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Help Please: Matterport Pro2 Lite Upload Problems18637

Flashcutter private msg quote post Address this user

I have an issue and wonder if anyone can provide some clarity.
I acquired a MP2 Lite camera several months ago and scanned two spaces and uploaded with no problem. I had a starter plan. I put the camera away for a month and then scanned another property this last friday. I was unable to upload. The upload icon (normally white) turned red with an X inside. Again, I uploaded a month ago with no issues.

I called Matterport and they said it was I did not have a professional plan and that that would cost about $700/yr. I'm just starting out and don't have that.

Why this model discrimination? And why was I able to upload with no difficulty from the same camera and Ipad?

And does anyone know anything about whether the new pricing structure might make these plans more affordable for us starting out?

Thank you for your responses. JM
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Jamie private msg quote post Address this user
@Flashcutter Hey there
I'll send you a PM
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Expertise private msg quote post Address this user

1- I believe your 2 uploads have maxed out the the number of scans your hosting allows. So, can you delete one of your previous scans from your dashboard?

2- There are certain limitations on the Lites because they were considerably cheaper than the Pro 2.

3- How long do you need to host this particular scan for? Someone with a hosting account and some room could make you a user and you could upload there.
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Flashcutter private msg quote post Address this user
Thank you…someone already graciously shared their space. Let’s see how the new pricing structure works out. Thanks for the input. JM
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