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Reporting from LA20619

Los Angeles
Home3D private msg quote post Address this user
Been another rough day. Fireline within 2 miles of our home. Both cars packed to the gills. This means my computer entirely packed up as well, so I write from my phone.

Heroic firefighters have beaten back the advance, for now. We’ll take turns sleeping 4th night in a row, ready to flee if danger approaches. Winds forecast to kick up on Sunday, subside Monday and then faster again on Tuesday. Getting a little like the Groundhog Day movie, a repetitious nightmare. But still nothing compared to life in eastern Ukraine and other places where the misery is totally manmade, unnecessary and obscene.

Silver lining is that packing a car to flee reminds us of how little we really need to get by.

Photos of sky at 5pm and 9pm. That orange thing in the sky ain’t a cloud, it’s smoke.

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ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
@Home3D hopefully for your sake this will end soon and without any further drastic measures. I hope for the best for you and your family and everyone around you.
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Nail Soup Media
Sarasota, Florida
GlennTremain private msg quote post Address this user
Prayers sent daily
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WGAN Standard
Club Member
Ocala, Florida
OrangeHill private msg quote post Address this user
I’m so sorry for what you and your family are going through. It sounds like you are doing what you need to do to protect yourselves. I trust you’re considering all your options and are factoring the air quality and potential traffic snarls in your decision to evacuate.

I work as an independent field adjuster for various insurance carriers. You and your family are possibly experiencing the most traumatic event in your lives. The last thing you may want right now is advice on pre-loss documentation and the overall claims process, but please feel free to contact me if I can be of any assistance.

Please take care.

Eric Osbun
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WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Our thoughts are with you (all).

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Los Angeles
Home3D private msg quote post Address this user
@OrangeHill - Thanks for your thoughts. We’ve lost track of the calendar. Now it’s just “threat” days and “breather” days. Today is the latter. Winds shifted and abated overnight and the official evacuation line backed away from our home about 1/2 mile. Sunday winds are forecast to return, Monday calm, then Tuesday even stronger. So far we’ve been spared but the future is uncertain.

Our CA insurance commissioner has activated a law preventing companies from cancelling property coverage that was paid up and active prior to this fire season. Yes, some companies that were happy to SELL fire insurance will try to abandon people now. This is the ugly side of a private equity / shareholder-driven culture. Have we done enough as a society to help the devastated flood victims of western North Carolina? Let’s help them however we can.
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