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E57 Filex

'E57 File' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
My Experience with E57 files, Point Clouds and CloudCompare Sdoughtie 21 1 monthAerial_Perspective (39): Nice thread! Did you figure out a way to get a sharp e57 file in the end?
Video: Matterport Deliverables for AEC: A Quick Guide DanSmigrod 1 1 yearDanSmigrod (31629): Matterport Deliverables for AEC: A Quick Guide | Video courtesy of TAVCO Digital Imaging and AEC Technologies YouTube Channel | 18 February 2024
Now in Beta: Pro3 High-Density Scanning and Floor Detection Controls EMILIANO 6 1 yearDanSmigrod (31629): Here is a related WGAN Forum discussion: Matterport Intros High Density Scanning for its Flagship Pro3 Camera Best, Dan
Matterport Intros High Density Scanning for its Flagship Pro3 Camera DanSmigrod 2 1 yearDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, This Matterport Pro3 Camera feature was first discussed in the WGAN Forum more than a month ago (9 December 2023) in a WGAN Forum discussion by: @EMILIANO Now in Beta: Pro3 High-Density Scanning and Floor Detection Controls What's been your experience with Matterport Pro3 Camera high-density scanning (including your use-case)? Best, Dan
Matterport Pro 3 question: direct access to captured data possible? mori 5 1 yearJuMP (2031): @mori what will you do if you can have the data you mentioned? Is it a valuable business task or just your personal curiosity?
Import any spherical images to create a Matterport 3D Tour DanSmigrod 5 1 yearDanSmigrod (31629): 360 video is supported in YouTube and Vimeo. Does that work for you? (e.g. including a link to a 360 video in a Matterport MatterTag? Dan
Matterport & Leica BLK360 G1 Integration EMILIANO 6 1 yearEMILIANO (172): I knew it. I have both IPAD PRO 11" 512GB 2020 and IPHONE PRO MAX 14 512GM... :):):)
How does one even start with getting an approximate quote for BIM file?!?! Queen_City_3D 6 2 yearsGETMYVR (1941): @Queen_City_3D if you have the approximate square footage, just go to one of your saved Matterport models similar size and look under add-ons and go to BIM file. They start about $750, but there's five different types of variations of the bim file and the one with the most data quadruples that price. You can Google the information you're looking for in as I have before. You'll find many companies that will provide up front quotes and I think...
Video: Taking a Matterport Pro 3 e57 file and manipulating it in Autodesk R ScanYourSpace 1 2 yearsScanYourSpace (867): Taking a Matterport Pro 3 e57 file and manipulating it in Autodesk Revit | Video courtesy of Sparks Media Group's YouTube Channel | 09 July 2023 | Scan Your Space (a Division of Sparks Media Group) Founder and CEO Tom Sparks | | | @ScanYourSpace:oops:
Video: Meeting with Dani @ LOD360 to discuss Matterport scan and e57 data ScanYourSpace 1 2 yearsScanYourSpace (867): Meeting with Dani @ LOD360 to discuss Matterport Pro 3 scan and e57 data file manipulation | Video courtesy of Sparks Media Group's YouTube Channel | 09 July 2023 | Scan Your Space (a Division of Sparks Media Group) Founder and CEO Tom Sparks | | | @ScanYourSpace
Has anyone compare MP floor plans with dimension mode? ron0987 6 2 yearsJuMP (2031): BTW you can do measure on the horizontal plate on our x-ray style floormap (on printed hardcopy, no computer required), just like you do measure in the showcase page.
List: 10 Great Uses of the Matterport Pro3 Camera in the AEC Space DanSmigrod 1 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN-TV | Matterport Pro3 for AEC: Expert Insights on Level of Accuracy, Benefits and Limitations | Guests: 3DLS.XYZ Managing Partner Richard "RJ" Johnson, Architectural Resource Consultants (ARC) as well as the U.S. Institute of Building Documentation ( USIBD) President and CEO John Russo and RC Monkeys Director Silviu Stoian | Episode: 193 | Thursday, 15 June 2023 List: 10 Great Uses of the Matterport Pro3 Camera...
List: 10 Limitations of the Matterport Pro3 Camera in the AEC Space DanSmigrod 1 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN-TV | Matterport Pro3 for AEC: Expert Insights on Level of Accuracy, Benefits and Limitations | Guests: 3DLS.XYZ Managing Partner Richard "RJ" Johnson, Architectural Resource Consultants (ARC) as well as the U.S. Institute of Building Documentation ( USIBD) President and CEO John Russo and RC Monkeys Director Silviu Stoian | Episode: 193 | Thursday, 15 June 2023 List: 10 Limitations of the Matterport Pro3 Camera...
WGAN-TV eBook | Matterport Pro3 for AEC: Expert Insights on Accuracy DanSmigrod 3 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): (Transcript continued from above) --- [00:58:25] John Russo: - To tag onto that, just because it's a small room, it still goes back to the intent. Because let's say we're doing a window replacement project and you want to know the opening size. That's a very small thing to measure, but I don't know that I'm going to trust the measurements out of a Matterport Pro3 Camera scan, even to take a small relative measurement like...
WGAN-TV Podcast | Matterport Pro3 for AEC: Expert Insights on Accuracy DanSmigrod 3 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): (Transcript continued from above) --- [00:58:25] John Russo: - To tag onto that, just because it's a small room, it still goes back to the intent. Because let's say we're doing a window replacement project and you want to know the opening size. That's a very small thing to measure, but I don't know that I'm going to trust the measurements out of a Matterport Pro3 Camera scan, even to take a small relative measurement like...
Video: Taking a Matterport Pro 3 e57 file and manipulating it in Revit ScanYourSpace 1 2 yearsScanYourSpace (867): Taking a Matterport Pro 3 e57 file and manipulating it in Autodesk Revit | Video courtesy of Sparks Media Group's YouTube Channel | 17 June 2023 | Scan Your Space (a Division of Sparks Media Group) Founder and CEO Tom Sparks | | | @ScanYourSpace Transcript (Video) [Demo does not include audio] Tom Sparks: Hey, everybody. Tom Sparks for Sparks...
WGAN-TV Transcript | Matterport Pro3 for AEC: Expert Insights on Accuracy DanSmigrod 3 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): (Transcript continued from above) --- [00:58:25] John Russo: - To tag onto that, just because it's a small room, it still goes back to the intent. Because let's say we're doing a window replacement project and you want to know the opening size. That's a very small thing to measure, but I don't know that I'm going to trust the measurements out of a Matterport Pro3 Camera scan, even to take a small relative measurement like...
WGAN-TV | Understanding Level of Detail (LOD) Meets Matterport Pro3 Camera DanSmigrod 13 2 yearsdave3d (527): I think probably a simpler way to think about this (for me) is Pro3 accuracy at 20mm is about 3/4 inch at 10m. To get to LOD300 you'd be about 1/4" at 10m instead (which is what the highest BLK360 gen1 setting gives - 6mm). Unfortunately at that resolution on BLK gen1 you feel like you're watching paint dry. Start the scan, go make coffee, have some lunch come back and do the next scan. Gen 2 completely different. Smaller scanning...
Transcript>Understanding Level of Detail (LOD) Meets Matterport Pro3 Camera DanSmigrod 2 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN-TV | MSPs: Understanding Level of Detail (LOD) Meets Matterport Pro3 Camera | Guest: Robotic Imaging Chief Operations Officer Will Buzan | | Thursday, 2 March 2022 | Episode: 179 | WGAN Forum Member Name: @MikeChawaga Transcript [00:00:00] Dan Smigrod: - Hi all. I'm Dan Smigrod, Founder of the We Get Around Network Forum. Today is Thursday, March 2, 2023 and you're watching WGAN-TV Live at 5. We have a...
Where can I get an example Matterport E57 file? Olegred 4 2 yearsGladsmuir (664): Hi @Olegred, Matterport supply sample E57 files. They also supply a Revit plugin. You can only use the plugin with E57 files you have ordered from your account, not the sample ones. To use the sample files they first need conversion using a third party software. If you are not an expert in Revit I suggest you find a friendly Architect or engineer who is. Oliver
Video: (How to) Matterport Point Cloud to Revit via Recap Workflow DanSmigrod 2 2 yearsEMILIANO (172): @DanSmigrod Hi, From 2021, the plug-in can be used for AUTODESK REVIT 2022-2023 versions Great product E.
Video: Matterport 3D Point Cloud to SketchUp Workflow DanSmigrod 1 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Matterport 3D Point Cloud to SketchUp Workflow | Video courtesy of We Are VR YouTube Channel | 17 January 2023 Hi All, Is this "how to" video helpful? Best, Dan
WGAN-TV Transcript: Matterport MatterPak and E57 File: Pro3 vs. Pro2/BLK360 DanSmigrod 3 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @Sdoughtie ✓ WGAN-TV Podcast shows that include Pro3 in the Show Topic ✓ WGAN-TV Podcast shows that include BLK360 in the Show Topic WGAN Forum discussions tagged: Pro3 Happy holidays, Dan
Matterport E57 Files Available at Discount DanSmigrod 1 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): --- Matterport E57 Files Available at Discount Hi All, Seeking Matterport E57 Files at a discount? A WGAN Member posted (above) in the WGAN Forum Private Group: ✓ Buy-Sell Used Matterport Camera (and related stuff) Not yet a WGAN Forum Member? Join WGAN Free! | 50+ WGAN Benefits | Join WGAN Forum Private Group: Buy-Sell Used Matterport Camera Best, Dan Tuesday, November 22 2022
WGAN-TV Training U: Matterport MatterPak and E57 File: Pro3 vs. Pro2/BLK360 DanSmigrod 1 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN-TV Podcast | WGAN Forum Podcast WGAN-TV Podcast | Matterport MatterPak and E57 File: Pro3 versus Both Pro2 and BLK360 | Guest: Robotic Imaging Co-Founder and CEO Mike Chawaga | ...
WGAN-TV Podcast: Matterport MatterPak and E57 File: Pro3 vs. Pro2/BLK360 DanSmigrod 1 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN-TV Podcast | WGAN Forum Podcast WGAN-TV Podcast | Matterport MatterPak and E57 File: Pro3 versus Both Pro2 and BLK360 | Guest: Robotic Imaging Co-Founder and CEO Mike Chawaga | ...
WGAN-TV eBook: Matterport MatterPak and E57 File: Pro3 vs. Pro2/BLK360 DanSmigrod 1 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN-TV Podcast | WGAN Forum Podcast WGAN-TV Podcast | Matterport MatterPak and E57 File: Pro3 versus Both Pro2 and BLK360 | Guest: Robotic Imaging Co-Founder and CEO Mike Chawaga | ...
WGAN-TV: Matterport MatterPak and E57 File: Pro3 versus Pro2/Leica BLK360 DanSmigrod 3 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN-TV | Matterport MatterPak and E57 File: Pro3 versus Both Pro2 and BLK360 | Guest: Robotic Imaging Co-Founder and CEO Mike Chawaga | | Thursday, 3 November 2022 | Episode: 166 | WGAN Forum Member Name: @MikeChawaga Hi All, Got a Matterport Pro3 Camera and trying to understand the value of the scan data (versus a Matterport Pro2 Camera or Leica BLK360 Scanner)? Trying to understand the Matterport...
Matterport Matterpak XYZ Point Cloud versus the Matterport e57 Point Cloud DanSmigrod 1 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Grab from Add-Ons screen within My Matterport Cloud Account Matterport Matterpak XYZ Point Cloud versus the Matterport e57 Download Pak Hi All, Are you wondering how the Matterport Matterpak XYZ Point Cloud is different from the Matterport e57 Point Cloud? "the [Matterport MatterPak] XYZ point cloud...
Error Message Loading Matterport E57 file: help please AnjumDesign 1 3 yearsAnjumDesign (52): Just bought E57 file and it is not opening in cloud compare. I am getting below error. Any help appreciated
New/AEC! Matterport Plugin for Autodesk Revit + Matterport E57 $89 Add-On DanSmigrod 9 3 yearsVirtusRealis (77): @aerialpixels If you open a .xyz file within wordpad, you get this : X Y Z R G B -0.930735 -0.822349 0.683301 109 94 75 -0.931235 -0.822349 0.681796 109 94 75 -0.930735 -0.823025 0.681796 109 94 75 -0.910735 -0.922349 1.392174 131 134 139 -0.910735 -0.922349 1.400292 140 143 148 -0.910735 -0.922349 1.400292 140 143 148 Raw data, a unified point cloud. About e57, I'm wondering how they can get a 10x higher resolution...
Leica Geosystems BLK360 sample data DannyBasting 4 7 yearsmori (819): I would like to see some examples of images taken with the BLK360. Did anyone find examples?