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CamerasCapture AppScansVirtual Reality

There'll soon be a major new player in town4072

GarySnyder private msg quote post Address this user
The Immersive VT and VR landscape will be changing soon with a major new player offering advance capture technology along with an application suite that will meet all of our current and future needs.
Post 1 IP   flag post
manuqc private msg quote post Address this user
Post 2 IP   flag post
Bellevue, Washington
Tosolini private msg quote post Address this user
@garysnyder Please share your insights! We are all curious now
Post 3 IP   flag post
Belfast, United Kingdom
3dshowcaseuk private msg quote post Address this user
Soon means when?
Post 4 IP   flag post
GarySnyder private msg quote post Address this user
As you have all guesses by now the new iris360Pro via the OneStopVR will offer a ranges of application extras first. First and foremost the ability to backup and restore any model, which is something any camera should have offered from the get go. OneStopVR will also offer the user that ability to ajust the image quality of each pano that includes blurring. You’ll also be able to add tags or hot spots to any pano which can include, links, audio, video as well as other requirements as needed. White label will be standard so you can label you models with your or your customers branding.

These are just a few of the features which OneStopVR will offer. Release dates on both camera are still being determine.
Post 5 IP   flag post
Belfast, United Kingdom
3dshowcaseuk private msg quote post Address this user
I am not an expert on 360 but any that I have come across online havent even come close to Materport when it comes to transition between scans, you either move to fast or too slow or end up in another room.

What are your thoughts on whether the iris360 can do regarding this.

Will it be better than matterport is the question I suppose
Post 6 IP   flag post
North Palm Beach, FL
hometakes private msg quote post Address this user
Please dont tease us.....Links please 😀
Post 7 IP   flag post
North Palm Beach, FL
hometakes private msg quote post Address this user
I agree with 3Dshowcaseuk, if it doesn't have the Travolta Dance moves like Matterport, then it doesn't matter how many features it has, Cool is just..... Well, Cool i guess. And someones either got panache and style or they dont. Matterport has that, no doubt
Post 8 IP   flag post
GarySnyder private msg quote post Address this user
Here are the details on both cameras


LASiris VR

There's still not firm dates for the release of either camera at this point.

NCTech will be show casing the cameras in several cities once they are released.
Post 9 IP   flag post
Rootsyloops private msg quote post Address this user
I love the demo site, but I've got to say - it has a single sensor on each side (compared to Matterport shooting with 15 at once in a single direction). I hope they are as good as they look, but looking at the camera, I can't imagine how it will compete with 1/15th of the "eyes" Matterport is using. Who knows....sometimes tech borders on magic! If it works, I'll be the first in line to buy it!
Post 10 IP   flag post
StevenHattan private msg quote post Address this user
Perhaps this is what one of my clients was referring to. I haven't seen the links yet but will definitely check them out.

Ok...I checked it out. I'm stupid. I don't understand all the techy stuff. The price is astronomical. What will Realtors pay for this, what will need to charged to make it make sense?

I'd need to see a side by side comparison vs Matterport.
Post 11 IP   flag post
Regina, Saskatchewan Canada
Queen_City_3D private msg quote post Address this user
Looks intriguing!

One thing though... Despite the mention of 90 MP and 120 MP HDR resolution, the demos they have on the webpage don't look to be high quality photo imagery but rather look more like Matterport's 3D mesh (albeit much better quality). I wonder if there's a better picture quality that it also offers?
Post 12 IP   flag post
Belfast, United Kingdom
3dshowcaseuk private msg quote post Address this user
I love the fact that everyone can moan about matterport forever but as soon as it comes under even the smallest of threats us MSP's stand up to defend it!
Post 13 IP   flag post
Expertise private msg quote post Address this user
^^ Stockholm Syndrome ^^

Post 14 IP   flag post
StevenHattan private msg quote post Address this user
Uh Oh...Trusted Photo DC is writing a book...haha
Post 15 IP   flag post
North Palm Beach, FL
hometakes private msg quote post Address this user
@GarySnyder So they haven't actually released their VR tour template yet then? It looks very interesting.....
Post 16 IP   flag post
andreabortolot private msg quote post Address this user
@Gary thanks a lot
I hope they will deliver a product same level as MP. Maybe not better quality but at least we can have those optionals that our clients requires and we can't give (and would help us get more business!)..if yes, there will be a major getaway from MP.
Post 17 IP   flag post
GarySnyder private msg quote post Address this user
@hometakes that is correct they're working on it as we speak and I can't give you a firm date when it will be ready but when it is there will be a full demo of the app along with a few live presentations in the States.

Thanks @andreabortolot I'll keep everyone here informed as things develop as it will definitely be worth the wait.
Post 18 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by StevenHattan
Perhaps this is what one of my clients was referring to. I haven't seen the links yet but will definitely check them out.

Ok...I checked it out. I'm stupid. I don't understand all the techy stuff. The price is astronomical. What will Realtors pay for this, what will need to charged to make it make sense?

I'd need to see a side by side comparison vs Matterport.

You're not stupid. The product page says a lot and doesn't actually show the results.

Originally Posted by Queen_City_3D
Looks intriguing!

One thing though... Despite the mention of 90 MP and 120 MP HDR resolution, the demos they have on the webpage don't look to be high quality photo imagery but rather look more like Matterport's 3D mesh (albeit much better quality). I wonder if there's a better picture quality that it also offers?

What demos? Maybe I'm stupid.
Post 19 IP   flag post
GarySnyder private msg quote post Address this user
Hi all, we were not going to make any announcements regardsing the cameras till Apr at the earlest but due to the fact we were one of the main partners discussed at Google Cloud Next 2017 with our launch of ColorCloud the issue came up at the event what cameras were going to use the new ColorCloud application and we were forced to disclose our two new cameras. That is why the pages are still light on information.

We will be expanding information on both cameras as well as showing demos of the quality of the camera soon. We'll also be doing some roadshows across the States to include Atlanta for hands on demos of the camera and our OneStopVR app. If you want to stay up to date on all developments you can register your interest on the NCTech website. I hope this answer you current questions regarding these exciting new cameras as well as our OneStopVR app which will bring major improvements to the VT & VR marketplace. Just stay tuned as 2017 will be one hell of a ride with NCTech.
Post 20 IP   flag post
North Palm Beach, FL
hometakes private msg quote post Address this user
@garysnyder Do you think that when this product is released that it will be a way better experience than Matterport?
Post 21 IP   flag post
Regina, Saskatchewan Canada
Queen_City_3D private msg quote post Address this user

RE: What demos?

Imeant toward the bottom of the page ( it has the animation with the title: "Automatically create VR Tours" as well as the one below where it reads "CloudColor® Processing Built in".
Post 22 IP   flag post
GarySnyder private msg quote post Address this user
@hometakes, yes our plan is to offer a full feature set of tools through OneStopVR and outstanding picture quality from the camera.
Post 23 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
@GarySnyder I was not aware of the fact that you worked for NC Tech Imaging. I know you as the creative force behind MP2VR. I feel like we might need a proper introduction here on the forums
Post 24 IP   flag post
GarySnyder private msg quote post Address this user
@Metroplex I work as a Marketing and Business Development Consultant for them and have had an association with them for some time now as their new products were being developed. We all agreed that we would not say anything about these developments till they were ready for sale but due to the fact that NCTech are a major partner with Google and one of the main headliners of the Google Cloud 2017 event last week with our announcement of our new ColorCloud app in San Francisco, Google kind of forced our hand in exposing the cameras and OneStopVR early. I'll be updating the forum as we get closer to delivering these exciting new products to the creative community
Post 25 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
@GarySnyder That's awesome! I'm extremely curious about this new technology.
Post 26 IP   flag post
GarySnyder private msg quote post Address this user
@Metroplex I'll PM you later today as I'm just getting ready to go out.
Post 27 IP   flag post
VRPM private msg quote post Address this user
It's not really a 'new player' though is it? NCTech have been around for ages and as others have pointed out, the iris360 pro is just an upgraded version of the camera they've had on the market for 4+ years. We tested the iris and concluded whilst it's good, the delivery of the pictures and ease of use was so far behind any other cameras that they badly needed to upgrade, which they seem to have done.

As for the other piece of kit, looks great, really good tech but $13000? Sure this will keep out of the hands of 'everyman' but it will then mean the cost of your tours will be double what an MSP will charge. And what is it that's stopping 3d virtual tours becoming ubiquitous? the cost. It's nothing to do with the visibility of the MP logo or the ability for people to back up models, it comes down to money.

We're not wedded to any tech and will happily take on any competitor provided it's as good a delivery as MP, and by that I mean, it works on multiple systems, it looks slick and is affordable.
Post 28 IP   flag post
Helen private msg quote post Address this user
@GarySnyder I am looking forward to some example's of what they are calling "10 bit True HDR" from the iris360 pro.
Post 29 IP   flag post
StevenHattan private msg quote post Address this user
Dollars and cents....dollars and cents. Supply and demand.


Metroplex and I can dis/agree whether I'm 'smart' or not but this 'new' system needs to be:


Right now, today, I see absolutely NO VIABLE business plan what would support the investment regarding the real estate industry.

Thirteen THOUSAND Dollars!!??

My other concern is the QUALITY of the end product. I take pictures for client and let's say the quality, for explanation purposes is a 10. When my clients upload their pictures into their local MLS, the picture quality is completely downgraded...a five at best. They are then distributed to the auxiliary third party sites.

It's a shame that Realtors spend money on 'great' pictures only to have them look horrible for the pubic to see.

I still have an open mind but I will say that I don't give a S!@#%^ about all the 'tech' stuff. Instead...

Is the end product better and is there a market for it at the price that will need to be charged?
Post 30 IP   flag post
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