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Display the VR content on a TV4095

garyben private msg quote post Address this user
I would like to display the content of the VR mask on a TV with one unique view (not 2 separated screens like on a phone), is it possible ?
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andreabortolot private msg quote post Address this user
Good luck! I had a client that needed to mirroring the VR on a TV at an exibithion and we couldn't help him. We tried several apps and purchased Samsung Dongle device but for an unknown issue, Oculus is impossible for mirroring. Hope someone from the MUG was able to do it.
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3rd Party
JuMP private msg quote post Address this user
@garyben Sorry for my bad English, I can't understand what is your question.
Would you please provide an example of what you want to get?
Or could you draw a picture to clear it.
So that we can figure out how to help.

Do you mean when you view VR content in headset you want the TV show the same scene in only one window not two(left eye and right eye)?
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WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Video: ImmersaCAD CEO Lee Martin's interview with Local Channel 8 News WVLT about vCAD | Video courtesy of WVLT, Knoxville, TN



Great question ...

vCAD offers one unique view versus two separate views like this.

The vCAD solution works best for CAD to smartphone (iOS, Android) for un-Built spaces. While you can upload the Matterport Object File (.obj) to vCAD to convert to VR on a smartphone, this is the data view versus the photography view.

If you have vCAD technical questions, please ask them in this discussion:

vCAD Technical Info and Product Comparisons

( @JonHuber with vCAD will answer your tech questions ... )

If you need to use the Matterport Spaces as one view, I too would be curious if someone has solved this puzzle.

While it is possible to simulcast the two screen experience, We Get Around will NOT demo VR like.

When we need something on TV, we use this sizzle video ...

At a trade show, we will loop the video for continuous play.


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