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Dealing with Skylights2069

BayAreaAdam private msg quote post Address this user
I shoot residential properties listed for sale in the North Bay area of Cali and nearly every home I do has multiple skylights.

Besides the issue of excessive sunlight from above (that I can do little to combat)- which occasionally have left ugly black holes in my Dollhouse and Floor Plan views - the Dollhouses in the models sometimes have these floating shapes where the skylights are.

I wish there was a way to mark these skylights like we do mirrors and windows. Does anyone know of or do anything to deal with this that maybe I am not aware of?

Thanks and hope everybody is having a great weekend!
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JohnBecker private msg quote post Address this user
There's no way to mark a skylight, or to get any result other than what you're getting. It's the same as a window with a deep sill - it sticks out. Nothing you can do about it.
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DigitalImageries private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks for your comments on deep sills John, I've spent hours trying to fix them with no luck.

With sky lights in a single area I have shot at nearly dark.
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Regina, Saskatchewan Canada
Queen_City_3D private msg quote post Address this user

There's been discussion in this forum with rooms in which there are no blinds and bright sunlight to bring along aluminum foil or sheets of paper/towels/etc. to black out the window in order to fill in the dollhouse view nicely (where these scans will be deactivated in the final model) and then to take additional scans without the windows blocked which will be the scan points for the finished model.

I suspect that would work for skylights as well, except it would be pretty time consuming and you'd likely need a tall ladder...
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suncoastskyview private msg quote post Address this user
Could you possibly do the scans in the evening?
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BayAreaAdam private msg quote post Address this user
@Queen_City_3D Yes, I did read those posts. A lot of these skylights are so high up I could never get to them...
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BayAreaAdam private msg quote post Address this user
@suncoastskyview Not really, my appointments are basically all during business hours - in special situations I may have to make other arrangements though...especially here in the summer
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WGAN Standard
Las Vegas
VTLV private msg quote post Address this user
One of those discussions talked about putting film on the window, but I guess that still doesn't help with your height issue.

I use a sun application to see where the sun will be during my shoot and try to combat my shoots to avoid direct light. Tough to plan until you get to the property.
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BayAreaAdam private msg quote post Address this user
@VTLV It is tough. I try to look online for prior photos if possible but sometimes you just got to play the hand that your dealt...
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