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Google Cardboardx

'Google Cardboard' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Cardboard VR Viewer - Branded BlueImmersiveMedia 6 6 yearsimmersivespaces (1229): @CharlesHH Our order was 250.
Google Cardboard VR eggardner 8 7 yearseggardner (411): I sit my real estate license in a couple of weeks and my plan is to buy a couple of hundred and will give some to the other realtors who work under the same broker that I will eventually work under, and will give them to the home owners in the hope that the experience will get them to leave me a good review and refer me to other homesellers.
Virtual Reality Run Around to get app again VTLV 4 8 yearsVTLV (2910): I sat with the client and the issue came straight from the website on an S4 smartphone. I tried the same with my S6. Both phones got cycled into get the Matterport app with no tour showing up on the app. Tried it again this morning on my phone and it worked fine. Called up my agent, just got a text saying it works. Went straight to the Matterport App with the tour. I'm taking a guess that someone at Matterport came across the issue posted...
Display the VR content on a TV garyben 4 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31532): Video: ImmersaCAD CEO Lee Martin's interview with Local Channel 8 News WVLT about vCAD | Video courtesy of WVLT, Knoxville, TN -- @garyben Great question ... [url=New for Pre-Built: CAD to VR on a Smartphone]vCAD[/url] offers one unique view versus two separate views like this. The vCAD solution works best for CAD to smartphone (iOS, Android) for un-Built spaces. While you can upload the Matterport...
Google Cardboard & Matterport DoyleRealtor 19 9 yearsNiels (1): Any updates by now?
Competitive landscape: RoundMe iOS app Tosolini 3 10 yearsTosolini (4359): I bet the best panoramas were created with professional gear and uploaded through the web interface. That said, the workflow is viable with the phone alone, just maybe not as high quality.