Source: RSET

WGAN-TV | Matterport + RSET for Real-World Simulations for Police, Fire and EMT Emergency Responders: Including Schools, Museums, Theaters and Public Spaces | Guests: RSET Founder and CEO Bill Gregory, RSET Director of Operations Michael Schmidt and RSET Unity 3D Developer Michael Probst | Tuesday, 18 October 2022 | Episode: 164 | RSET | | WGAN Forum Member Name: @RSET

How to get free access to RSET (use with Matterport MatterPak)

Hi All,

Free Access to RSET (RSET link)
RSET Website

RSET Enables

1. Walking around my 3D Scans
2. Keeping my scans local instead of in the cloud
3. Using networking to explore my scanned environment with others
4. Using networking to run training scenarios in my scanned environments
5. Doing pre-visualization exercises for my job
6. Doing after-action reviews for my job
7. Visiting an environment without having to physically drive there
8. Sharing my scan data with others
9. Creating scenarios in scans and selling them to other users



WGAN-TV Transcript: Matterport + RSET Emergency Training | Police-Fire-EMT