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Archilogic>2D Floor Plan to 3D Model Service3796

WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Archilogic: Turn 2D Floor Plan into Interactive 3D Model Service

Nearly all of us create 3D models of existing spaces. Now imagine offering interactive, embeddable 3D models of pre-built spaces to clients such as:

✓ property developers
✓ interior planners
✓ renovation companies 

Archilogic enables a new revenue opportunity for 3D Tour Pros.

All you need are 2D floor plans and Archilogic will create web-based interactive 3D models.

✓ No 3D skills required – Archilogic handles all modeling
✓ Your logo
✓ You set your own prices: bundle or up-sell

You can help property developers 18 months before they even break ground.

It's easy, fast and affordable to have Archilogic create interactive 3D Models to help sell a space that hasn't been built. Pricing begins at $30 each within 24 hours with a Pro Membership. 

Plus, Archilogic offers for We Get Around Network Basic, Standard and Premium Members:

✓ 15 percent off all orders
✓ Free Trial: 1 free month Pro Membership
✓ 1 free residential model (up to 2,000 sq ft)
✓ Custom branding

30+ Member Benefits | www.JoinStandard.com

Top 10 Reasons to Join as a Standard Member

If a potential client tells you to come back in 18 months when the community is built, now you have a great solution to begin a relationship 18 months sooner!

How to Get Started with Archilogic

1. Learn more on this Archilogic special landing page for Basic, Standard and Premium Members
2. Complete the We Get Around Archilogic Voucher Code Request Form in the Welcome Onboard Letter (password required)
3. Follow the steps at the bottom of the Archilogic special landing page

(Your email confirmation will include an Archilogic Voucher Code and the name and email address of the Archilogic contact in case you have questions.)
Post 1 IP   flag post
sandyswiss private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Dan,

for info, I have worked with them already, they are really great and doing a fantastic job!
I can only recommend them.

Kdst rgds.
Post 2 IP   flag post
David_Archilogic private msg quote post Address this user
Thank you, Dan, could not have put it better. Really glad we are officially part of the We Get Around Community now.

I am Jan - I help partners get started with offering our Floorplan-to-3D service.
There already are quite a few Archilogic partners in this forum, so some of you may know me - possible under my official name "Johannes".

If any of you have any questions, I am here to help.

@sandyswiss, thank you for the kind words!
Post 3 IP   flag post
Putten NLD
DannyBasting private msg quote post Address this user
I've been introduced to the founders of Archilogic by @DanSmigrod a while ago, after expressing my interests about the conversions.

I wanted to see if it could be a valid starting point for my 3d rendering workflow. I've been pleasantly suprised by the price/quality after my first conversion.

Fellow Dutchman Johannes from Archilogic has been of great help and has been asking me how they can improve their service to better suit my workflow. So I am about to write up a small review on their conversion service combined with my rendering workflow, in the upcomming days.

Spoiler alert: I am impressed by Archilogic and the thechnology they've developed so far, and I am confident it will only get better
Post 4 IP   flag post
WGAN Basic
pixelray private msg quote post Address this user
I would love some clarification. I have some questions:

When I go to the landing page for forum members - I see there's a Plus and Pro pricing. Not sure I understand the difference? Or those one time charges for models or monthly prices?

Then, I see the example. Is that the exact final product you get for a one time job for $59 if it's under 2,000 sq ft? Where you can walk around inside just like a MP tour? I see the Pro package is less money - guessing that's from paying a monthly fee?

It's basically like a MP tour but in cartoon fashion (sorry, couldn't find a better word - don't take it as an insult)? So, this could be just another option for our customers that decide they don't want to do 3D? But then, in order to provide a floor plan, we would have to do a MP 3D scan....just a little confused how to implement such a product. If they already have a MP 3D tour, what's the benefit of having basically the same thing but in cartoon fashion?? Again sorry for that word...I know it sounds awful. I don't mean it to be. Then, do you guys place the furniture in there or is it based on the furniture that's already there?

Sorry for the million questions. I love this product...just trying to understand how I can use it and what it will cost me.
Post 5 IP   flag post
Property3dNZ private msg quote post Address this user
This is a fantastic service with a great quality end product that our clients love!

We are predominantly selling this service to Group Home Builders so that there clients can experience what their new home is going to look like before they even start laying the foundations!

The team at Archilogic are incredibly helpful and awesome to work with
Post 6 IP   flag post
WGAN Basic
pixelray private msg quote post Address this user
@Property3dNZ - so do you do this in addition to the MP tour?

Nevermind - I see where you said - "Before they lay the foundation"
Post 7 IP   flag post
WGAN Basic
pixelray private msg quote post Address this user
I love this product - just trying to figure out how to sell it. I don't work with builders often, so I don't come across homes with floor plans unless I do a MP tour and sell floorplans with it. Then, I am having trouble seeing how I can utilize this product.
Post 8 IP   flag post
David_Archilogic private msg quote post Address this user
@Property3dNZ Thanks so much for the kind words. Means a lot to us. Also thanks for basically answering the question while I was typing an essay

As for the essay:

I'd happily answer a million more questions, no problem. Let me try to clarify things.
These prices you see there are all one-off prices when we turn the floor plans into 3D models. So a job under 2000 sq ft would cost you $30 with the Pro Licence active and $59 with a Plus licence active. These licences indeed carry a monthly fee (39$ for Plus, $99 for Pro after a 30 day risk-free trial). These licence fees are for the entire account, irrespective of the number of models. They unlock things like white labeling, faster model creation and in the case of Pro lower the prices per model.

I love cartoons, no offence taken at all there. There are people that use our service post-MP-scan indeed, mostly to virtually stage the space, alter the architecture, etc. Show how the space could be, really. Our models are a lot more semantic and interactive than Matterport scans.

However, the clearest use case is somewhat different: it is really a parrallel stream of business to cater to property developers,interior planners, renovators, etc. It is not another full-time job on top either: no need to scan, photograph, etc. You simply market the product, place the order with us when you get one, and upsell the result. Matterport pros are often in the position that they have the right contacts already, and for them it is also a foot in the door: you make models into 3D when the space is not yet finished, and come back for scanning later. So: parrallel business, much benefit from offering both.

As for the furniture: that is up to you: you can give us renders/pictures/artist impressions/etc and we will use these in our modeling. If we just get teh floorplan we can either furnish it (default) or leave it empty if you ask us to.

You do raise an important point: you need the 2D floorplan. Some of you may draft these already. In many cases they can be obtained from the client. It depends a bit on the segment and market you go after.
Post 9 IP   flag post
Property3dNZ private msg quote post Address this user
@pixelray - Hi there we offer a whole range of products with MP and Archilogic being some of the main things I look after. Archilogic has been a great way to make some extra money for the business with not a whole lot of effort on our behalf!
Post 10 IP   flag post
David_Archilogic private msg quote post Address this user
@Property3dNZ Also: the 15% off models action for WeGetAround Basic, Standard and Premium members obviously also applies to existing partners Just use that voucher code generation form by Dan.
Post 11 IP   flag post
Property3dNZ private msg quote post Address this user
@Jan_Archilogic Ha ha ha thanks for that!
Post 12 IP   flag post
WGAN Basic
pixelray private msg quote post Address this user
Ok - thank you...that answered a lot of my questions.

I guess one more question would be - why the monthly fee? What about someone like myself that may need something like this from time to time - but not often?

For example, I have a client that buys homes and fixes them and re-sells them. He uses me for before and after 3D scanning just to show off what they did. They will take out walls and do all types of things when they refurbish these homes. You said it's used to "alter the architecture" - so how could a home re-modeler use this product? Could it benefit someone like that? Then, if it could benefit them; I only do a few jobs per year for them...again, I get stuck with justifying a monthly fee. Sorry...just being honest.

Is there access to this product without a monthly fee?
Post 13 IP   flag post
Property3dNZ private msg quote post Address this user
@pixelray We have been slow in the real estate market so we have been looking into what other parts of the market we can hit up for MP for us show homes and the building market was a no brainer and a massive percentage of my time has been working in this industry. Its great because these two products go hand in hand and has been a great upsell. We have also been using it in the retirement village area which is a big part of our business as well
Post 14 IP   flag post
WGAN Basic
pixelray private msg quote post Address this user
@property3dNZ - can you send links to some of these please? I would love to see how you put these out there. THanks!
Post 15 IP   flag post
Property3dNZ private msg quote post Address this user
@pixelray I sent a PM through!
Post 16 IP   flag post
David_Archilogic private msg quote post Address this user

I understand your point. Let me explain where we are coming from there: many of our costs associated with models are ongoing. We wanted to steer clear of complicated hosting fee structures, and instead went with this.

The other argument is behavioral: this is higher risk higher reward when compared to a hosting plan variable on the number of tours you have. This is intentional: we work with white labeling partners and do not want everyone to start offering us and compete each others margins away. Only the people that expect decent volume, and put in the (marketing) effort to generate it will do great. This does not exclude single photographers though: we have seen quite a few one-man businesses take it up.

This short video shows how you can play with architecture:

Tis one does the same for furnishing:

So to make this practical: you could model the space pre-renovation (furnished or not). Then you can change the wall layout, build an extension, and what not. Save a copy of the model and share that with him again (possibly charge him for this second version too). There are many possibilities, but let me send you quick PM as well.

As for your last question: there is access to this service without the monthly fee: per model prices are the same as with the Plus account. However, that does make things a bit more complicated to up-sell, as the licence perks like white labeling are not included in that tier.
Post 17 IP   flag post
WGAN Basic
pixelray private msg quote post Address this user
Thank you. I appreciate all the time you took to help me understand everything.
Post 18 IP   flag post
Dana Point, CA
RPOceanic private msg quote post Address this user
Question Jan: you generate a 3d model from a floor plan which is a fairly standard work-flow. Can you, will you accept a Matterport 3D .obj file as well? I would assume this would easier on your end- yes?
Post 19 IP   flag post
David_Archilogic private msg quote post Address this user
Using Matterport OBJs as only input is not something we can do yet actually. You can give us a link to the Matterport Tour as extra reference, and we can style and furnish the place using that input. For the time being, we still need a 2D floorplan though.

If this is something that many of you would value (Archilogic models directly out of Matterport scans), please let me know (up vote, post, PM). There is already some R&D going into creating models out of point clouds, so any input from you can only make the solution better and speed up the process!

There is one other thing you can do with OBJ files: you can actually drag them in directly into our engine. Just select OBJ, MTL and all textures and drag them into any (probably best empty) model. The model will then "just" be the Matterport model (not semantic), but you can furnish it with our library, share, embed, etc. This short video shows the same process, but with a custom OBJ file of a furniture piece: https://docs.archilogic.com/en/tutorials/custom-3d-content/import-furniture

Post 20 IP   flag post
David_Archilogic private msg quote post Address this user

One other thing btw, for those fearing that we require a professionally drawn floor plan, and also @pixelray , I actually ordered a model last night from a drawing I made. The layout itself is terrible (no architecture or interior design skills here), but it does show the principle.

Here is the link to the actual interactive model: https://goo.gl/3zRsWR
(Shared it in editor mode this time, so you can move around furniture and so)
Post 21 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

So, how do you get your first client - without revealing that you get this service from Archilogic?

Use these non-branded examples – embedded in your website. These examples are for Basic Standard and Premium Member of the We Get Around Network.

Receiving the iFrame Embed Code is as Easy as 1-2-3

1. Go to the Welcome Onboard Letter (password required)
2. Compete the We Get Around Archilogic Voucher Code Request Form
3. You will automatically receive the iFrame code for these examples and a Voucher Code to save 15 percent on all your Achilogic orders

Not yet a Member?

30+ Member Benefits including the above


Post 22 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

@DannyBasting reviews Archilogic service meets Unity Engine 4 (UE4) here ...

Archilogic for 3D rendering

Post 23 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

20 Questions Live: Archilogic 2D Floor Plans to 3D Tours Service

Post 24 IP   flag post
Gerhard private msg quote post Address this user
The Archilogic platform and team are just amazing. I met with them late last year at their head office in Zurich. The founders are fantastic gentleman and is an absolute pleasure working with them. They are very quick to respond or assist if you have a problem or a question. The turnaround time is the best in the industry and I personally think as they expand their softwares capabilities they will be the market leader, I have seen some beta things from them and they are way ahead of any form of competition. The pricing is also the best in the market for their service, my clients are over the moon paying for their premium service. I tip my hat to the Archilogic team and see you all very soon in Zurich...
Post 25 IP   flag post
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