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Business is Slow: 25 ideas from 25 MPeeps2161

WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
A new Matterport Pro writes me that he is having a challenge moving from creating free spaces for partners in other business and friends into paid gigs.

Let's give him 25 ideas.

I will get it started...

1. Free Matterport Space 3D tour with the purchase of something else is great. That's already happening for you informally with some of your other business relations. Sell more of the other services by adding a free Matterport Space 3D tour.

Now we just need 24 other ideas for him.

Your idea?


Post 1 IP   flag post
Regina, Saskatchewan Canada
Queen_City_3D private msg quote post Address this user
2. Give them a deal.... but also give them A REASON FOR THE DEAL.

The deal has to be time sensitive or limited in some scope (e.g., the next 3 orders are 25% off).

If there's no catch to why they're getting the deal then there's no major incentive for them to take you up on it.
Post 2 IP   flag post
3Dwalkmethru private msg quote post Address this user
3. I am using the "don't be left behind tactic" price is not everything in every market, by nature they ( agents / brokers) don't want to spend the money, but if you market yourself as a real estate tech marketing company and professionally show them were they are going to miss out then you get their attention. It does not happen over night is a marketing process like branding.

I really do not see discounting as the lead generator I see the discount as a tool when I have them in front of me talking about a specific job or jobs ..

My take !!
Post 3 IP   flag post
Cleveland, OH
CLE3D private msg quote post Address this user
4. Network, network, network! I can't stress this enough. There's generally some kind of local networking evento or meeting almost every week day and if you go to even one or two a week, you'll meet more people who know other people (including realtors) than you'll be able to keep straight. The most important thing about only using networking for business is that it will take time to create relationships and trust between yourself and others. Plan on a couple of months of really getting out there and getting to know people and the results will begin showing up quickly after that. I have loved the business development side of my business and the relationships I've already formed go way past the scope of just my matterport business and will continue for a long time and will benefit other businesses I eventually get into as well.
Post 4 IP   flag post
Bluemarble1 private msg quote post Address this user
4a. CLE3D is right on target! About 6 weeks ago I went to a network event at a local hotel, there was a gentleman in the large crowd with the logo of one of the largest real estate brokerage firms in N Fla on his nametag. I caught him just as he was breaking out of a conversation. I said "hi my name is Rob, you need me and if you'll let me buy you a drink I'll tell you why"! Well I pulled out my card after i got him a libation.. He took one look at it, shook his head and with a devilish grin explained to me that he had just been headhunted out of a huge market to be the new managing broker for this firm, specifically to bring it into the 21st century. Aside from a multimillion $ investment in computer technology one of his first requests was funding for 8 Matterport cameras. The old school owners of the company being technology dinosaurs rejected the idea, the next morning at 11 am my group made a presentation to them. A week later they came back to us and asked us to start ramping up to scan all their high end listings and if we were willing to commit to the capital investment we could have a 2 year contract. We are still hammering out the details but we are scanning 5 homes a week for them in the test market and expect a greenlight to go regional momentarily.. NETWORKING WORKS!!
Post 5 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
5. got a potential client that is active on the board of directors of a non-profit - check their LinkedIn profile - offer to scan 'their' non-profit at no charge.

Post 6 IP   flag post
Wonderdawg private msg quote post Address this user
6. I would suggest thinking outside the box for other verticals such as vacation rental properties, hi rise condos, insurance claims, small retail stores, historic properties, etc. If (most) real estate agents are use to paying low dollars then that's the platform you'll have to operate from. Don't devalue your time and use of innovative technology just to make a sale.
Post 7 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
7. In exchange for a meeting in front of 25 agents, offer a free scan to one of the agents attending the meeting.

I apologize. This idea was suggested by another MUG Member and I do not recall which thread I read it (but I remembered it).

(I could use some help about how best to give away the scan at this event (that will be attended by 25 agents from the same brokerage.)


Notes: the Virtual Reality (VR) link points to this VR video.

The "receive a WalkAround 3D Tour for an actual listing points to one of our Single Property Websites.
Post 8 IP   flag post
Bluemarble1 private msg quote post Address this user
7a. 25 businesses cards in a bowl.. Drawing..Then you have 25 emails to promo to and no one feels cheated
Post 9 IP   flag post
Bluemarble1 private msg quote post Address this user
8. Alright peeps I will give you another single biggest client (in terms of sheer volume not big bucks) is a realtor who is also a US Navy wife.

All her listings and buyers are military. We have a huge Navy population here and so relocation turnover is constant. Her buyers are coming from Japan,Guam,Hawaii and far flung places where taking a weekend or a week to come look for a home is out of the question. Matterport has enabled families to view homes from anywhere in the world.

I give this realtor a set price of $350.00 for stills, scans and even a drone if she wants. These are not rich people so s/f is always under 3000. The whole job takes an hour (+30 tops) and she comes back week after week. The MWR office on the local carrier base has expressed an interest in having us do some work for them after seeing how the tech has worked for some sailors.
Post 10 IP   flag post
360Verbeelding private msg quote post Address this user
#9. All about being on the right time st the right place.
Just like the example of @bluemarble1.

Happy scanning.
Grtz Rene.
Post 11 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
#10. How to get Media Coverage


Matterport sent this eblast 4 pm EDT Tuesday (12 July 2016).



Grow your business with media attention for your Spaces

Dear Matterport Service Partner,

We know how important exposure and leads are for your business. Matterport is always looking for ways to help our service partners be successful.

Over the past year, we’ve noticed a growing trend: MSPs who actively engage media outlets have raised their company profile, generated new leads for scan jobs, and created new revenue streams for their businesses.

Here are some great examples of MSPs who have successfully had their Spaces included in online publications.

Curbed - “Rare Frank Lloyd Wright House Goes on Market For First Time Ever”

Geekwire - “Go inside Paul Allen’s Living Computer Museum with this 3D virtual tour”

Local News - “Iolani Palace Uses 3D Scanning Technology for Virtual Tours”

And best of all, it’s easy to get started. Here are a few simple tips & tricks.

1. Scan a unique place of interest

Have a really cool place in mind that you think would be fascinating to show in 3D? The best way to get your Matterport Space picked up by a media outlet is to start with a place that is newsworthy and/or highly relevant to your target media outlet. You may already have several awesome scans just waiting to be shared.

2. Target a specific news or media outlet

Find the right media outlet for your content. If your Space is real estate related, find an outlet that frequently runs features on real estate, home design, or architecture. If you scan a historic site, museum exhibit, or newly opened place of interest, reach out to local outlets, special interest blogs, or travel sites. Often, you can easily find the name and email for specific writers/editors to contact directly.

3. Research and read

As you come across news articles, blogs, or other online stories, find ones that are centered around a specific place. Contact the writer to pitch a follow-up piece featuring an immersive 3D scan. Separately, ask the writer about current or future projects about interesting spaces.

4. Sell the target media outlet on the ease and value of Matterport in engaging readers

Digital media outlets are trying to engage readers in ever more interactive and immersive ways. On average, readers spend 1.7 minutes exploring a Matterport Space, which is far more than existing media.

By sharing a Space embed code, you can assure the media outlet that readers will stay on their site to explore the 3D model. Use Mattertag™ Posts to add even more value to this unique and powerful storytelling tool.


We look forward to seeing your Matterport Spaces in publications all over the world!


The Matterport Team

PS: Check out some of the other press Matterport users have gotten!

Real Estate: The Wall Street Journal recently used Matterport to provide a tour of a quirky Georgian mansion.

Entertainment: MSP Scann3D played an important part in The Block, a reality show about real estate.

Hospitality: The Associated Press enabled users to explore ultra-luxury accommodations in their interactive feature The Suite Life.

Retail and Public Venues: The Washington Post let readers visit their nearby pub through a Matterport Space.

Content marketing: McDonald's SXSW experience

Celebrity: DJ Deadmau5 was so impressed with the tour of his house by MSP Virtual3D that he tweeted it to his 3.5 million followers.

News: MSP Capture It 3D and Matterport collaborated on a project on homelessness in San Francisco, catching the attention of Al Jazeera America.

Unique sites: Tour the world’s narrowest house on TwistedSifter.

Copyright © 2016 Matterport Inc., All rights reserved.
Signed up for the MSP Program

Our mailing address is:
Matterport Inc.
352 East Java Drive
Sunnyvale, CA 94089
Post 12 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Video B: "I am a Matterport Real Estate Agent"

#11 Give a real estate agent client - or potential client - a marketing video - customized with their contact info and logo like the example above.

Plus, by helping your real estate agent client or prospect get listings, you will less likely get push-back on pricing. Now you have a partner relationship rather than a client-vendor relationship.

(If you join as a We Get Around Referral Network Standard Member, you get two marketing videos: one for your Matterport Services Provider Business (Your Choice of Video A or Video C) and one for your real estate agent client or prospect (Video B).

If you like the MUG Forum for giving/getting help, you'll like how the We Get Around Referral Network helps you succeed faster.

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Post 13 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Video A: "I am a Matterport Photographer"

Video C: "I am a Matterport Photographer"

#12 Add to the front page of your website, an animated explainer video – customized with your contact info and logo.

Join as a We Get Around Referral Network Basic Member, and get your choice of Video A or Video B - customized with your contact info and company logo. You may use the video for free as long as you are a Basic Member of the We Get Around Referral Network.

If you like the MUG Forum for giving/getting help, you'll like how the We Get Around Referral Network helps you succeed faster.

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We Get Around Referral Network | Summary of Benefits
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P.S. These videos are created for We Get Around by MUG Forum @VideosbyAnimamos

MUG Forum Topic: 20 Questions Live: Conor Brady with Animamos
Post 14 IP   flag post
3Dwalkmethru private msg quote post Address this user
13. How about if Matterport applies some of the raised funds to promote their service providers. Just saying !!
Post 15 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

It would be great if MP spent money on helping create demand for people listing their homes for sale. That would help generate business for everyone that uses Matterport - Real Estate Agents - Matterport Service Providers.

Post 16 IP   flag post
3Dwalkmethru private msg quote post Address this user
What part of that equation they don't get?
Post 17 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

My impression is that Matterport is focused on selling cameras rather than creating demand. If they helped created demand, they would sell more cameras.

Post 18 IP   flag post
3Dwalkmethru private msg quote post Address this user
@Dansmigrod I think too much focus on tech and not in marketing. This is a typical mistake with creative minds .. I hope they cut a good deal with Airbnb that includes us.
Post 19 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Yes. I am always surprised when Matterport Service Providers show pictures of the Camera and talk about cutting edge tech.

As marketers, what problems do we help solve for our clients? And the best problems, have $$$ attached to them.

1. Are you winning 100 percent of your listing presentations?
2. Are your listings as big as you would like?
3. Are you doing as many listings as you like?
4. Do you need more buyer leads?
5. Do you need more seller leads?
6. Do you need properties to sell faster? (probably not)

Now we know how we can help potential real estate agent clients.

For anyone looking for a Matterport Service Provider, we make it super-easy and super-fast to find a Matterport Pro on the We Get Around Referral Network, include 3Dwalkmethru in Miami / Miami Beach.

It's almost time for a Mojito ...

Post 20 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
14. Custom wrap your car with a 360º photo sphere and your messaging.

This would be a cool thing for Matterport to co-op 50/50 with Matterport Service Providers

Post 21 IP   flag post
RandyAggie private msg quote post Address this user
I'm still really just getting my business off the ground, but the approach that has worked for me best so far is to offer to do the scan for no money down. Within the agreed upon time frame (2 weeks for me), tell them they can either pay you the agreed price if they see value, or you will delete the scan if they don't.
Post 22 IP   flag post
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