Easy as 1-2-3 no stitching, linking (constellation): Matterport does it for us
✓ Easy as 1-2-3 (confirm address, tweak alignment and press button to publish to Google Maps
✓ Matterport Pro aligns the Matterport Space to the Google Map
✓ Why care about Google Street View: reach and eye-balls of Google Street View, Maps and Search (Discovery)
✓ Matterport Pro can help improve Google Street View for clients (current)
✓ Helping Google Maps keep the world up-to-date
✓ easy, automated solution for various uses (3D, VR, Google Street View, floor plans, .pts)
✓ future-proof (such as CoreVR announcement)

My Thoughts

✓ Camera worth 10x as much as a result of this announcement
✓ Massive increase in viewership of Matterport Spaces via Google
✓ Seminal moment in the history Matterport: 10 years from now when we look back, we will say, "that was a defining moment in the history of Matterport ... because it added so much value to the eco-system."
✓ I an excited!


P.S. For all 2017 Google Street View Summit News and Discussions
Post 10 IP   flag post
Property3dNZ private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Dan

Thanks for this incredibly helpful information!

We are having a great debate here in regards to how the "pinning" is going to work. I know that in the USA most places are already pinned (correct me if I'm wrong this is what I'm being told by others in our team) here in NZ most things are not pinned and we have to request postcards which can take weeks - sometimes months when we have to continuously request post cards. The ultimate example of this is one which we have been requesting postcards for since last Nov - it arrived last week to our great excitement but had expired in Feb. OMG!!! So our debate is around we will still have to do the pining or if the Matterport "address verification" will remove this INCREDIBLY painful step?

Thanks Dan I look forward to your response - and I'm hoping I'm right! Lol
Post 11 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Thank you for your kind note.

Based on the Matterport presentation at the Google Street View Summit in Tokyo (above) - and my follow-up interview (above) - the process will be as easy as 1-2-3:

1. Verify the address (within Matterport)
2. Nudge the Matterport Space in the correct orientation at that address
3. Publish

I hope this helps you win your great debate ....

I should have asked, "what happens when the address is not in Google Street View?"

Perhaps one of the Google Street View Trusted Photographers can added the non-pin address issue.


Post 12 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

I wonder why Matterport did not announce the Pro2 at the 2017 Google Street View Summit. Seems like it would have been the perfect opportunity: just 10 days ago!

Hmmmm. I wonder if that was the plan, but they needed the extra time to manage all the stakeholders expectations before the actual release.

Any other reason that they would not have made this camera announcement at the 2017 Google Street View Summit?

Post 13 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

Here is the sign-up link for the Matterport Google Street View Beta Program.

Matterport Business Listings Beta Program


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