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Just got our first REALLY BIG project3089

Louisville, KY
JohnLoser private msg quote post Address this user
We just signed the first REALLY BIG project for Scene World Imaging. It's a 4 story - 7800 sq ft house with an outdoor garden patio that I would LOVE to include in the tour, nit just as a 360-degree pano.

We scan this weekend.

For starters, we have two days planned for the job, but are hoping it goes faster. We will have two people on site and are hoping we can do it in 200 scans or less.

We have done 2,000, 3000 and nearly 4,000 sq ft projects, so maybe this is just a "scale up.)

Any helpful ideas to make it go smoothly will be appreciated.
Post 1 IP   flag post
Jamie private msg quote post Address this user
You should only need a day.
I've done 10,000 in 5 hours by myself so you should be fine.
Just have your other person turn all the light on and make sure everything is ready
Post 2 IP   flag post
Nail Soup Media
Sarasota, Florida
GlennTremain private msg quote post Address this user
@JohnLoser congratulations!!!!!
Post 3 IP   flag post
BillRobinson private msg quote post Address this user
Congrats!! Outside stay as close to major objects as you can, stay in shade when possible, and you may need to scan closer together. The more objects/walls/'ceilings' the infrared can pick up the more data and better odds for stitching with exterior.

I also recommend checking all the lights to make sure they are not high intensity LED or fluorescent bulbs. Use your cell phone camera and hold it up to the light for a couple seconds. If you get banding (see pic) you need to dim it if you can, turn it off or replace the bulb. With a project that size I'd hate to have banding
Post 4 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
I posted this tour a few weeks ago, but it seems similar to the home that you described -

clickable text

My advice on the outside garden is to shoot at dawn or dusk when there's no direct sunlight on the areas that you wish to scan. The camera does not like the sun shining on it and the ground will appear black when you scan if it has direct sunlight on it.

Take a nice tall doorstop with you incase the door to that outside area won't stay open by itself.

And last -- it's great that you have 2 people onsite for the job -- it'll make things go so much easier to have someone to move the camera up the stairs and trade off. I had 3 people for my shoot -- the Realtor (who helped set the rooms up), myself, and the guy from Jimmy John's who brought me a delicious sandwich, cookie and tea. See if your other person can do that -- it helps!
Post 5 IP   flag post
ScanMan private msg quote post Address this user
Many of my models are for luxury properties in sunny locations with lot's of outside spaces which the clients justifiably want to showcase. I always tell my customers that the outside scans can not be 100% guaranteed and when I attempt them it usually takes more time and planning which I charge a premium for. Just yesterday I was scanning for a client in Spain and I was delayed in moving outside for 4 hours because I had to wait for the sun to move into shade. Sometimes I'm unable to complete a scan until the following day for the same reason. I charge a premium for this type of job and offer my clients the chance to have a basic service of internal spaces only + 360 degree photos for a standard fee or a premium service which takes longer to scan the complicated outside spaces. It's worth noting that a misaligned scan due to bright sun can seemingly be scanned ok with no error but it can can really ruin an entire model. It's only happened once too me but I learnt the hard way when I had a swimming pool end up in the living room of a model which id spent 7 hrs work on. I had to do the job all over again :-(. Outside spaces require some patience and sone different skills to the interiors for sure. I'd experiment and actually attempt to create a misaligned model by scanning in varying degrees of light to see at which point the errors actually occur. I'm pretty confident with my scans now and feel I've learnt the limitations of the camera and just how much I.R light the sensor can handle before it has a meltdown. Practice practice practice . It's the same for everything I guess :-) good luck .
Post 6 IP   flag post
JC3DCX private msg quote post Address this user
Congratulations, and do share when finished, :-)

I usually do the interior and then make a copy of the model before going outside, so when something misalign then I can delete and continue as necesary
Post 7 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by JC3DCX
Congratulations, and do share when finished, :-)

I usually do the interior and then make a copy of the model before going outside, so when something misalign then I can delete and continue as necesary

That's a great idea. I've had outside stuff messing up inside stuff.
Post 8 IP   flag post
ScanMan private msg quote post Address this user
+ 1 for making the duplicate scan. Thats a must for attempting complex and brightly lit outside spaces. I include the 360 pano's in the initial interior scan and duplicate it. That way if the outside version ends up with swimming pools in the lounge you always have the duplicate to save the day.
Post 9 IP   flag post
Wyzlo private msg quote post Address this user
As @Metroplex360 says I will add some notes

From my experience

Houses with pool, views and green areas

I have experience not nice results If I start in the morning

if I start at 3:00 pm much better results
The afternoon light is much warmer

1) Do the Staging yourself (supervise and do what you need to do, to make your model the best you can)

2) Check every light (I always turn on all the lights (Ceiling, walls, kitchen, whatever emits light I turn that on).

3) The inside first, Do first spaces that have less access to big windows, light or views.
4)be prepared and art making those inside views with windows just before the Sunset wait for sunset and start do as fast as you the outside.

Try to surround perimeter first, as big open areas will do error misalignment. Then try to expand where you find near references, (tables, trees, chairs, landscaping, things that will help the scanner to align.

I will stop as soon you will see the sky getting darker.

In open space black in no black is just a very bad image with a lot of grain. (very bad quality image).

hope that helps
Post 10 IP   flag post
Wyzlo private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Jamie
You should only need a day.
I've done 10,000 in 5 hours by myself so you should be fine.
Just have your other person turn all the light on and make sure everything is ready

Hey Jamie I take normally 1 hour for every 100 Mts ( in the overall work) 1.000 Mts 10 Hours. (brunch included)

How you do it so fast?
Maybe you go as far as you can? more than 3 Mts?

I always try to have a god Dollhouse so I do a lot of scans less than 2Mts. (scan to scan).
Post 11 IP   flag post
Jamie private msg quote post Address this user
Just years of doing it, practice I guess. My record was 6000 sq ft in 90 mins. I have doe a larger area in a shorter time, but that was just an open room The trick is to make sure you have a small amount t of miss alignments. That slows you down to double back
Post 12 IP   flag post
Gibbsboro, NJ
Radie842 private msg quote post Address this user
Please post when done. Would love to see.
Post 13 IP   flag post
Santa Fe, NM
JMEPhotos private msg quote post Address this user
Congrats on the big job..

Connecting the main house to the guest home was a walk through a courtyard at sunset.
Post 14 IP   flag post
RenderingSpace private msg quote post Address this user
Big ones are for show.
Small ones are for dough.

It's always fun to do big projects that you can put in your portfolio to be proud of. But the real money maker is the small condos and homes where you're in and out in under an hour.

Here is Seattle there's a major tech boom and housing boom. I used to try and go after all the Big Luxury homes but now I do all sorts of condos and it's much easier work.
Post 15 IP   flag post
Louisville, KY
JohnLoser private msg quote post Address this user
The client approved our model on the first view! It will be added to their website soon. You all get the early "preview".

The total scanned area is 7820 sq ft. There are four floors. The first two levels (Ground and Mezzanine) at at or below 100 year flood plane. So, the third level is called the "First Floor" and the fourth level is called the "Second Floor". There are some spaces inside the home that we did not scan and some areas we scanned to show only what the client wanted people to see, so there are some gaps we would not have normally.

We succeeded in getting an outside walk in the "Patio and garden" ending at the unfilled, not working waterfall.

There are a lot of 360 scans to show exteriors. There is no front view because 1.) the realtor already has a twilight picture he likes and 2.) it's just not possible to get a straight-on shot due to trees.

Overall, I recall, we took about an hour to clean up their messes and stage (not in the job, but no real choice), 6.5 hours to make about 120 scans of the interior and the patio/garden, and 30 minutes for 9 exterior 360 panos. (Two people - Aura ran the iPad, I moved the camera for interiors and the patio/garden; I did the 360's myself.)

Post production work (including the highlight reel and a "ton" of Mattertags was about 3 hours. (Some of that time was used to train my wife on how to do it, so take 50% off.)

I would like to get your opinions on how we an do better in future projects.

(P.S. - That's Aura with me in the profile photo - she owns the company and I am her partner in crime.)
Post 16 IP   flag post
Santa Barbara
Lizzg private msg quote post Address this user

Well done, it looks great!
Post 17 IP   flag post
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