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4 Reasons Buying a Matterport Camera Rocks4425

WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

In addition to the reason that you bought your Matterport Camera, here are three more reasons why buying a Matterport Camera was a great idea:

1. Publish to Google Street View: I could imagine that Matterport will make it easy, fast and seamless to publish to Google Street View. You will be able to shoot once: publish twice. The addition of Google Street View will enable you to make $$$$$ in ways that you never imagined.

2. Publish to Virtual Reality (VR): While VR may not be on your radar – you own an end-to-end solution for easy, fast and seamless VR content creation of real spaces. VR is about to explode in a big way and you already know how to create VR. The addition to create VR Tours, will enable you to make $$$$ in ways that you never imagined.

3. Matterport APIs/SDKs: While you may not know what these letters mean, they are the secret sauce of why Matterport will grow exponentially (when Matterport finally makes their various APIs/SDKs available. 3rd party developers will be able to create huge added value for you. WP3D Models, MatterPlus, MP2SSQFT+ (RIP) and MP2SV are just three examples of 3rd party tools that rely on a Matterport (unofficial) API.

So, you made the right decision to buy a Matterport Camera (and likely without recognizing the huge potential that awaits you because of:

1. Publish to Google Street View
2. Publish to Virtual Reality (VR)
3. Matterport APIs/SDKs

Why else was your decision to buy a Matterport Camera a great decision, but for a different reason than you had anticipated?

Thinking about buying a Matterport Camera? Wait until the Google Street View Summit 10-11 May 2017 in Tokyo to make sure Matterport announces Google Street View conversion and publishing.

I will be reporting – and streaming – live from Google Street View Summit.


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Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
Matterport is committed to all of these 3 bullet points that Dan has mentioned. There are a lot of initiatives in the work and ideas that they are exploring. They have committed to an API/SDK; have rapidly adopted new technologies in the VR-scape (Daydream -- and I believe MatterTags were just silently added to the WebGL version); and while they have not said ANYTHING about Street View -- we're all hoping that Dan Smigrod's predictions come true on May 10-11.

I wanted to comment on 'Matterport API/SDKs' -- as someone who is deeply invested in finding creative ways to do new things with Matterport spaces.

I have nothing but the highest confidence that Matterport will be providing the ability for 3rd parties to do far more with the platform than ever before and for the Terms of Service to be far less of an issue as they open more doors for us.

To anyone who has enjoyed the tools and concepts that I've presented -- know that I am fully committed to creatively adding value to the Matterport ecosystem within my skill set. In addition, other talented developers including @DannyBasting, @RPeterson and @JuMP will undoubtedly continue to find new ways to add awesome functionality. We'll likely meet new friends as Matterport continues to expand and dominate the niche market that it has already redefined.

I presently have many new projects that are in the conceptual stage or that are at proof-of-concept level that I hope to be able to work on more.

One is a drag and drop interface for manipulating tour navigation -- somewhat like the guided tour on steroids that a child could have fun with. This would essentially provide a learning tool that children and teens could utilize and will be an open platform allowing addition of code. It's a long term project -- basically, an abstraction of the official SDK.

I have several other ideas and Matterport have been very supportive of and my efforts and from what I understand, my work, as well as that of the other 3rd parties, have really helped to shape their vision for 3rd party developer support.

As many might know, Scott Adams, who was previously famous for letting people know that their ideas were 'great' - is to play an integral role with the 3rd party development side of Matterport. He transitioned to this role in November 2016.

Scott Adams, Amir Frank and Sibyl Chen (did I forget anyone) have been amazing at communicating with MSPs concerning creativity and enthusiasm towards the platform and have truly served as our advocates many many times.
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WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Matterport APIs/SDKs are way overdue.

I could imagine that nailing the integration with Google Street View has delayed Matterport from making it's APIs/SDKs public.

Once these tools are pubic, Matterport will experience exponential growth.


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