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Huge property w two basements2519

Cabrahams private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Everyone,

I left a voicemail a number of hours ago and followed up with an email to Matterport but despite my asking to hear back from someone tonight no one ever responded. Pretty much par for the course from them.

Anyway, I'm scanning a huge property tomorrow morning [Tuesday, 30 August 2016] that has two basement spaces w two separate sets of stairs to the main level.

How do I address this in the model? If I scan the first section I'll have to begin the main level at the top of the stairs, however, I don't think the model will recognize if I begin in the second section.

Has anyone ever had to deal with this situation?


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3D Renderings
AEC Elevation Drawings
Montreal, Québec
ArchimedStudio private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Charlie,

When you say 2 basements, do you mean 2 separate (non-connecting) basements, or 2 sets of stairs that lead to 1 basement?

2 sets of stairs with 2 separate basements, I don't thing I would worry about that.
We did 2 stairs (pretty far away from each other) leading to a huge basement, and alignment was HORRIBLE! We deleted at least 50 scans that day, and ended up closing one of the doors down one set of stairs because the alignement was so off there. After processing though, everything looked perfectly aligned (but the door was closed anyway, blocking access from 1 set of stairs). Weird... as if someone fixed it in post-production

All this to say, pay very close attention to slight changes in angles when scanning (especially when turning corners), and you should be fine.

Good luck!
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Saint Louis, MO
Invelop private msg quote post Address this user
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WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user


In the Matterport Space 3D Tour (above), We Get Around Associate Photographer and Architect @YairYepez scanned a basement that had stairs leading to it AND another entrance accessible from the garage to the "back yard" up stairs to a outdoor patio and then into the media room.

By using a use a bubble level on every scan, he successfully scanned what amounts to your question: two staircases/two entrances.

Also, keep in mind that the mini-map is ONLY to help you: it has nothing to do with telling Matterport which space to process on which floor.

So, start out on the main level. When you head down one stair case, that becomes another floor. Finish the basement and come up the other staircase. When you get to the main level, reminder to switch floors.

Best practices. Staircases "belong with the floor below the stairs" ...

Clear as mud?

Please let us know how it goes!


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Cabrahams private msg quote post Address this user
I was always under the impression that you needed to scan from the bottom up not the top down. I do realize that the mini model on our Ipad is more for our purposes than the model being created per se. However, are you saying that I scan the main level and say there are two separate staircases to two separate basement spaces, that I continue from the main level and then scan down the stairs rather than up them to the first of the two basement spaces? That basement space would then still technically be considered part of "Floor 1" even though it's on the LL. Then you're saying go from the main level down a second set of stairs to the second LL space and scan that (also as part of "Floor 1"? Again, I'm confused by scanning downstairs rather than up?
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WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

The Short Answer

Scan spaces in the order you choose. It doesn't matter if you begin in the basement, main level or top floor. It doesn't matter if you scan down-the-stairs or up-the-stairs.

The Longer Answer

Best practices is to scan from the bottom up. It's simply easier on you to create mini-maps floor-by-floor. If you start in the basement, when you get to the main floor, you start a new floor in your mini-map. It's just easier to do it in this order.

That said, that's not always practical.

For example, you may need to take advantage of the light for the main floor; you may need to work around people still in the house or parts of the house are still being staged.

Our team ALWAYS uses a level on every scan. While it may just be wishful thinking - and I have not tested this - models seem to process faster when we use a bubble level.

Good luck. And, please do share the model - and your experience with us - once done tomorrow.


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GarySnyder private msg quote post Address this user
A simple answer to you question is to start on the main floor and as you shoot the stairs you have to option of either including the stairs in the main floor or change to another floor. I would address each basement as a separate floor as the capture app just builds the floors as they are captures.

Once the model is completed change the floor name to basement 1 and the other to basement 2 in workshop and everything should work out fine.
Post 7 IP   flag post
Cabrahams private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks for all of the responses to this question. Not only were there two separate basement spaces w two separate staircases leading down but also two upper level spaces w two separate staircases leading up.

I guess Gary's explanation was the easiest to process for some reason. Anyway, the model turned out great:

Thanks again!

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