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How to check and update firmware on Matterport Pro3 Camera?18995

wildcatdave71 private msg quote post Address this user
Hey guys I had a weird issue over the weekend with my brand new Pro 3. Upon boot up it got stuck with the matterport logo on the tiny screen.

Except it looked a little odd, instead of it being the red M with a white outline I only got the white outline and it was stuck.

My iPad showed that the camera was still warming up, that continued for 10 minutes.

I tried to power off the camera by long pressing the power button multiple times and it did not work so I had to remove the battery.

I then let it sit for a few minutes and went ahead and tried to power it back on but got absolutely no response from it whatsoever.

I swapped to my spare battery, both of which were charged over 70%, and had the exact same effect of nothing happening on the Pro 3. I let it sit for about an hour put in the original battery and it fired up.

I contacted support and they had absolutely no help for me whatsoever. They wanted to me to send the camera in but now that it's working I have to continue using it for projects that I have.

Anyway I would like to verify I have the most current firmware and I found this website page that tells how to update the firmware, except I'm not sure how to connect my Pro 3 to my Wi-Fi in my office so that I can send a firmware file to it. I'm guessing that's what the description of the steps is: the first step says to connect to your external Wi-Fi network and I'm not sure how to do this with the Pro 3.

Can someone that has a unit give me the rundown on how to get an updated firmware onto this device or to check the firmware version.

I would suspect that the app once it's connected to the app would warn me that there is a firmware update available, it used to do this for my theta Z1.

But I would just like to confirm that I'm current. And hopefully avoid any intermittent boot up issues in the future.

I'm quite impressed with the unit itself, especially on the performance jump up from the Z1.

But not very impressed that I spent $6,000 to have the unit malfunction within the first few weeks of ownership.

If anyone else has had a similar faulty experience please share. I would like to know if there was any solution or if this is a common problem and not something to be too concerned about.

However if it's a common problem that would be disconcerning as well.
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Club Member
Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
I guess you are confused by the following step "Connect your device to your external WiFi network. "
They mean your IPad/Iphone where the capture app is running, not a Matterport camera. The Capture app is used for updating firmware so you need to have your device connected to the Internet to check for updates and install them.
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wildcatdave71 private msg quote post Address this user
Okay that makes sense and I was wondering if that's what they meant. So basically you connect your device to the internet but how does it know that you're using a matterport pro3 camera that needs a firmware update since you're not connected to the camera at that time.

Additionally is there some way to check the firmware version on your Pro 3 camera when it's connected to your tablet?
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Club Member
Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by wildcatdave71
Okay that makes sense and I was wondering if that's what they meant. So basically you connect your device to the internet but how does it know that you're using a matterport pro3 camera that needs a firmware update since you're not connected to the camera at that time.

Since you connect to your camera from the app at some point it records what firmware version it has and saves it in the app data. Next time you have your Ipad connected to the Internet it compares saved version in your app data with the latest version available. If there is a new version the app will tell you to update.

Originally Posted by wildcatdave71

Additionally is there some way to check the firmware version on your Pro 3 camera when it's connected to your tablet?

If you start the app, connect to your camera and go to Settings->Firmware in the app it will show the camera as connected and it will display a firmware version # under the camera you are using.
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wildcatdave71 private msg quote post Address this user
Excellent, thank you so much. I appreciate the detailed and rapid response. Hope you have a wonderful day!
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DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Video: Matterport Pro 3: My customer service experience getting a replacement camera. | Video courtesy of Sparks Media Group's YouTube Channel | 4 Aug 2023 | Scan Your Space (a Division of Sparks Media Group) Founder and CEO Tom Sparks | | | @ScanYourSpace


You rock!

Thank you for providing the detailed Matterport Pro3 Camera firmware update process (above).


If Matterport is willing to swap your Matterport Pro3 Camera for a new one, you might see if you can get them to ship it to you first (before you send back the original).

I recall that other WGAN Forum Members where able to do that with Matterport.

Video: Matterport Pro3-My customer service experience getting a replacement

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Pro3 Problems
Matterport Support


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