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Offline Based 3D Tour Viewer20298

igortskii private msg quote post Address this user

I currently use an outdated 360 photo camera and Pano2VR to make standalone offline tours that can be opened by anyone who downloads the files. It opens it up in a web-browser even if they are offline.

We are considering getting a Lidar point cloud based camera to do the same thing. But after talking to Matterport and doing some research myself, I see that there is no way to have an offline based 3d tour without having a special software like Revit, Autodesk, etc to open it.

Or am I wrong? Is there any solutions available out there for what I described?

We use the tours for capturing ship interiors. Many times the ships themselves use the tours so that the captain or engineer doesnt have to run through the entire vessel to see a particular detail. But many times they dont have internet while out at sea, so thats why we need a stand alone version that can be opened offline.

Also, our main reason for considering lidar is because many times the dynamic lighting when capturing photos is just off. We will be in low-light rooms, but there is a bright window and the camera autoadjusts to that brightness and leaves the room almost impossible to see inside of.

Are there any new 360 cameras that have superior dynamic light capabilities?

Thanks everyone for reading and offering direction.
Post 1 IP   flag post
WGAN Standard
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Ocala, Florida
OrangeHill private msg quote post Address this user
I suggest you look into iGuide whose tours can be viewed offline ( Its Planix camera system is on sale for $1999.00 for the next few days. You may also want Bushman Panoramic Halo 360 LED light.
Post 2 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
@igortskii Welcome to the We Get Around Network Forum.

This is from a similar WGAN Forum discussion.

Originally Posted by @mzivkovic

Hey there WGAN Member!

The iGUIDE PLANIX camera system accurately documents spaces and creates an iGUIDE in minutes.

Each iGUIDE provides:

-An immersive 3D virtual tour
-Accurate lidar measurement within 0.5%
-ANSI-Z765-2021 2D floor plans
-Comprehensive documentation

Here are the answers to your questions:

1. Data ownership:

2. Offline links/viewing:

3. Hosting:

4. Pay per project pricing:

5. For your construction projects, here is a full run-down of what iGUIDE can do for you:

The PLANIX Pro camera system is currently on sale for only $1,999 USD. There are no monthly subscription fees; you own all your data and you get flexible file formats such as CAD, DWG, RVT, and ESX.

If you'd like to speak with one of our iGUIDE Specialists and book a free demo, please share your email or phone number with Dan and he can send it to me to set up a chat.

Hope this helps!

Kind regards,
Content Creator @ iGUIDE
Post 3 IP   flag post
Executive Vice
Montreal, Canada
fhliberge private msg quote post Address this user
Our 3D tours can also be seen offline. You can have more details at
Post 4 IP   flag post
mzivkovic private msg quote post Address this user
Hey there @igortskii,

@OrangeHill took the words out of my mouth! Feel free to reach out to one of our iGUIDE Specialists for a free demo or to answer any more questions you may have regarding offline viewing/links + more.

You can email and we'll set something up .

Kind regards,
Content Creator @ iGUIDE
Post 5 IP   flag post
igortskii private msg quote post Address this user
Wonderful, thank you for sharing.

But one snag that I see is that to download the offline version, even if you didint publish online, you still get billed....

What I love about Pano2VR is that I paid for the software and can use it without further charges. Then if I want to publish online I can find a server and then get charged.

Is there any other solutions where I just pay once?

I guess Ill be hunting for a better 360 camera instead.

We were ready to buy a $6000 Matterport, but nope, they wont a pound of flesh for every tour, how about just made a stand alone software....ugh, so frustrating that everyone is going subscription or pay as you use base.....
Post 6 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

If you go with iGUIDE or Urbanimmersive, they automatically build the tour for you (unlike Pano2VR).

Is that feature helpful?


Post 7 IP   flag post
mzivkovic private msg quote post Address this user
@igortskii The iGUIDEs are billed for the processing of the iGUIDE (creation of the iGUIDE). You don't get billed for publishing the iGUIDE online or downloading the iGUIDE.

Does that help clarify pricing?
Post 8 IP   flag post
Los Angeles
Home3D private msg quote post Address this user
3DVista does not automatically build your tour, but you do buy the software once and then can self-host your tours, white-labeled, forever. They also have a system for mounting tours off-line. This is just a couple of its attractions to thousands of worldwide users.

That said, I generally recommend 3DVista to really committed virtual tour creators who want the highest quality and most complex tour experiences. Currently, 3DVista does not use IR or Lidar, so there is no dollhouse view of most interior spaces, but it can handle tours in sophisticated ways that I don't believe other systems can. Anyone let me know if other systems can create tours like:

3DVista has also now incorporated Gaussian splats, a faster and cleaner journey to large site 3D tours. We're on their beta team and it's working great so far.

3DVista is for when you're aiming for polished and finessed immersive experiences, not brute force data gathering. Capturing 3D data can be accomplished in many ways.
Post 9 IP   flag post
MeshImages private msg quote post Address this user
Unfortunately Matterport does not see the necessity to offer an offline solution. My clients from sales departments are also often asking for offline solutions and currently we are helping ourselves with showing the tours in the outdated Matterport iOs Showcase App.

I think iGuide could be a good solution, but I don't know if they are offering a button in their player showcase to actually download the tours. But if they do, then iGuide could be a great solution with high degree of automation, that is also suitable for large ships. IGuide gives you an excellent overview and orientation in their 360 showcase.

Another possible solution could be 3DVista as @Home3D has already stated. 3DVista can play both, 360 tours and 3D tours and allows the highest degree of customization. Every tour can be designed to play offline, too. But be careful. With many 360s plus 3D data, tours can easily reach sizes bigger than 1 GB. But the flexibility of 3DVista is fantastic. You can create whatever you need. And you can work with 360 and 3D data. But you should try it beforehand, because the software has significantly grown in availability of features and settings and is now really complicated. In 3DVista you can work with whatever capturing solution that you want- 360 and 3D. Also 3D fron mobile Apps like Scaniverse, Polycam and RealityCapture. Furthermore you can work with native 3D CAD files that you convert to .glb files to make them play. The advantage of the 3D over 360 solution lies in the Tagging and in the Overview. In 3D you place a tag and see it from everywhere, but in 360 you can see it only in the single panorama. And 3D gives you a great overview by showing the inside 3D model of the boat, but for the details you will want to jump into a 360 panorama to actually see the details and to actually read and see what is there. Not sure if 3D Gaussian Splattings or photogrammetry actually lets you actually read small text or thin typography in the 3D or also zoom into details, I don't think so.

To find the best solution, camera and scanner I need to know more details about the size of the boat and level of detail that you are looking for.
Post 10 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Can you share an example of an existing ship project with us?


Post 11 IP   flag post
igortskii private msg quote post Address this user
3DVista looks like the one! Thanks everyone for responding. It is much appreciated.

Hurray for a standalone software with no subscription and offline publishing support.
Post 12 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Thank you for letting us know what you decided to do.

We would all love to see a "before" and "after" ship tour, if possible.


Post 13 IP   flag post
bethereeu private msg quote post Address this user
Its possible to use matterport tour offline. its a tos violation but if only use it offline...
Post 14 IP   flag post
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