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There'll soon be a major new player in town4072

Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
@GarySnyder That's awesome! I'm extremely curious about this new technology.
Post 26 IP   flag post
GarySnyder private msg quote post Address this user
@Metroplex I'll PM you later today as I'm just getting ready to go out.
Post 27 IP   flag post
VRPM private msg quote post Address this user
It's not really a 'new player' though is it? NCTech have been around for ages and as others have pointed out, the iris360 pro is just an upgraded version of the camera they've had on the market for 4+ years. We tested the iris and concluded whilst it's good, the delivery of the pictures and ease of use was so far behind any other cameras that they badly needed to upgrade, which they seem to have done.

As for the other piece of kit, looks great, really good tech but $13000? Sure this will keep out of the hands of 'everyman' but it will then mean the cost of your tours will be double what an MSP will charge. And what is it that's stopping 3d virtual tours becoming ubiquitous? the cost. It's nothing to do with the visibility of the MP logo or the ability for people to back up models, it comes down to money.

We're not wedded to any tech and will happily take on any competitor provided it's as good a delivery as MP, and by that I mean, it works on multiple systems, it looks slick and is affordable.
Post 28 IP   flag post
Helen private msg quote post Address this user
@GarySnyder I am looking forward to some example's of what they are calling "10 bit True HDR" from the iris360 pro.
Post 29 IP   flag post
StevenHattan private msg quote post Address this user
Dollars and cents....dollars and cents. Supply and demand.


Metroplex and I can dis/agree whether I'm 'smart' or not but this 'new' system needs to be:


Right now, today, I see absolutely NO VIABLE business plan what would support the investment regarding the real estate industry.

Thirteen THOUSAND Dollars!!??

My other concern is the QUALITY of the end product. I take pictures for client and let's say the quality, for explanation purposes is a 10. When my clients upload their pictures into their local MLS, the picture quality is completely downgraded...a five at best. They are then distributed to the auxiliary third party sites.

It's a shame that Realtors spend money on 'great' pictures only to have them look horrible for the pubic to see.

I still have an open mind but I will say that I don't give a S!@#%^ about all the 'tech' stuff. Instead...

Is the end product better and is there a market for it at the price that will need to be charged?
Post 30 IP   flag post

ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
I have just one question, the final product they show for the iris360 Pro is the same as what the scanner shows, so did they say which camera they used, since the scanner also has a built in camera. Also Ntech has an upscale camera that has been on the market for a while, the Istar which has even better photos but the camera is 2-3 time the amount of the Iris360. So I wish they would have separated the two links to show independent views and talk more about each camera.
I agree and disagree with you Steve, I definitely do not see a tool for what we would use to produce models, but again a definite tool for architectural or building support with accuracy much greater than what Matterport will give. But your right for the average photographer not something that would work into an average business plan.

Post 31 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by StevenHattan
Metroplex and I can dis/agree whether I'm 'smart'

Huh? What did I say?

For a $13,000 camera - I think that your list of "what it would take to justify the price" is reasonable.

Unlimited Hardware Upgrades for Life - This system will have a very long lifespan as it seems quite ahead of its time. It's output is higher than what is ideal for streaming online and via mobile ... Matterport has modest specs because it delivers just fine for what is needed for streaming on desktop + mobile.

Third Party - I cannot see any reason why an endless number of third party services cannot be created around it.

Price - If you've hit a wall with your Matterport -- specifically, if you've needed to scan sports arenas or large public areas that required > 200 Scans - a 'pro' solution makes sense. We've heard many people needing to split their tours into 3 separate tours and link them together with Mattertags.

Realtors - If this is 4x faster than a Matterport, one could in theory shoot 4x as many homes in one day and make 4x as much $$$$. If that is the case, then sure -- you could justify it if you have volume. This is one of iGuide's angles. Plus, Realtors won't be able to afford this - so it would present a marketing opportunity to anyone who feels that they've had a hard time competing with Matterport direct sales.


Assuming this is a 'Matterport Killer' and that everything this does is 'better' -- I can see this investment paying off to the 'PROS'. Imagine throwing this on a credit card and paying $1,000 per month. Let's imagine a horrible interest rate and say that at the end of the day, you pay $15,000... -- well, can you make $1,000 per month to justify the cost?

Competition is GOOD. We have yet to see Matterport face serious competition on the same playing field (3D). I believe that they will very confidently analyze their competition and react in whatever manner is needed to continue to grow. Hopefully it won't mean reducing the camera in price again
Post 32 IP   flag post
Gerhard private msg quote post Address this user
Cant wait to order mine. This is going to change the whole arena.
Post 33 IP   flag post
GarySnyder private msg quote post Address this user
@VRPM the iris360Pro is a new camera from the ground up and only thing similar to the iris360 is the name.

@StevenHattan Before you pass judgement on our new product lineup which I must say we had no plans on announcing yet as I stated earlier in this thread. Steven, the things you mention above just might come true so stay tuned as unlike others we hear all of you loud and clear and know very well the short comings of the current batch of solutions. I was one of the first people in the world to own a MP camera and like all of you have had to struggle with many issues and short comings. NCTech is a world leader in 360 images capturing and what we have in development will make a change in the industry and definitely increase you capability and market share, branded with your or your clients name front and center.

@Helen As soon as we have some samples will make sure everyone is aware of them and would love all of your comments.
Post 34 IP   flag post
GarySnyder private msg quote post Address this user
@Ron0987 We should be uploading images soon for both cameras. As I said earlier in this thread we had no plans on releasing information either camera till the end of Apr at the earliest but due to fact that NCTech is a major partner of Google and we were one of the main key announcements at Google Cloud 2017 last week in San Francisco Google kind of force our hand as we launched Color Cloud and the questions was raised what cameras were going to use the new platform and we had to say at that point the LASiris VR and then we were asked about the iris360 and the Pro was mention.

Over the next month or so we'll be updating the forum with additional details and image samples as well as more details on our OneStopVR app which you all love.
Post 35 IP   flag post
Bellevue, Washington
Tosolini private msg quote post Address this user
@garysnyder Do you think that the OneStopVR platform will be open to other cameras as well? I'm asking because it may be beneficial for NCTech to capture a wider audience that already has their own hardware of choice.

For example, I fell in love for the Insta360 Pro since I first saw it at the Consumer Electronics Show. I could use this device for 360 video, live broadcast and photos, although its resolution is similar to the Iris360.
Post 36 IP   flag post
GarySnyder private msg quote post Address this user
@Tosolini There's a good chance in the future that OneStopVR will become available to users of other devices but I can't give you any indication of timing on this. There will always be certain features available to OneStopVR that will only function with our cameras though but again it's too early to even know what these features will be at this time.
Post 37 IP   flag post
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

Please continue this discussion here ...



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