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Matterport Classic Plan: Addition cost for scans above my 100 limit?19690

Integratedman private msg quote post Address this user
So i have been with Matterport since 2016 and I feel very fortunate to be able to still use
my Classic plan which i began with, now today i have a few more than the 100 scans permitted, so i do pay an extra monthly fee for this extra storage, which i have no issue with makes perfect sense.
Well imagine my surprise when i just spoke to a Matterport Customer service rep (extremely polite)
who educated me on new pricing and what i would need to do to benefit from new features etc
If Matterport's intention was to boost sales for I guide..well excellent strategy.
Who in their right mind is paying these outlandish fees, Matterport's current customer base in regards to addition has to be close to 0 lol lol
Please educate me if i am being unreasonable.
The chances of me upgrading my services without of course winning a lottery would be 0

Kindest Regards

Gary Roberts
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DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Matterport eMail received 16 May 2023 at 3:51 pm ET


FYI ... notice of Matterport Classic Plan price increase (above).

I do not know how much I will be charged if I go over my 300 scan limit.

Not sure why Matterport has not figured out how to take care of their early adopters, like you.

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selder76 private msg quote post Address this user
Which increases are you referring to? I know they have an increase this year but unless I’m missing something, the increase seemed normal. We pay annually to save the money. 7.5k is a tough bill don’t get me wrong. However it does thin the herd of competitors. To be honest I’d pay 10k if it meant further thinning.
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pixelray private msg quote post Address this user
I have a classic plan that I'm thinking about deleting and just going with their newer plans.
Plus I never even upload to the classic plan anymore since I only use the Pro 3. I can't afford to keep the classic plan anymore either. It just doesn't make sense anymore to keep it. I wonder how many other people are getting rid of their classic hosting plans all together too? I'm just going to make clients that wanted forever hosting get their own hosting plans And transfer the models to them. I was always hoping matterport would allow us to transfer Pro 3 scans to the classic hosting accounts, but that's never going to happen.

If you do work for matterport, you guys have obviously noticed the major major pay decreases that have come our way. They keep increasing our costs and decreasing our payouts...With their goal of getting to profitability, which I understand actually. We need them to be profitable, but at whose expense? It's at the expense of Long-time matterport adopters sadly.

I have been with matterport since the beginning. I was their first capture tech in my market. I have been in discussions with a few people there over the last few weeks about my disappointment in several areas. At least they're listening. Not sure if they will do anything to change course but I sure hope they do. I'm actually going to have to start turning down jobs they send my way because of the massive pay decreases they have implemented on multifamily units...which was a significant part of my income from them for YEARS. They always paid out on a per model basis and now they have switched payout on everything to an aggregate square footage basis which resulted in 50 to 75% pay decreases. I was in shock. Complete shock. They introduced this payout structure a few years ago, but they told me it was for new clients that they had to negotiate with. When I raised my concern back then that my worry was that one day they would just put everything under this payout structure, I was told to not worry and that it wouldn't happen. Well, it did. My disappointment was immense. I felt betrayed and lied to. It wasn't a good day when I got a job order that for years had paid on a per model professional payout rate, but was now at that new agregrate sq ft payout which represented about a 60 percent paycut on that particular job. At the new rates they are down there sadly with some people that may or may not be on this group that reach out to people all the time offering ridiculously low payouts. It was a massive loss for my business. It has me considering to switch careers. I just don't understand how they decided to hurt us that deeply with such a massive pay decrease after years of them setting the precedent of per model payouts. I was told that an increase in business from them would help offset this loss...and maybe it does...yet to be seen how I am going to get back 30 percent of my typical income from their jobs.

I'm also trying to get them to be fair on travel payouts. Being asked to go to suburbs that are 30 miles away from a city center where we easily spend hours in traffic each way for One job with No travel fee associated...just not a fair proposition. It's getting hard to justify even doing those small jobs anymore where we spend hours in traffic to get to and from especially after they took away the per model pay jobs that helped offset all these small one model jobs. I really hope they understand this. But I'm guessing they just bet on if I turn it down, there's 20 other people in line that will do it gladly because they were never used to the previous payouts Matterport paid.

They certainly are not making it easy on people like me that do jobs for them and even those that dont with the costs increases just to do business with them. I love MP and the technology. I even have formed relationships with a few people there that are truly good people. But what upper level management has done in their efforts to reach profits is really hurting some people. And it's absolutely their perogative to do what they feel is necessary to reach profits. I'm just scared as a shareholder what it will ultimately do in the long run to all the people like us that spent years hitting the streets to sell and tell everyone about their products and how they were the best thing out there. Will we continue to do that? Or will we embrace competition??? I have tried my best to get them to look at these things. I don't know what will happen.

Anybody else in this group doing work for Matterport? Seeing the same things in your market? Is it time to organize??? Lol
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selder76 private msg quote post Address this user
Matterport has never given us work, despite being registered with them since the beginning. I’m empathetic to your problems but it does seem based on your comment that you have far too much weight in them as a client. The loss of a single client should never be big enough to bankrupt a business. See it instead as a way to free up your time to market beyond them to realtors in your market. Hang in there!
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pixelray private msg quote post Address this user
@selder... You're right, they wouldn't bankrupt me, But that move severely severely hurt me. They are a HUGE part of my business. I've had a wonderful relationship with them for years. It didn't seem like the relationship respect was mutual after such a move...but That was my initial reaction as well as others like me. It's a pretty big deal when you lose that type of income. And, we had no clue it was coming. It just out of the blue happened. People need to plan for this kind of income loss. That was a big disappointment. They didn't communicate at all that this was going to happen. Huge disappointment there.

But like I said, I get it. They have to get to profitable or they're not going to be around for anybody to use. I don't envy those guys up there trying to figure all this stuff out. I can imagine it's a logistical nightmare. Obviously they've got way more competition now than they used to, And I don't doubt for a second that they needed to make some moves to try to get to a place where they need to be. I've taken a bloodbath in their stock and my only hope in all of this kind of lies there. I'm hoping that this move helps their stock, thus helping my retirement one day. I can imagine doing this across the board has increased their revenue tremendously. It's kind of hard being on both sides of that equation as an investor and as someone that receives a lot of work from them. If it hurts me on the tech side, I'm hoping it helps on the investment side.
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Buffalo, New York
GETMYVR private msg quote post Address this user
This is one of the coolest groups on earth! I try to charge all commercial clients $250/yr hosting per model, this helps offset expenses on my Classic Plan. $21 for an extra 50 models is a good deal. I am not buying a Pro3 and do not need to upgrade. Been a Pro2 user since 2017, and it's a great 3d tool for us. When Matterport sunsets the Classic Plan, I will too.
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