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Google Street ViewGSV17MP2SV

Google 3603645

Integratedman private msg quote post Address this user
I just had a new large potential client ask me the following

"I was wondering about how this would fit in to Google 360. Are we able to upload this virtual walk around in place of that?"

Any comments advice on the appropriate way of answering....


Gary Roberts
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WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user


If you have an iGuide Camera System from Planitar, you can publish to Google Street View via MP2SV.

If you have clients willing to pay for Google Street View, then invest in this solution.



Post 2 IP   flag post
TrustedPhotoDC private msg quote post Address this user
I would be careful. Google is aware of non-TIPS published to Street View with the SV Editor and improper attribution tags.

Anyone is free to publish with the SV app.

'See Inside' as a function of the knowledge graph is being depreciated and already is gone from some categories.

Don't risk having a tour published and then having it removed.
Post 3 IP   flag post
Integratedman private msg quote post Address this user
Does Google 360 offer interior walk throughs..360 views and 3D and VR?...can anyone give me a short explanation/product description of Google 360?...TY
Post 4 IP   flag post
TrustedPhotoDC private msg quote post Address this user
@integratedman The platform is called Google Street View. You can read about it here: clickable text

The platform was formally called Google Business View and before that Google Business Photos and launched as a Google beta called Innerspace.

This is not a viewing platform at this time for 3D. You can view SV in Google Cardboard with the SV app.

To connected a photospheres to a business, it must have a business listing in Google Search and Maps.

DM me for more information if you want to work successfully with your client.
Post 5 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
@TrustedPhotoDC What is Non-TIPS? Is this an acronym for private spaces?

Also - - I know you make incredible Google Street View tours. I think it's a bit disingenuous for your to say that anyone is free to publish with the Street View App without mentioning that the app is horrible and results will vary.

'See Inside' is supposedly deprecated - but - from what I have read on the Street View Forums, Google is still keeping an image there -- the most popular 360 view that people use. This, like everything about the program, is pretty confusing and poorly explained on the forums. People are upset because they do not like the 'See Inside' image changing when the client would not like it.
Post 6 IP   flag post
UserName private msg quote post Address this user
Google Daydream phones have a Street View app that's pretty popular. I don't know how easy it would be to find a specific business that has a "See Inside" icon. In regular Street View, you see that icon when you're viewing a Street View location that has a "See Inside" tour.

If you find one while looking at Google maps on your phone, you can tap the icon, put the phone in your headset and view the location in Cardboard. That's not an optimum experience because it's Cardboard. Navigation in Cardboard Street View is difficult and movement is not fluid. Daydream, on the other hand appears to be a pleasant experience that many people demo on YouTube.

The best way I've found to explore "See Inside" businesses is to find a site that has a link to theirs. On your phone, you click the link, put the phone in your headset and explore the business.

Summary - Finding and viewing Google "See Inside" businesses is not as easy as finding them and viewing Matterport models. However, once you find a "See Inside" business, you may find the tour not that much different from a CoreVR tour.

I use the Oculus Viso Places app to view Street View in my Gear VR. That experience is in some ways better than the Matterport experience. Downsides is that it's a third-party app not sanctioned by Google. And, it's limited to Rift and Gear VR owners.
Post 7 IP   flag post
TrustedPhotoDC private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Metroplex360
@TrustedPhotoDC What is Non-TIPS? Is this an acronym for private spaces?

TIPs are Trusted Independent Photographers. Agencies are Trusted Agencies with agencies no long being certified.

SV Editor Attribution Guidelines:

This will determine how you are credited for imagery you upload. This must follow the format for TIPs: "Photographer Name, Business Name" or Agencies: "Agency's Business Name".

Originally Posted by Metroplex360
I think it's a bit disingenuous for your to say that anyone is free to publish with the Street View App without mentioning that the app is horrible and results will vary.

I would wholeheartedly disagree. We are seeing that the app works now for clients and understand fully that if we do not have a comparable workflow with the app in 5 months, our business will be in trouble. Google is putting resources into this app and I am comfortable now to publish with the app. We are still a month or two away from publicly publishing large tours.

a Theta S Test -

Originally Posted by Metroplex360
'See Inside' is supposedly deprecated - but - from what I have read on the Street View Forums, Google is still keeping an image there -- the most popular 360 view that people use. This, like everything about the program, is pretty confusing and poorly explained on the forums. People are upset because they do not like the 'See Inside' image changing when the client would not like it.

The knowledge graph(KG) is not a property of the Google Maps team. How the information is presented and viewed changes between display platform and app. When Google acquired the KG technology, it was for desktop only. As I mentioned, certain categories have already gone to a single square photo in the KG on the desktop and are not showing any photosphere.

That hacks and Local Guides are using one-click cameras and publishing photospheres is a different issue in that they appear in search and maps with a business listing and could replace the primary photos that the business paid for.
Post 8 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
I miss the days when MP2SV converted published Matterport Spaces 3D Tours to Google Street View.

Here are some examples of Matterport Spaces published to Google Street View BEFORE Matterport told @Metroplex360 that his service violated Matterport Terms of Service and asked him to stop offering this conversion and processing service.

Matterport never explained WHY they would want to kill this 3rd party service that adds HUGE value to Matterport Service Providers.

At least if you are deciding on which Camera to buy, you can decide how important is an easy, fast and simply way to publish to Google Street View for your business.

My perspective: this feature triples the value of a camera platform that can easily, quickly and affordably publish to Google Street View.

While I could imagine that Matterport will offer this service at TBD cost, it would have been nice if they had granted @Metroplex360 a license so that he could offer the MP2SV service in the interim.

Post 9 IP   flag post
UserName private msg quote post Address this user
Maybe Google and Matterport are competitors in a way.

One Daydream reviewer said that Street View for Daydream was the platform's killer app. This video shows how rapidly he can move around the Late Show with Steven Colbert TV set using the Google Daydream controller.
He can also jump to different places around the world instantly without taking off his headset. If I'm shopping for a home in VR, that's a big plus.

Like Matterport, Google has a large gallery of interesting indoor and outdoor places and businesses. That's the same gallery you see in Daydream and in Viso Places for Gear VR. You can't get to that gallery using Cardboard or the Cardboard Street View app.

But, since business owners may only be interested in their businesses, they may be happy if lots of people can view those businesses in Cardboard. They say that 5 million people have "dabbled with" Cardboard viewers.

Five million is also the number of Gear VR's sold. Gear VR has no official Street View app, so Gear VR owners must either deactivate their headset's Gear VR service and view Street View using Cardboard or view Street View in the Viso Street View app made for Gear VR.

Using my Bluetooth controller, I can navigate around a home or business almost as fast as the reviewer does in that Daydream video. That's because of the app and the controller. However, as the video shows, the Daydream controller's pointer seems even faster and eaiser to use. Imagine pointing at a doorway in a Matterport home and moving there.

Google says you can adapt an existing VR app, such as Matterport, to Daydream. If Matterport allowed you to convert Matterport models to "Google," I, as a user, wouldn't have to visit a Matterport site or download a Matterport model or install a Matterport app or even know Matterport existed. I could simply visit Google instead. I don't know if competitor-related things like that factor into Matterport's decision to shut down MP2SV.
Post 10 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by TrustedPhotoDC
TIPs are Trusted Independent Photographers.

Thanks for clearing that up.

Originally Posted by TrustedPhotoDC
SV Editor Attribution Guidelines:

This will determine how you are credited for imagery you upload. This must follow the format for TIPs: "Photographer Name, Business Name" or Agencies: "Agency's Business Name".

"Do not attribute your content to another individual, company or organization if you are not authorized to represent them."

My interpretation on this is that it is permissable to attribute tours to the business you are serving. This is further supported by Google allowing me to change the attribution in its entirety for every submission I make.

I also see discussions on this in the trusted forum... So I am assuming you are just posting this as a direct quote rather than to serve as a definitive statement.

Originally Posted by TrustedPhotoDC
I would wholeheartedly disagree. We are seeing that the app works now for clients and understand fully that if we do not have a comparable workflow with the app in 5 months, our business will be in trouble. Google is putting resources into this app and I am comfortable now to publish with the app. We are still a month or two away from publicly publishing large tours.

I wholly appreciate positivity and optimism in supporting a platform that one depends on.

I plan on using an Android emulator on my desktop when this day comes as I do not want to use my mobile device for this. I believe that there is a replacement web based editor in the works also.

Originally Posted by TrustedPhotoDC

a Theta S Test -

Looking good. Is there any way that you can customize attribution under the new system if you had a client that did not want your business name there? What's the largest tour you have published?

I published a tour for Dan that was... I think over 400 Matterport scans back when I first launched mp2sv. It was built from several Matterport tours. It took several trial and error tries before I understood the value of using multiple constellations even though the different areas were not separate floors. My worry is that I would not have been able to accomplish these feat with an app. The tour on question was streamlined to reduce unnecessary navigation arrows and overlapping panos were removed while editing.

Originally Posted by TrustedPhotoDC
The knowledge graph(KG) is not a property of the Google Maps team. How the information is presented and viewed changes between display platform and app. When Google acquired the KG technology, it was for desktop only. As I mentioned, certain categories have already gone to a single square photo in the KG on the desktop and are not showing any photosphere.

That hacks and Local Guides are using one-click cameras and publishing photospheres is a different issue in that they appear in search and maps with a business listing and could replace the primary photos that the business paid for.

I think that if a business is claimed, they should be able to select the appropriate knowledge graph imagery. KG is great as it pulls days from so many different services and undoubtedly, the changes within street view are part of the bigger goal to better integrate all of Google's services to work better together.
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