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Now in Beta: Pro3 High-Density Scanning and Floor Detection Controls19317

EMILIANO private msg quote post Address this user
Now in Beta: Pro3 High-Density Scanning and Floor Detection Controls

Hi everyone,

New features for the Matterport PRO3 will be arriving soon:

Pro3: High-Density Scanning

Floor Detection Controls

I don’t see these settings in my mobile app. Why not?
You will see these settings only when the app is connected to your Pro3 camera. You also need to be using iOS version 5.32 or higher or Android version 2.22 or higher of the Matterport app and Pro3 firmware version S12_11.0.2 (ALREADY RELEASED)or higher. Ensure that your mobile app is up to date, and when connected to your Pro3, check the Firmware option within the mobile app settings and apply any firmware update that is available for your camera.

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Club Member
Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
It(Floor Detection at least) is in beta that works only via TestFlight. You cannot have both(production version and beta) working on a single iPad.
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WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Video: Shop Talk 55: Matterport Digital Twin Platform: 2023 and Beyond | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel | 6 December 2023

Screen Grab from Matterport video above

Screen Grab from Matterport Pro3 Camera: High-Density Scanning (Beta)


Thank you for being first in the WGAN Forum to post this news.


Thanks for the Floor Detection (beta) post.

Hi All,

If you are interested in Matterport High Density Scanning On-Demand with a Matterport Pro3 Camera, please see the video above (starting at 15:02 and going to 18:42).

Matterport VP, Product Preethy Vaidyanathan reviews the features of High-Density Scanning with a Matterport Pro3 Camera, including:

1. control with the Matterport Capture app
2. select the desired density level
3. scan up to 4x density
4. generate a high-quality 3D mesh
5. feature requested by Matterport enterprise customers

High-Density scanning is achieved by reducing the speed of the Matterport Pro3 Camera rotation.

According to the screen grab from the video (also above), the scanning density choices are:

1. Standard Density
2. Medium Density
3. High Density (for MatterPak and E57 files)

The focus of this feature is a dense point cloud, typically used in AEC.

Details on the Matterport Pro3 Camera: High-Density Scanning (Beta)
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WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Matterport Blog (12 December 2023) New! High-Density Scanning for Pro3 coming in H1 2024 - Join the Beta Program Today
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WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

Can you answer these Matterport Pro3 Camera scanning density questions by a WGAN Member that writes me:


Hi Dan, I hope you are well.

I finally bought the Pro3 and today for the first time when scanning with it, I noticed what I think is a new feature.

When you select Scan or 360, under scan now you have 3 options for scaning, normal density (scans up to 30''), median density (scans up to 45'') and high density (scans up to 60''), it looks like pretty much the option that Leica has.

My question is, if this is a new feature on the Pro3, or I just have missed it before?

If it's new, then which one of this option is the same that we had when there was no option.

Is the lowest one as good as it was before?

Which option should I chose when doing a big job, for example an Hotel?

As always any and all help is much appreciated, has today [Thursday, 11 January 2024] I started a big job, and did not knew about this feature so it was set on the default normal, so tomorrow as I carru=y on the work, should I do it in High density, as this is an Hotel?

Will this change be noticed on the job if I have two different desity scans?

How should I procced?

Thank you so much, speak with you soon,



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WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Here is a related WGAN Forum discussion:

Matterport Intros High Density Scanning for its Flagship Pro3 Camera


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