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Compare Realsee to Matterport Customer service experience20514

ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
My first customer service experience with Realsee compared to Matterport and the definition of insanity.

I buy a MP Pro3 camera and a Realsee Galios camera, I buy Galios for the sale and 1500 credits thinking the credits never expire( NO I was not told this and this was not in the sales agreement I convinced myself it was there). So, over the year I bang my head against wall convince myself that MP Pro3 is better, I enroll in an expensive Pro plan and can only have 20 models. Get over charged for a few months for the Pro 3 plan that I have to have customer service refund which they did do. I ordered floor plans that were scaled wrong and even after pointing this out twice never getting the correct plans and after asking for a refund over a year ago from customer service to this day never knowing if I ever got a refund. Then the last of being laughed at by customer service being the last draw and walking away. To find out two cameras having the drive motor go out in less then two years talk about insanity and none of this my doing.

Ok now let talk about Realsee. I just started using Realsee. I did my first model; I spent four hours learning the new editing technique and how things work. I got done and I hit the active button and low and be hold it said you have no credits. I looked at the screen with amazement and a few choice words and I said that is impossible I have over 1400 credits. I went to my account management tab because when I started the account there were a few issues with my email that were with my email not Realsee I had two accounts. I thought maybe I was logged into the wrong account and instead of doing a little research and being inpatient, I deleted/locked my account. I figured no big deal I will go back and just log back in no go there is no account under that email. I quickly sent my account manager Célia Chen an email explaining my stupidity. Later that day I got an email basically saying she is looking into it to try to fix it. A few emails later and by morning I reset my password, and all is good. I am such a small account with Realsee but to be treated like this and to get this type of turn around after I did not use the camera for over a year and I let 1400 credit expires, these credits have a one year shelve life, I was stupid I canceled the account they could have said you screwed up start again I screwed up all the way around.
I sent Célia Chen a note thanking her for the hard work, me wasting her time and this is what I got back and if you don’t think this is a different way to do business.

“Hi, Ron,
Don’t worry about it! That’s why we are here! What we should do is to solve the problems for our customers! That’s we should do absolutely!”

Now this is customer service and if I could get her just one customer to buy a camera that would be great, ten would be better.
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Suisun City, California
ScanYourSpace private msg quote post Address this user
@ron0987 i've seen your posts about Matterport... i'm curious, how were you overcharged by them? i've been with them for years now (2 accounts) and never have been overcharged. Not saying it doesn't happen, but it just hasn't been my experience.

Customer service in general has really fell off these days.. no more are the days of Radio Shack where you can go in and ask for a small part and someone knows where it is, knows what it does, and can talk to you about the project you're working on.

I've had some small gripes about Matterport but all in all they have had great responses to my issues. I haven't felt slighted in anyway.

I looked into Realsee but wasn't happy with their pricing model. currently 80% of my clients are requesting Matterport, 20% are requesting iguide, no one has mentioned any other tour types.
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ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
@ScanYourSpace This is where I got over charged by them, when I purchased the Pro3 from B&H I bought the accelerator kit with the coupons for E57 and Matterpaks. I ordered I think one E57 and 1 or 2 Materpaks not sure, used the coupon code, received the material in email format. These were all made at separate times.

A few months go by and I am looking for a specific charge on my business credit card unrelated to Matterport and see some charges and do not recognize them. After some research I find out they are from Materport and correspond with dates of the E57 and the Matterpak transactions. So, I contact Matterport customer service and ask why I was charged since I applied the coupon code, they did give me a credit right away, but they could not give me a reason on why the coupon codes did not work. If I was not looking for this unrelated charge, I probably would have never noticed these charges. I just wonder how many others may have had this same issue.
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ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
@ScanYourSpace Also to address your last comment and this is just my opinion its name recognition and I agree Mattaport has done a great job in marketing everybody knows the name and the brand. Iguide has some recognition and Realsee has little to none. In the last week I spoke with a small group of agents I was testing them I showed them a model, one was in Matterport and one was in Realsee. The difference was I did not let them start them from the beginning and I gave them no information and they were the same home. I asked them what was the difference and all the agents said what are you talking about these are two Matterport tours. I said no one was Matterport and one was Realsee and could they identify Matteport only two could pick the Matterport. So, I agree Matterport does do a better Marketing then Realsee at this point.
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